/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General

Fuck bloggers Edition
>fuck the thread slave
>what are you reading?

Monthly Reading for February: The Fifth Head of Cerberus by Gene Wolfe (Discussion by 28th feb)


Science Fiction:

NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries:


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Other urls found in this thread:

gen.lib.rus.ec/fiction/?q=Legion from the shadows

sanderfag a hack

Are any of the Star Trek novels entertaining to read? I just want something fun to read.

anything that plays like star wars but isn't star wars? most of the novels are shit

You're the slave now.

Well Timothy Zahn definitely enjoyed borrowing from the Foundation series.

Trantor Coruscant
Korell Correlia
Bel Riose Bel Iblis
Hari Seldon's guidance through major crises Thrawn setting himself to appear ten years after his death

Foundation and the Second Foundation two different Empires, one run directly by him and the second, the secret Empire of the Hand, set on the very edge of known territory to deal with threats that the main Empire didn't know about

The Hyperion Cantos and Revelation Space are also good Space Opera reads.

So, compatriots, I’m curious what the general opinion is on birdboi. After reading his ideas and world concepts he posts it all seems very interesting and a lot higher effort than the majority of schlock that gets pumped out now a days. Musings on government/religion/language drift are a lot more interesting than most which just copy the real world and file off the names.

Does birdboi remind you of anyone because he gives me Herbert vibes, he has a similar brand of autism.

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fuck you too
not my fault the thread goes above the bump limit when i sleep

Recently finished Roadside Picnic by the strugatskys. Any recommendations for similarly depressing stories? I've read The Road by Mcarthy already.

Everything by the Strugatskys honestly. Especially Doomed City and Hard to Be a God which have good translations.

Firelance by David Mace. Relatively unknown (outside of cold war wonk circles anyways) novel that's essentially Nihilist Red Storm Rising, a thriller about a super-battleship being sent on one last mission after WW3.

>"Political groups are building rapidly among us hardline realists. Me, I'm a realist -- so I can't avoid being hardline. The no-more-war people are on their way out. They're almost eliminated here, are rounded up and neutralized at CASAL. The groups are shaping up now for the big fight. Do we resume the war now while the Soviets are least able to hit back at us? Do we finish the job once and for all? Or just make a maximum effort to be ready to wipe them clean off the face of the Earth if they make the mistake of trying to his us as soon as conditions improve and what systems they have come operational again? The positions are being drawn up, extremist war-prosecutionists against hardline war-readiness people. That's the issue. The diversion of effort and resources towards trying to help what's left of the civilian population is no longer on the table as an option. Its principal supporters have already gone to the wall."

Birdboi has Tolkien style autism but in the wrong ways, he is concerned with the moving parts and not the whole mechanism.

The idea and level of autism sounds good, but I have doubts he will be able to pull it off before he dies of old age.

"All faggots should be fucking hanged, Leto, you fag enabling piece of shit!"
What did Duncan mean by this?

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High tier autism and interesting concept.

I disagree honestly, his autism is well placed.

Perhaps he has a plan for that. How many books was he planning again?

So i know this might sound like a stupid concept but i'm just testing the waters of my writing ability. The genre would be cyberpunk and my idea is the protagonist becomes a vigilante after going through a terrible accident which leaves him without a lower body and while in recovery he finds out that 1. the accident was intentional and 2. the people who did it doesn't know he's alive.

The story would start while the protagonist is going through recovery and researching the accident to understand what happened.


This was all thought up in the span of about an hour so if it doesn't sound too fleshed out that's because it isn't yet.

It's nothing revolutionary, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Execution is more important than grand concept.

i'd have to see an sample of his writing. worldbuilding is fine but there are a lot of things that go into a good novel.

according to some random guy who apparently talks to birdboi on discord birdboi himself things he is not too great and is focusing on improving his prose at the moment.


Man, this book sucks ass. Another shitty recommendation from reddit fantasy. The fact that this guy manages to take the shitty parts of xian xia, and remove the good parts (i.e. balls to the walls hype) is something amazing in of itself. Pure trash.

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i dunno so far i like it. i literally just started listening to the audiobook and im at the part where he is about to use the empty palm on the dad of that bully
there was a small buildup in that chapter through the conversation and even before that with the training of that technique. it was really great and when all the piece fell into place it got my heart pumping. cant wait to see how this turns out.

Oh boy, just you wait, it goes full retard later. Dropped it after that.


>Get in, losers. We’re going to Kosovo!

This review: goodreads.com/review/show/2725140484?book_show_action=true&from_review_page=1

>This book about American ‘boys cuddling’ is set during a genocide, where the moral of the story is “Hey, nothing is black and white, and a lot of those victims did awful things too, and maybe they sometimes had it coming”.

>I am not even joking or exaggerating. And if you think I’m being dramatic, the author even acknowledges this in his authors note. He quite literally acknowledges that he painted the Albanians in a bad light to show that ‘not everything is black and white’. . . . ”in war, there are multiple sides to every story. All Albanians were not good. All Serbians were not bad. . . . Good people make bad choices. Bad people make

I'm laughing my ass off, this foid is completely BTFO.
Based black author.

Did he write a book about Kosovo solely because his name is Kosoko?

anyone have a link to that review trashing kingkiller chronicle that always gets posted around here? I remember the reviewer was a snarky femanon.

obligatory cute girl post

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Do you guys like Patricia Mckillip?

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Post new books worth reading. Currently reading the King' Watch series by Mark Hayden which is Harry Potter for Adults (semi-boring).

Pic related.

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The description for the first book didn't strike me as any good. What was it again, something about a teenage girl working in mines and then becoming some super duper assassin and having a love triangle with a prince and his guard captain or some shit? Yeah, nah, excuse me I'll have to take a pass on that one.

>believing haters on Yea Forums
The first book is great.

What are you even on about? I'm 'believing' the official book description. Miss me with that shit.

Ignore the troll. It's a terrible series.

>I can say it's terrible despite never having read it.
Do you even read?

Over the past 5 years I made 80% of the threads. I ain't starting back that shit. So your fucking ass better be ready when the thread reaches 280 posts, like I used to.
I see a few threads ago you complaining about all the yous in the OP. Bitch I literally made hundreds of OPs, stop bitching and do your fucking job.

Looks like I will have to make some more anti writer macros. This isn't the writing general faggot. These past generals have become mired in the filth of aspiring authors . Make a general and post your writing in it.

This general is for the consumption of sff, not the creation. Stop being a feminist in trying to appropriate a system that is already established and twisting it to your ends. Make your shit feom scratch.

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I beat you are a irl chink, and you're vex he doesn't just start powerful after finding a fruit, then cucking and enslaving everyone.
>remove the good parts
You mean the shit writing? You probably read webnovel trash. I bet you are the fag that spams the thread with magnus of the thousand worlds or whatever the fuck it's called.

Anyone has the complete collection of birdboi posts saved?

If its always posted then you should have saved it you cunt. stop begging for hand outs b4 i glass ya

I can't wait for the day when we can ban the maas poster.....

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If I could see the future and knew I would feel like reading it somewhere down line of course I would have saved it ya dense cabbage.

I'm ~80% through Reaper's Gale and shit is starting to come together. So many plotlines I want to see resolved that I can't even keep count. It has no right being such a good book.

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Yes, ban the only las who's willing to discuss books.

>ya shit thats spammed multiple times a thread, every thread

How do you cope in life with that autism? Your parents must be so proud of the trolling. Good job son, you'll go far in life.

To the user who just finished the first Mistborn and wanted to know if the other books were worth reading.

I would heartily recommend it. If you're interested in learning more about the Kandra, the Lord Ruler and see how everything ties into the Cosmere as a whole, keep going. The second book might be a bit of a slog at times but, it's well worth it for the third book. I don't want to say too much as to avoid spoilers but, climax of the series is one of my favourites so far. Shit seriously hits the fan and you're missing out on a really fun villain and some good character growth by only reading The Final Empire.

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Women aren't meant to hold positions of power: the Book
Also Thomas Wade did nothing wrong

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>first Mistborn
I was so mistbored reading the rest of the books.

>mfw the only one who answered a call for new books is a spammer

Going to shit is pretty on brand for most xanxia/ wuxia though.
>magus or the warlock world purgatory arcc
>spirit vessel lufofus rape
martial god asura, the whole thing

That pussy lighting though.

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Who is the Stephen King of fantasy?
inb4 Stephen King

>Hedge shooting the cusser into Sheltatha's stomach just like that

Albanian dogs

What are your favorite sff TV shows or movies?

Firefly coz it's the goat sff show, GoT coz production value, Buffy coz nostalgia even though I know it's shit and Dark Matter because it's cheesy and perfectly bingeable with popcorn.

Don't know if you meant lass or lad

Good question.

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Lol, nice bait, but I'll take it seriously for anyone that actually likes this crap. I assume you actually read it, since you know about the fruit, hence you probably know about the full on ass pull that happens with the phoenix girl. Dropped it after that. That was full on retarded.

True, but this one went to shit pretty fast. Most xianxia goes to shit cause they just rehash the same plot over and over again, this one just pulled some dumb bullshit that pretty much killed the novel for me.

The guy said he wants 24 books. That is a more than decade long undertaking. He'll give up at some point.

>be /his/ fag
>everyone faps over this show
>everyone calls it historically accurate
>90% of the cast are fictional
>soap opera writing
It's only saved by the budget.

>Heretics not believing in birboi
>Thinking birdboi can't achieve that in a month
>Thinking birdboi would ever give up
What a plebian peasant.

Am birdboi. Questions answer yes now ask please.

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I am doing language work right now on Old-Osinic. I am doing translations to feel out parts of the language.

For the last time, I don't like lilacs!
Translation: Kotah Gaktanahjoh Ge Ka Draton Lurkanhi

Kot - Word root meaning self
Ah - Feminine suffix, first hierarchy

Gak - Verb root meaning "To Verbalize"
Ta - Verb temporal suffix meaning "Now", first hierarchy
Nah - Verb temporal suffix, meaning "Has occurred before", second hierarchy
Joh - Verb temporal suffix, meaning "Will not occur again", third hierarchy

Ge - Helper word, meaning 'the same subject is performing a connected action'

Ka - Helper word, meaning "the result of the verb's action"

Dra - Verb morality affix, meaning 'In a negative way'
Ton - Root verb meaning 'to regard'

Lur - Root noun meaning "plant one does not eat"
Kan - Noun descriptive suffix, meaning "beautiful"
Hi - Noun descriptive suffix, describing color, second hierarchy

Epub (that I have not tried myself): www37.zippyshare.com/v/t2MYTzfk/file.html

Less than a week left, get hype!

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>making shit up

Actually Cheng Xin did nothing wrong and Thomas Wade acting as the authors mouthpiece and ultimately letting Cheng Xin decide the fate of things confirm this. Some please post post local_woman_ruin_everything.jpg

Honest question. Who do you expect to read this?

>Most xianxia goes to shit cause they just rehash the same plot over and over again,
So it proves you are a webnovel chink that is mad you don't have asians raping and killing everyone with their intensive eyes.

I don’t know. I don’t really feel like writing to be read is the point, or at least writing for a specific audience. I am writing something I want to convey, and even if it is unsuccessful I know I put my heart into it so that’s fine. That is why I hardly expect, even if I do go the distance and finish all the books, to get published.

I suppose I am just writing for me at this point. I am trying to say something and I do not know what yet. I am trying to make something that feels alive to me. I am trying to touch the real.

Red Dwarf
Under the Skin

I want to add some more. I am not a particularly smart person. I look up to people like Herbert who could create worlds that seemed to breath. Ultimately writing in this way is a form of escapism. I am plagued by mental illness. Writing in many ways allows me to understand my misery. Writing is a form of therapy when the drugs will not work.

Good luck then birde. Write for yourself.

Good luck borb. I hope you understand things better.

Fuck off these books are fun

I hope things get better for you birdboi. Write for yourself, it’s better that way.

Yeah,she cool

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Trash, great cover though.

Possibly the most generic fantasy I've read in many many years. No originality, forgettable characters, and simply boring. 3.5/10

Americans can't write SFF. If you want to read good SFF, look into other countries.

That is pretty much the main reason you read xianxia, for the hype. If you slack on the hype, but still include the shitty parts, (i.e. overpowered heroes, hero having insane plot armor, etc.) it doesn't have much going for it. Which is the problem with Cradle. I mean we literally get a deus ex machina in the middle of the story. It was total bullshit and helped cement the mc as a gary stu.

Does someone have the Discworld reading order pic?
I want to start reading the Death books, I liked the Mort comic

/sffg/ how long do you normally have to get into writing a book before you start to feel like it's actually readable?

All I'm doing is groaning at how awful its coming out. I think my writing skills are past their expiration date

there is no steven king of fantasy, though sanderson is clearly trying and failing to be

Steven King is the Steven King of horror because he IS the horror genre. It's not just the number of books he puts out, or the fact that so many of them are considered classics, but the fact that he's got such an insane mainstream presence that he has completely become the face of horror. In contrast, nobody has a damn idea who sanderson is outside of the sff bubble.

there's wisdom in that birb, but don't sell yourself short. It's clear you have a vision. If you build it, they will come

Have you guys read Sam Landstrom's stuff? I downloaded a text game of his and I went into it with alot of skepticisim but I'm into it now

Is there anyhing you guys recommend on writing fantasy? Or writing in general?

I've read on here that Gene Wolfe is well regarded because he puts writing first, fantasy elements second, and I want to get to that point in my work.


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In that if there had to be a face for fantasy

Lmao if thats true I wouldnt blame you at all

The guy who got beaten by said deus ex machina was not some built up villain that anyone sane would expect the MC to overcome at that moment, you have autism if that specific sequence was enough to convince you the series is bad after reading less than half way into the first book, and your opinions are shit and should be ignored. It was pretty much just a part of world building at that point with the MC getting caught in something way larger than him at that moment and giving him a connection to the meta plot that's happening with the universe in the setting. I guess chinkshit consumers expect the MC to crush literally anything that comes before them. I have no idea why a deus ex machina would make someone a gary stu anyway, you're making no sense. Talking about a "lack of hype" after reading that little into anything is also fucking retarded.

>realizing Trull was going to fuck Clip up two pages before it happens
Trull is like Zoro at this point with this handicap.

If I intend to re-read the Hobbit and LotR, should I start with the Silmarillion which I haven't read or leave it for last?

Yeah Tolkien is probably a good pick considering the legions of imitators he spawned.

Terry Pratchet would probably be a close second because I've known a few people who read his stuff despite "not liking fantasy" and the wide range of stuff he did in Discworld. GRRM would be another contender considering how much stuff he edits and the widespread popularity of the GoT TV series outside of book-reading circles.

You might as well read it first.

Fuck off. It had a very original plot as far as fantasy goes. Go read your weeb litrpgs faggots

Thanks, will do!


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Just finished the ember blade by chris wooding one of the best ive read up there with stormlight if you enjoy classic fantasy adventure with a bit of new age grit you will love it.

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>cunning, lovable rogue with a heart of gold
Best trope
Send me your best books with best boys

what the rogue is a girl

what if*

literally any dying earth book. especially any of cugel's books. there's also nifft the lean.

would making fitting allusions to The Wizard Of Oz have an effect on the quality of my book?

because right now Im realizing just how little Id need to change to do it

Anyone read this? Please tell me I'm not the only one who thought it was hot garbage.

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I think the fact that the feminization of society as whole was considered a negative shows what Cheng xin thinks of women.
The public as a whole no longer understood the need for the sword holder since it has been their entire lifetimes since the deterrence era began

>heart of gold

cugel has a heart of mold

Anyone else find the LOTR a little underwhelming? I can see how it would be mindblowing for its time; but reading it today it just doesn't hook me like I'd expected it to.

The Hobbit is a whole other ballgame, I loved every minute. Maybe I'm just a simpleton

A literal god comes down and brings the mc back to life. That is literally the definition of deus ex machina. The point of "lack of hype" is this is what sets apart xianxia from other genres. For this series to be lacking in hype, but have all the other crappy cliches of xianxia, is the problem. And how is he not a gary stu, the goddess literally was masturbating to the guy about how epic he was for being so strong to stand up to the op guy. It was literally retarded, because all the jade warriors were going to fight in certain death too against the overpowered guy but yet she didn't care about them. Sounds like I triggered you, mate. Get better taste.

Send them as well

Female author. The fuck is your damn problem, son?

i hated both. Tolkien was a great autist with equally great ideas, but he was an abysmally dry writer. the Hobbit at least had more going on, but its clear he cares more for the world building and travel than his characters or conflicts

Fuck off shill

>muh poor people and oppressed
Horrible. It came off way too preachy. And the sword God best character was hardly in it.

I hope that one day I'll hold birdboi's book in my hands

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Because when I post my books you tell me it's shit.

>tfw working on a book now slowly uploading chapters and going to link it here to be rejected

>That is literally the definition of deus ex machina

When did I say it was not, it's literally her job since there's people strong enough to be treated as gods on most planets and she's part of a group that prevents them from messing things up. It just has fuck all to do with "hype" or lack thereof in the series in general. She doesn't ever even interact directly with the MC after this either. If you didn't particularly like this segment that's fine, you still have fuck all to say here after reading 35% or so from the first book in five so far.

>And how is he not a gary stu, the goddess literally was masturbating to the guy about how epic he was for being so strong to stand up to the op guy. It was literally retarded, because all the jade warriors were going to fight in certain death too against the overpowered guy but yet she didn't care about them.

Way to over exaggerate and straight up lie, she makes one comment about her job being to help the weak who stand up to the strong the way he did, that's literally it. And the other guys who stood up to him aren't mentioned since they're not dead like he is, he just happened to be the first one to die attacking him.

And I don't need lessons in taste from someone reading chinkshit, get some yourself, faggot. Most people in this thread preferring this to chink trash is one of the rare cases this thread did seem to have some collective taste.

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This honestly sounds pretty sad. Is birdboi the most endearing /sffg/ poster.

>chris wooding
>reading anything of his after that trash fire that was Retribution Falls.

Literally ass blasted that his dumb western xianxia is trash. I'll give you another reason why it's pure trash. The mc has the personality of a toaster. Dude literally is one of the most boring protagonists I've read. He's purely a blank self insert. Guy has no personality whatsoever, making the mom's death lack any impact, or hell, the face shaming and slapping also lack any impact cause the guy has zero personality.

And what do you mean over exaggerate? She literally shows herself to him, doesn't delete his memories, shows him his fate, and whisks him somewhere else to get trained or some shit (dropped it at that point since it was getting stupid). Sounds like you need to reread it.

how is deus ex machina viewed up when there are literally active gods up to various shenanigans?

And what do you mean not dead? The patriach tries to fight the guy before he gets one shotted. The whole point about how it's stupid is how the villain is so op that he can massacre the entire valley. Literally everyone there is ants to the guy, making the mc's show of courage none greater than the other guys who chose to fight and die with honor.


He should pick up photography like me, and shoop the holy miserable fuck out of his shots. That’s catharsis.

>let me tell you about the MC's personality after reading barely over 1/3 into the first book

Keep going dumb faggot, are you going to tell me about the series pacing next?

>Sounds like you need to reread it

I just did, you have some serious reading comprehension problems, the reason she doesn't delete his memories is because he asks her not to, the fate reading was not some reward for bravery or whatever stupid shit you keep repeating either.

>and whisks him somewhere else to get trained or some shit (dropped it at that point since it was getting stupid)

Well that explains it, nothing of the sort happens you dumb retard, she literally just resumes time after undoing the whole mess and reviving everyone and leaves him where he started after showing him a few things.

i`m only half way through. dunno if I will make it.

riyria chronicles

In terms of volume of content, Piers Anthony.
In terms of being a cultural icon, either J.K. Rowling or George R.R. Martin.

>Freezes time for everyone else but the mc.
>Tells him his fate and shit.
>Hurr durr it wasn't his reward for bravery
>Godess literally takes interest in him for that
>Dude isn't even dead yet compared to the patriarch who gets his heart ripped out
>Patriarch gets nothing for his bravery

The story is dumb and so are you.

>A general election empowers a clueless woman who ruins everything.

What did Cixin Liu mean by this?

>patriarch gets nothing for his bravery
>got killed before he even knew what was happening

Down to lying I see, or just a really stupid speedreader, guess we're done here, fuck off retard.

What the fuck are you talking about? He literally attacks the guy with the illusion spell when the mc thinks that the patriarchs head is gone.

That part was me speed re-reading, he did try something briefly. Anyway, the point is the only reward the MC gets is some exposition, that's literally it. You don't know she didn't speak with all of them and they just didn't ask to keep their memory, they had no reason to. The only reason he even gets the exposition is his fate gave him some chance for some great things in the future, regular MC stuff, might as well stop reading fantasy let alone xianxia if you have a problem with that. There is no stupid gets whisked off for training or special treatment or whatever dumb shit you expected to happen. As I said in the next four and a half books she does nothing to interact with or help him. IIt's just setup for the far future probably if he gets strong enough on his own merits.

Sure but the patriarch was the strongest member of the clan. He would be expected to fight. You wouldn’t expect the kid who gets rekt by literal preteens to take a swing at it. There are much worse tropes to sperg out about than this.

Not to mention the patriarch wasn't even given a choice, he tried to murder him on the spot.

Not really, I might be wrong on this but I believe the Patriarch attacks him first once he hears he's from the Li clan or whatever there called. Either way, the Wei and Shang Clan Jade fighters prepare to attack the guy after, even knowing that it was certain death (some of them choose to bend the knee instead). So him getting special treatment in that instance doesn't hold up, considering his bravery was the reason the Goddess talked to him and didn't freeze him along with the others.

You are wrong, the patriarch replies politely when asked if he's the patriarch and the guy tries to murder him instantly. And the other guys were 1)jades so probably all older people and more importantly 2)not yet dead. And more importantly than anything your whole argument is a total non-factor strawman that you're autistically clinging to when you should have dropped the argument half a dozen posts ago and are just shitposting at this point.

>I am not a particularly smart person.
>Writing in many ways allows me to understand my misery.
> I am trying to make something that feels alive to me.
>I am trying to touch the real.
>Writing is a form of therapy when the drugs will not work.

Jesus christ. This sounds fucking depressing.

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There's virtue in honest reflection

It’s because he’s speaking the truth.

What the fuck is going on with pic related?

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oops im retarded. Probably makes more sense to post this pic instead.
Last I heard I thought he was just editing his draft now since he already had the cover art ready.

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depression divorced and remarried or something dumb like that

how DEUS VULT is that book?

in my head i see a northern barbarian amazon-like warrior women. naturally a redhead.

i wish i could know.

That couldn't be further from the character I have in mind. she's wimpy science nerd rather than a barbarian and ethnically she's half chinese.

I only wanted the last name Gale to relate her in some way to Dorothy Gale since her friends all fit neatly into a wizard of oz motif

god damn it.
atleast give her freckles.
freckles make my wee wee hard.

Why are we tolerating a shitty tripfag like birdboy? All he has done is spam these fucking threads with unrelated shit from his shitty writing, it's like bunnyfaggot.

How fucking new are you?

> tripfag

>why are we tolerating something that makes the thread not complete dogshit like always
you dont get upvotes for fake badassery here pal

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Just got to House of chains in malazan after 3 weeks of listening, since there's a VA change in this book I guess nows a good time for a break.

I need some absolute garbage to listen to now so long as long as its fun. I'm thinking maybe Cultivating Chaos but I fucking hate chink shit and chink pandering shit is barely acceptable. I'm hopeing it atleast doesn't read like its written by a psychopath like most chinese light novels do.

I much prefer it to writefags whining about how they'll never finish their books.
We don't care about the travails of writing here, only the results.

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It's not chink shit but it's also not that good. It's just bland and inoffensive wuxia written for western teens.

You're a twat.

He is literally whining about it earlier in the thread.

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Depressed and divorced is Lynch.

Depressed, divorced, homeless and remarried is Butcher.


It amazes me how many authors cant handle the slightest distraction in their lives. Makes it hard to keep track.

I too pictured a barbarian but Astrid is also a great librarian name.

I remember doing a LOTR marathon in highschool with some obviously gay nerds who said something similar.
The plot was predictable but I think that's because so much of the story has been cribbed elsewhere.
Reading nueromancer before seeing the matrix must have been mind blowing, etc

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where can i read his stuff?

when you guys call a fantasy dry, what exactly do you mean by that, is the prose not attractive, or is it something about the content itself being focused on too much one thing and not another?

No you've got stuff mixed up. Butcher only got divorced, then got ripped off by the contractors building his new house and was stuck in a situation where he didn't have a writing space for like a year and a half, and then got remarried last year. Lynch had his grandfather die, his wife left him and they got divorced, was severely depressed, then he got married to another author, Elizabeth Bear, something like two years ago.

And speaking of, anybody got comments on Bear's Jacob's Ladder series? I've had it on my to-read list for a while and I've been thinking of shuffling things to the front.

I didn't know Lynch got remarried as well and I used homeless as a collective for whatever Butcher was going through with his new house.

I know writing can be hard but Butcher saying he didn't have a place to write because the contractor didn't build his house is the one of the most hilarious excuses I've ever heard. Like, bruh, rent a bigger house? Rent an office to write in? What he fuck kind of excuse is "I didn't have a place to write."? lmao

And it seems like Lynch looks like he remarried a tweaker version of himself.

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I didn't know Lynch got remarried as well and I used homeless as a collective for whatever Butcher was going through with his new house.

I know writing can be hard but Butcher saying he didn't have a place to write because the contractor didn't build his house is the one of the most hilarious excuses I've ever heard. Like, bruh, rent a bigger house? Rent an office to write in? What he fuck kind of excuse is "I didn't have a place to write."? lmao

And it seems like Lynch remarried a tweaker version of himself.

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Did you delete your post because of a typo?

Lies and slander, I don't know what you're talking about.

This website really needs to stop being assbackswards with features and include an edit feature like any other forum that has moved on from the stone age tbf.

How about you deal with your minute mistakes?

That would completely absolutely fucking ruin everything. Legitimately end yourself for even having that opinion you goddamn yak.

Nah, they make me uncomfortable. They have to be fixed or I might have an episode.

Yeah honestly, It`s a fucken anonymous imageboard. who cares you weirdo.

>Who cares

Oh lordy I can't wait to hear what neckbeardish puritanical tripe you've come up with to justify this stupidity. So do tell, how is an edit feature going to "ruin" everything?

The moment anyone gets called out on anything they could just edit their post.

I would be so dumb.

>being this stupid
You do know where you are right? This is a place where people backpeddle when called out on their bs. What do you think would happen if we could edit? You want anarchy?

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Have you not used any other forums with an edit feature? Editing in bad faith is SIGNIFICANTLY less of a problem than you think. Not saying it never happens but it's rare. On a forum filled with as many autists as this one, as soon as someone does it they will be called out and kept track of and their original argument immediately dismissed even if it did have some legitimacy.

PS- Nice typo btw, bet you wish you could fix it.

what if you just included a changelog with their posts if they make edits

In need of a good laugh. What are some examples of terrible writing you've come across? I mean actual passages, not books on the whole.

kek good job just outed yourself as an ESL.

a year or so from now.
the author does it as a hobby rather than full-time.

basically everything I've written in the past two weeks.

If I manage to finish writing this piece of crap it's going to be a miracle

getting ripped off just feels like the end to every decent writer's career. It eats up all their time and ruins their mood. They never finish anything after that, and what they do finish is always terrible. I'm still pissed at The Odd Gentlemen

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God I hate unreliable narrators.

God I hate (You)

well, you take what you can get

>reading past the first book
Based Lynch saving you retards from his own shitty books.

You can do it!

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>ending of RG


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>Have you not used any other forums with an edit feature?
You should go back to them.

Galaxy's Edge

>there's also nifft the lean.
>mfw just discovering this book (and writer) today
Don't know how this shit passed me by when I love Sword & Sorcery.

How long did it take you to figure out that Bakker having that one character say, "The slog of slogs!," over and over again was Bakker himself realizing readers would find that book a slog to actually read? Because it was a slog to read.

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You know how feminists cry about "male power fantasy?" Well here's some feminist power fantasy and it's WAY worse because this shit actually gets nominated for Hugos (thus proving the Hugos mean absolutely nothing anymore).

Is there any other author with a style similar to that of John Steakley? I'm more or less obsessed with his rwo novels.

>thus proving the Hugos mean absolutely nothing anymore
Since the Hugos are voted on by people who read books too it would seem you're in the minority. Just because you don't agree with their choice doesn't make them wrong.

>defending garbage
Please leave.

A Stitch in Time is about Garak and is written by Andrew Robinson. Very good book.

Dark Matter is 10/10 shlock.

Whatever happened to the angry puppies

im on the third audiobook here and im enjoying this immensely. blond freddy mercury is my favorite character.
are the authors other books as good as this?

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Traveler's Gate is darker and edgier. Personally not a fan, too low in quality compared to Cradle.
Haven't read his Elder Empire series but I heard it's his most mature series but still not as good as Cradle.
PS- The next Cradle book is coming out on March 1st.

how long do his books usually take to come out?

He pushes them out pretty fast. All of them were less than year apart from each other .6-8 months on average.


White Luck Warrior had the best ending twists though. I really like the march through scranc country.

He's Chinese, they love equilibrium and balance

The Great Ravine (or whatever name it has in English) is meant to be the excess of "virility" and bellicism, whereas the period of the era of dissuasion is an excess of "femininity" and turning the other cheek.
Seriously, how could they forgot that the first words of the Trisolorians were "you are bugs" and that they killed all ships of Earth like bugs when they arrived, and only stopped because they wouldn't be able to do it?
How did the fact that they merely imitated human art, and did not actually give their own work tip anyone off that their respect was not sincere?

This series might even be better than Throne of Glass.

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Is the author a thicc milf like Sarah Maas?

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fat != thick. Sarah J Fatass is a fat cow that uses every single camera trick in the business to avoid showing her girth.

Wtf i love Ilona Andrews now?!
She needs to show her girth more desu,she could get fat fetishists to buy her books

I'm confused. Ilona Andrews is actually a good author(s) so why are you putting that in the same trolling context as Maas?

What is the Mr. Brightside of books

So The Crow plus Upgrade

>isekkai where it turns out the magical world is actually the future


The Old Man and the Sea.

>I think the fact that the feminization of society as whole was considered a negative shows what Cheng xin thinks of women
Nah mate, hear me out. The real moral of the story is in the ending with the Restorer movement (or whatever they called it) basically mirroring Cheng Xins ideology. All the surviving "bad guys", humanity, tri-solarians and light-speed-bikers alike, have actually reformed and stopped being hard ass genocidal maniacs in the end. Happiness and optimism restored for the first time since what's her face told the aliums to kill us all.


Planet of the Apes?

you mean to say you'll manage the first six at best then give up due to the sloppy mess that it gradually becomes

Does it really get that bad?

it came to mind.

the magical world was already going to be a post-apocalyptic world. might as well be our post-apocalyptic world to hammer home that there's no going back, and the theme of survival. It also lets me jerk the heartstrings when the MC finds his own mother's grave, and finds the fruit tree he planted for her bearing uncorrupted fruit

So you're writing Adventure Time the novel. Nice.

eh, everything's been done

Daily warning that every male in the series is a eunuch.

i gave up after the first one

By the time you finish it birdboi will have written 11 books, died and been replaced by Sanderson.


There was a good ass vs tits thread till someone ruined it

Ass is better

If you like most of the main characters and can tolerate the rest it's not that bad. If you end up only reading for some of them and want to skip probably not.

I don't know why people whined so much about Perrin, he doesn't even get that many chapters in the books people complain most about.

Thanks I will look it up.

We all know that, but it was funny someone ever defended tits

Fucking breeders

The Heroes , Joe Abercrombie
Yay, nay?


can you autists use his real name so i can look him up?

Yes and I say that as someone who actually likes the series. Most people who like it picked it up during their adolescent years, I have no doubt I'd drop after one or two books if I read it for the first time now.
That said the first 6 books are decent but not without flaws and books 6-10 are a real shitshow and needlessly dragged out because RJ wanted to make a buck.

He's just a local user that hasn't even published anything yet

It's like 200 votes to get a novel on the ballot and 75 for anything else. Basically small groups of writer friends voting each other's garbage writing in. That's why it's all social justice crap (easier to form voting blocs around their identity). Even mildly famous writers like Greg Egan or Peter Watts lose to randoms who go to conventions all the time.

>open book
>it has a map and a list of characters
>close book
What makes you drop a book? If I have to have an encyclopedia for a story, that's too much for me

a map and a list of characters is an encyclopedia?


>tfw read through every PKD novel and short story collection I could find

I love this crazy bastard's stuff. Any recommendations for something similar? I've also read most of Gene Wolfe's works which were also great.

I just really dig these "mindfuck"-style sci-fi reads.

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Where the fuck can I download audiobooks from?

From the new authors, Jasper Fforde writes great mindfuck

Also the other obvious candidates like the Strugatsky's (Doomed City, Hard to be a God, Roadside Picnic and much of the Noon Universe), Solaris by Lem etc


Late night is yes am birdboi question answer me do sorry if post too much.

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what are you doing here?

I can't sleep.

now is the time for resting, tomorrow you fly

Someone find an ebook for Legion from the Shadows by Karl Edward Wagner and I'll be your friend.

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Phoneposting atm
Check all these sites (it's not on bibliotik or MAM I'll tell you that). If it's not anywhere you're fucked.
Worldcat will tell you if there's an ebook version available.

If it's not on amazon you're double fucked.
If it's not on worldcat as an ebook or those sites or on amazon as ebook or as an audiobook there will be no way you can get it without buying it unless you or someone else scans it or you get it from the library. (Don't bother trying mobilism, the only place people buy stuff no one else will read/scan stuff is on private trackers like redacted, the last time I got someone to buy/borrow and scan a whole book for me it cost about $150 USD/300GB in upload buffer - more than people can feasibly earn on these sites in a few decades)

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Anyway gen.lib.rus.ec/fiction/?q=Legion from the shadows

Thanks, bro. I checked mobilism, b-ok.xyz, libgen.io, and soulseek and couldn't find it.

Man the search function for libgen is so fucking wonky.

uh that link is from libgen.

I know. When I search it nothing comes up. Typed in the title of the book and the writer and nothing.

You have to try:
1. Regular mode
2. Fiction
For libgen. Libgen should auto search b-ok so I recommend sticking to the ones I've mentioned first. Soulseek may have additional stuff but it's less likely, although I usually search slsk too but last.

And don't miss IRC especially for older books the size of the library is also enormous.

You probably didn't select fiction.

As I said when searching on libgen for fiction you must also try with the fiction box checked. It trips me up too.

Yea it works now. Thanks.

Any wheel of time fans here? I want to kick your ass!

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Bitch I'll hit you with a Wheel of Time book and put you in a coma.

Only Sword & Sorcery niggaz in here, bitch.


Is Robert Jordan's hatred of cavalry supposed to be a criticism of Tolkien?

Im reading eye of the world for the first time and does Robert Jordan have a thing for cougars? Why is every woman rand ant the other boys come in contact with older or slightly older and flirt with them a little bit

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/sffg/, quick question: im trying to write a scene where, because the team is dangerously low on food, a character turns his attention to making the giant roaches scuttling around edible. Does this still sound unthinkably nasty

>The shell had turned bright red by the time i took it off the fire, though here and there thin edges had gotten ashy from the heat. Looking as it did, i could almost believe it was a lobster for a minute, albeit one I found scuttling down the sidewalk. If this ended up edible, street lobster would be a decent name for it.
>The hind legs looked meatiest, so they were the first ones I went for. They came off easily, and after that it was a simple matter to crack the shell with the back of my knife, and with reckless abandon i dug in.
>Of all the places I might have expected to find heaven, mouth-deep in a cockroaches inner thigh was definitely on the tail end of the list, but lo and behold, there it was. It had a texture like lobster unsurprising, buttery and meaty, but surprisingly the taste was anything but. It was light and vaguely smoky, almost like Thanksgiving turkey that had been basted with melted butter. There was a bit of dryness around the edges where it had overcooked on the spit, but as this was the first meat I had eaten in weeks, i was inclined to let that slide

Because they’re teenagers, majority of women they come across are going to be older.

>but it's also not that good
That goes for the genre as a whole. And also for anything Arand writes. So that's to be doubly expected.

>up there with stormlight
It's so easy to figure out the shills who come here only for that.


>In terms of volume of content, Piers Anthony.
I actually liked A Spell For Chameleon. Any other books by him worth notice?

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Early riser just wasn't doing it for me.

>Tim Gerard Reynolds does litrpg
How the mighty have fallen. No one is safe these days.

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Dyke lesbians giving into dick and wearing dresses and girlying themselves up is my fetish.
Any books with that?

Why do I feel you are flavours user?

Jerk off before posting please. We've been through this before user.

>being this salty

First time I posted about my fetish itg...


why do you think?

Jemisin is the three time Hugo winner no one will ever read.

Litrpg is the modern Tolkien lol

Seems like if you're a half decent writer and shit out some LitRPG while catering to the self insert crowd along with certain fetishes, at the very least you'll get a decent sized following.

Guess I should get to work on my story where the self insert not only fucks his harem, but eventually their moms too. Maybe even his own mom. MILFs and Incest don't really seem to be in any LitRPG so maybe I'll strike gold here. Wish me luck anons.

>Dyke lesbians giving into dick
My brother. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any series that I'm aware of with this sort of progression. It doesn't help that the community is full of screaming snowflakes who will feverishly come after you if you write something they deem sexist, racist, homophobic, etc.

what exactly is litrpg? is that like heroic fantasy but with game mechanics built into the world?

It’s where you spend half your book filling pages of copy paste stat screens

Essentially the western version of the Isekai meme form Japan. They usually start off with some random bloke getting transported into a fantasy world, alternate dimensions, alien planets and whatnot. Then there's usually some sort of video game mechanic like the characters being able to pull up a status screen and use abilities. And finally cue five or six ridiculously hot women falling for the protagonist which eventually lead to a harem scenario.

Don’t forget the nonsense of the protag power leveling by methods that wouldn’t work in any mmo ever

oh, I thought western isekkai is like what im writing, or wonderland, oz or narnia. do we have a separate term to distinguish the two?

ive heard rabbithole fantasy used, but not here

Like another user said, GoT for the production values but the plot quality has been steadily declining for a while. The episode focusing entirely on the battle for the Wall was absolute kino though.

I'm watching Altered Carbon right now and its... Alright. Some times its quite gripping and in other moments its utterly uninteresting. It hasn't entirely pulled me in but, I'll keep going for now.

I just wish there were more fantasy series. There's a fair chunk of sci-fi tv out there but, not much in terms of fantasy. ACTUAL fantasy too, not just historically inaccurate vikings or what have you.

Stick to milfs. Incest will never be mainstream no matter how much you degenerates fap to it, especially mother and son shit. The only way you'd get away with it is if you make it a stepmother or foster mother scenario.

Because you trying to make roaches delicious.

Altered Carbon looked great but the writing slowly went to shit as the season progressed. Dunno how they managed that with a book to draw from when they got the other parts right. It had a lot of potential but ended up being just an ok show.

no one cares you filthy dnd fag.

You have:
The Magicians by Lev Grossman
American Gods by Neil Gaiman
Both have tv shows.

post random shit so i can make the thread before i sleep, it's 2 am

Movies are better than books

They look like modernish settings though and thats not what I'm after.

oh, meant I sound like flavoranon because i am flavoranon

my bad

i dont even read anymore

Get a job faggot

im still on my last semester, fuck off

New thread early to piss him off

bad user

It's not salt if it's true. I've read most of Arand's books (including that one), and they are all mediocre. But hey, I wasn't looking for any masterpiece when I started reading them, so that's okay. As for wuxia or xianxia or other chinkstuff, I've yet to read I single good one. It's all about power creep and family honor and petty nobles. Honestly, read one read them all.

Perhaps there is one such book, but you'd have to find it buried among the graves of all amazon self-published titles. It's a big grave, you might want to start your quest right away. I'd suggest crawling through this page amazon.com/gp/new-releases/digital-text/668010011/, find the smuttiest books in there, read the description real quick and see if it may fit. Then go for the recommended books on the bottom of each page and check those out as well. You may want to check out the romance section, although that would make you more prone to find female protagonists.

Good luck.

>liking products past their

There's Shannara Chronicles, althought that's been cancelled after season 3 I think, and TLOTR is coming soon by Amazon's (R) Diverse Team (TM).

>liking products past their
is that way cunny fag

how is the andromeda strain? i always hear about the movie but never the book

When do I read Unfinished Works, /sffg/? After Silmarillion or LotR?

My man