Where do I start with Rene Guenon?
Where do I start with Rene Guenon?
Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines. I personally recommend Symbols of Sacred Science, it's a good read. After that you can try Crisis of the Modern World.
You start with the Firebird, make a quick left at Rite of Spring and eventually meander your way to Agon by way of the Symphony of Psalms and the Septet
The toilet, user. It’s time to dive in.
>Hey Mom! Mom?! Look how much I know about classical music! I am a genus!
The Language of Birds essay is great and a short read.
Was Rene racist? Was he kind? Were these traditionalist-people kind souls? I don't care what you subscribe to, so long as you are kind to others.
>Was Rene racist?
Racism is rooted in scientific materialism and is therefore antithetical to Traditionalism
>Was he kind? Were these traditionalist-people kind souls?
I don’t know much about his personal life but I’d hope so
he wasn't fond of the abos, but then, who is?
>Racism is rooted in scientific materialism
Wrong. Science completely debunks racism, racism is rooted in traditional essentialism
long bois unite
He has the face of an animal but I can’t quite put my finger in which animal it is
Rene was not a racist, he did have a funny knack for writing various banter in his books about various cultures and races (I've read in various books of his at one point or another that the Anglos are especially prone to retarded occultism/bland moralism, that the Turks have always relied on the Persians to do their thinking for them, that the Greeks were brainlets aside from a few exceptions, that the Jews were over-represented in Bolshevism and that it's the Arabs and Jews who come up with prohibitions against idolatry because they're particularly prone to mistake worship of the idol itself for the metaphysical principals it is supposed to signify). But at the same time he condemned Fascism/Nazism and solidly agreed with Vedantic and Sufi doctrines that God is really the only 'thing' that exists and that things like race and so on are not actually real (from the perspective of absolute reality).
From the perspective of the metaphysics he agreed with different people including say an African and a European would have had their individual personalities etc qualitatively characterized in different ways by their 'subtle bodies' but at the same time the 'subtle body' is considered to be an ultimately unreal phenomena and he would have considered that everyone's subtle body was observed and animated by the same uniform and undivided Atma/Allah alike; that there are very real differences and aptitudes between various groups on a certain level of the hierarchy of existence but at the highest levels these differences vanish.
>racism is rooted in traditional essentialism
Can you elaborate? Not sure what you mean. Of course the tribal/community-centric attitudes of traditional cultures frequently lends itself to """racism""" (and this is a good thing as it helps a community defend itself and maintain social and cultural cohesion obviously) but insofar as the metaphysical doctrines Guenon writes about as Tradition teach of an Absolute beyond and which transcend any sort of conditioning like race, form, color and name it means that racism pertains to a lower and partial understanding of reality, the exoteric and not the esoteric. I am not sure whether you are talking about his ideas of Traditionalism or something different.
Read what he wrote about the Germans in the deleted chapter of his first book mate.
do you have a source for that? I remember him calling them obfuscators or something at some point in one of his books but I'm not sure what you are referring to
L'Influence Allemande. Look it up.
I can't find anything other than French webpages and I can't read French. If you could provide an English translation of the chapter or a link to a French version that could be ran through google translate I'll read it. Even if he did attack them in that chapter though that really wouldn't contradict anything I wrote about him not being an actual racist anyway but I would be curious to check it out regardless if you could spoonfeed me a source.
It's a legit good music rec t.b.h so it's still more worthwhile than your whole life.
nevermind I think I found it, Yea Forums thinks link is spam though
here rene-guenon.ch
bang the last chapter into google translate
With proper seasoning, others abos.
a catlike sphinx
Racist is an essentialisation of culture brought abut by improper scientific understanding, so you're half-right.
Makes plenty of sense desu.
>The English mentality certainly has no aptitude for metaphysical conceptions, but it has no pretensions in this respect, while the German mentality, which is no better endowed, has the greatest illusions; to realize this, it is only necessary to compare what the two peoples have produced in philosophy.
I just read the chapter, it's just his usual acerbic criticisms of the trends of German philosophy that he also directs at other groups too, but that has little to do with genuine racism which is really incompatible with the metaphysical doctrines he accepted as truth; to think otherwise is to misread his thought. Did he think that German philosophy/metaphysics was especially bad and that it exemplified some of the worst problems of the western mentality? Yes. Did he think that Germans were somehow an exception to the rule that God is equally present in all living beings as their real Self? No.
Is there really such a thing as "English" or "German" which produces certain kinds of philosophies, or is it just a silly generalization we make?
The idea of a concrete "German" or any other mentality ventures more into the realm of conjecture, but IMO there are still certain historical trends in the philosophy of certain nations/languages which the idea of a "national mentality" could be used as a shorthand way of referencing/describing
no it's just a silly generalisation that Monsieur René makes.
thank goodness, i don't see people in terms of cultural background and just want to love everyone equally. u guys have a good day okay
> Was Rene racist?
If anything his books are anti-white.
he looks like some random character at the beginning of a hellboy story who sends hellboy on a mission
Hijacking this thread to ask, HOW THE FUG IS ANYONE SUPPOSED TO UNDERSTAND THE REIGN OF QUANTITY. What the HECK is materia secunda? What the HECK is "Extension?" So many things I don't understand. Should I just give up and come back to it after I understand medieval philosophy better?
read Crisis first. then bone up on Aquinas. then back to Reign.
I've read Crisis and Intro to Hindu Doctrines and understood them both. My Aquinas isn't very good though. Should I still give up for now?
get a short primer, or be ready to check a glossary frequently. keep at it.
What would be a good primer for Scholastic Theology? I read Ed Feser's book on Aquinas a few years ago but it didn't stick with me at all and I don't think I had very good comprehension of it.
>Wrong. Science completely debunks racism, racism is rooted in traditional essentialism
any Yea Forumserature you could recommend on this?
Intelligence and the Wealth and Poverty of Nations by Richard Lynn
Race by John Baker
The Bell Curve by Charles A. Murray and Richard Herrnstein
The Race FAQ by Steve Sailer
Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald