Lit/ Reads The Pale King: Official Discussion Thread 3

RIP Ron Edition
Contain your autistic rage everyone, this is a bully free positive thread

This week we read and discuss sections 10-21

Strawpoll to see where everyone who wants to read along is in terms of their experience with David Foster Wallace (mostly just for fun now seeing as it was originally supposed to gauge interest):

Reading schedule (stolen from the Pale Winter group read on The Howling Fantods)
>Week 1: (2/17 - 2/23) Sections 1-9
>Week 2: (2/24 - 3/2) Sections 10-21
>Week 3: (3/3 - 3/9) Section 22
>Week 4: (3/10 - 3/16) Sections 23-27
>Week 5: (3/17 - 3/23) Sections 28-45
>Week 6: (3/24 - 3/30) Sections 46-50, Notes and Asides

Previous thread:

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Bruh its sunday morning. I'm gonna do some reading here and I'll come back to ruin chapter 22 later ;^) no but srs post some real content fucko rather than ask if its dead

I'll make sure to never bump a thread with any phrase other than 'bump' in the future in order not to hurt you.


Type of thing

squeezed my shoes

>they're still reading it

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At this point in the book I'm a little uneasy at how many of his acknowledged trick he's repeating. The whole interview section is a lot like the series of complaints to Gately used to establish the rehab house setting in IJ, the author's voice bit is like Good Old Neon, the sweating is familiar, the list of illnesses too and there's a shadow of the Mario character in the incorrigibly well behaved boy.

In some ways it's like the beginning of the same book but better - less goofy anyway. Still, I was hoping it'd be more different.

primed for a fatherly shoe squeezing

followed by a wholesome family tittypinching

I don't know if you've gotten to the big Meredith Rand scene but she's very, very, very similar to Joelle from IJ.

I would disagree.
Aside from their overwhelming beauty they have little else in common aside from attraction to odd men, Meredith is a much more realistic character however.

In the previous thread (i missed) someone made this post:
>I cant think anyone really believes that today's so-called 'information society' is just about information. Everyone knows it's about something else, way down.
>So what's it about?

I would say that it's about masking the disgusting facts of life, that it is suffering, pointless etc.


>squeezes ur shoes

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Oh great, this faggot's back. Thread abandoned.

Oh great, this faggot's back. Thread abandoned.

He's the only one that's contributed to the thread in the past 16 hours

I feel a little foolish asking this, but how much of the autobiographical information about DFW in the book is true? I don't actually know much about his life.