Have you read it? What are your thoughts?

Have you read it? What are your thoughts?

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Protagonist needs to get blacked more

hi sage

Lol, nobody wants to read your book, Logo. Sorry.

i'd honestly read it if it was properly formatted

post pdf

was keen on checking it out but after reading the amazon preview i definitely won't be buying. found it really shit actually

haven't read it cause I'm broke, but ill bump for my man

More like ethos daedalus

i dont give a shit about your book stop shilling it fag

dunno why Yea Forumstards even bother writing books when they know they'll just get savaged like this

damn user just went sicko mobamba mode on em op

le ebin

put it on libgen and i'll read it for you, logo


I follow this guy on twitter too

I'll buy it bwecause I'm loyle to my capo

&, i didn't like the sample

Video games are art bitch.

I've started reading it, no thoughts yet beyond HOLY ADJECTIVES BATMAN

Show bob and vagene logo

What's in the Amazon Preview reads exactly like something that'd be posted in a Yea Forums critique thread.

Hi everyone Delicious Tacos here

I like the guy and maybe I'll buy to support him, but his writing in the preview was terrible and I don't suppose it gets better.

Should stick with Twitter takes which is where he has talent.

Ur book good but Logo is a pseudo

Really sad about this. All the frogtwitter "books" make me sad. BAP is an interesting guy, but otherwise the whole frogtwitter world is a sad part of twitter and twitter is sad and I wish it would disappear. Some of the self published "books" in this sphere make me so sad because these are supposed to be the "based" and "smart" and "hip" people of the Trump underground yet they have no awareness and do not seem very well read (most of them think a certain writer of 100 word bad flash fiction is the current year Hemingway). This whole group of self promoters just promote each other. They are addicted to twitter and it destroyed their souls. Seriously it hurt them spiritually. They are mostly kids in their early 20s with no life experience. They are completely unaware of the artists, writers, thinkers outside their little group. And none of them have any legit credentials of course. It's a bad sign that this stuff is as popular as it is. I wish these kids well, seriously I do, but I feel like they are really closeted and are incapable of recognizing important work if you tweeted it right @ them

Different strokes for different folks

Hi Delicious Tacos. Can you poast feet of your 19 year old gurlfriend? Thanks in advance.

Wow tell us how you really feel

No shill no krill


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I couldn't believe it when I heard a "funereal tenor of mourning" after reading the amazon preview and all of a sudden "a shipwreck in the maelstrom of my digestion" made me lose the "simian sturdiness of upright normalcy".

your book is good dt but logo needs to cut his teeth on some more non-twitter writing. nigga doesn't even have a blog. no wonder his book sucks. maybe we can get a decent sophomore effort out of him, he seems like a good lad.

holy hell but you're somehow even more of a fag than logo

Good kid maad Twitter

is that logo?

It'll be okay. Like you said it is mostly young, lonely people. They're having their fun and most of them will grow up. Not worth despairing over

Logo churns out a lot of pretentious shit on Twitter and the occasional gem. Maybe if I bought the book and sifted through it there would be a glimmer or two but the preview physically hurts to read.

based and logopilled

this guy writes like a eunuch


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I like Logo because he's from a little retard town like me. Also I'm pretty sure he's in character most of the time on Twitter. If you look at his older posts he was content reccing music and books and having friendly convos. Now he has to flex on video game nerds and Lacanians to keep up the bit (and shill his book)

Why is somebody that looks like a Jewish grandma acting like a hardcase

"This provides him the opportunity to inspect her posterior anatomy with a libidinal flick of his hazel eyes"


Logo shill

pusie bicth

Hey, loved the pussy

Why did he share this? Why didn't anybody stop him?

He bases his entire persona around literature and being a snobbish aesthete. This is more than a self-own, it's like a public suicide. It's painful to watch.

His writing honestly reads like he's never shown his work to anybody else before. I thought his arrogance was an act but it seems like he has no self-awareness at all.

>present tense
>excessive alliteration
>abstract imagery over coherent action and plot

These are standard red flags for beginning writers, basic cliches that intro to composition students are probably aware of

If you're Pynchon you can pull it off... But this guy is clearly not Pynchon. And Pynchon started with The Small Rain, not Gravity's Rainbow.

*dismantles your favorite reactionary pseud*

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let a jew nigga sell

I read the first chapter and won't be buying. It's not very good. Not mediocre; just not very good.

The problems have nothing to do with the ampersands, although some dashes don't enclose the clauses they're meant to. The vocab and alliteration are also fine.

Here are the main problems.

- Word repetition. In the first paragraph already he uses 'digestion' twice. One "as" will do in place of a second "so much as." I don't know how many times "flotsam" will be used in the book, but twice or thrice in the first chapter indicates he leans on it & similar words as crutches.
- "Associative web," "subconscious mythopoetical logic" speak more to the author's vain need to flaunt his knowledge than as lucid descriptors of his characters' interior states.
- Feels *for* the reader by describing Cairey as ie. "our most lamentable specimen." Instead, the text should lead readers into their own opinions.
- Metaphors either try too hard or fall into cliché, like he feels the need to include more for his work to be considered 'literary.'
- Tacos' short declaratives memed him too much stylewise, as in "The clock was 4am. His heart was racing. He went back to sleep."

Minor problems:

- Proper nouns like "horus" not capitalized
- Weird anglicisms like "clamoured"
- Mix of casual contractions (he's he'd) with formality "he had," "to which, from which" etc. owing to, for instance, not ending sentences with prepositions. Narrator is thus awkwardly stuck between chumming it with the reader and pleasing a grammarian schoolmaster.

I can't read

>twitter-tier social critique
>ekphrasis discussing a "serialized televisual drama"
>shameless solipsism
>adjectives, similes and metaphors that only serve to pad his sentences
>constant tedious abstract nouns "normalcy", "incessance", "bottomlessness", "insignificance"

at certain points it was hard to believe English was his first language

Plot twist, it happened to him and he typed that as cope.

its Logic

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Cope harder faggit
I bet Logo could beat you up

Thanks for promoting the brand

What about tao Lin then?

This confirms the plot twist

lmao holy fuck i think i've seen this guy at some concerts in the nyc area a while back

Pretty sure that guy is an elaborate troll.

Based and redpilled

not that anyone outside of his fanbase will pay any mind, but aren't book covers supposed to convey information and draw attention to themselves? that shit is way too dark

Just write "and" you lousy nigger. There's nothing wrong with the word.

Also: the prose just has no flow whatsoever. It doesn't sound like human speech or human thought.

Next time make your anxiety of influence about something other than Nabokov

logo's a basedboy

he also signed it -Logo Daedalus like he's quoting someone lmfao

dark like a ... suicide?

he clearly has no grasp of how hyphens and dashes work, or the difference between them

This too.

He has interesting takes on twitter but his poems that he pins are awful, over-verbose and embarrassingly un-self aware. I expect his book is the same but in prose. Ironically BAP is the most readable writer from frogtwitter.

bap is the sound my ass makes when i fart

substituting 'and' for ampersands is a pseud giveaway, babby's first convention break. i have a friend with similar Grand Literary Ambitions who does the exact same thing, and it's all explained away with muh artistic flourishes. needless to say he's an even worse writer than this guy

Why is the main character's name have an I in it? I've known a guy named Carey, and I've read the first name Carey before. But Cairey? Lol

It really does read like Nabokov fan fiction (in the worst sense imaginable), but this is what thinking about the moronic wiki-tier concept of "influence" makes a guy do

The minor problems are all intentional to imitate a prosody, or prosefeel if you'd prefer, of midcentury New England. The cadence is purposefully jilted as to best foster inhospitality because easy reads are only for complacent proles. Did I mention nabakov or gene wolfe?
I haven't read logos twitter in a few months so I don't remember how he speaks.
Mythopoeia canon ecologies.

Sir, are you a homosexual?


cringe. I'd rather read a book by whoever runs this logo parody account.

he's just as discursive as logo but not as entertaining. I didn't even mind his BAP review that much either.

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Haven't read past the point where the preview stops. Who wants to bet he peppered in some of his little Onegin ripoff poems in this? There's no chance he could resist.

has anyone read it all the way?

Does this book seem filmable? I’m interested in me and logo becoming some sort of Kubrick and Clarke duo, we could make millions

I'm hoping that at some point the narrator turns out to be a character and there's an explanation why he writes like shit

Ehh the ampersands aren't too bad. The only thing there is it's jarring when a paragraph starts with one, and that happens more than once. I have nothing against starting a sentence with and, by the way.

Will read more when I have some time.

Mcrumps flouride stare....

The sample on Amazon is what I imagine to be the result if you took the collected works of Pynchon and the Mezzanine by Nicholson Baker as well as a mid-century thesaurus and inputted it into that GPT-2 neural net that has been making headlines lately i.e. a poor pastiche that is barely readable.

1.5 / 5 stars

(NB: I have enjoyed both Delicious Tacos and BAP (while I find mcrumps insufferable) so I'm not dunking on it because I dislike #Frogtwitter but rather because it's not good prose. Also I think Melchizekek probably would have written something very good if he had stayed online)

I get the feeling he’d write a really good screenplay.

video games aren't art but life is a video game. art doesn't exist

it's a thing they made up to launder money and because "principle-agent action ensures that any and all censors will turn everything they have dominion over into a private fuck pit, and when they finally die of pissing in their own nest, the resulting population of folks who have never read Story of O will be subject to virgin-soil meme plagues" is too wordy