>When asked about what made him fell in love with Beatrice, Dante replied: "Her delicate white feet that used to rest on my face after days of travelling, which shapes the feet like clay shaped men. I'd spent hours undoing the damage Italy's terrain casted upon her toes, and cried when dead skin came out of it, for it meant part of her godlike feet were no more. Oh how i mourn her smell!".
- Dante, a biography by Boccacio
What are some good writer anecdotes?
Writer's anecdotes thread
Boccaccio is fucking based.
wtf. is every writer a footfag now??
When will people learn that the foot fetish is the fetish of intellectuals?
damn, i want to be a writer. guess i should start liking feet now huh. kierkegaard, dante, chaucer, virgil, pushkin, dostoevsky, david foster wallace, jonathan fronzen... all great writers. all foot fetishists...
I used to be just like you: extraordinarily intelligent but deeply in denial about my love of feet.
Once I came to accept it, my intellectualism could finally be realized to my audience. I was finally content with myself and my ideas, though out of the ordinary and niche, could finally be expressed properly. Sometimes I wonder if God isn't what all the Jews, Hindus, Navajos, and Nordics think they are. Maybe, perhaps, God, euphoria, and all epiphanies may only be realized through one thing: feet.
Holy based.
this could be a banner
I never understood the footfags. My girlfriend doesn't really have nice feet though so maybe that's why. I always go for the pretty face over everything else.
I also don't understand it. Though i think it has to do with the fact that foot fetishism was linked to higher IQ and SES. But i love La Divina Commedia and i want to write like Dante, so i decided to start fapping to feet.
I hope this opens your eyes.
Don't mind me just dropping some fresh Emily Brontë scholarship. This shit is the very definition of an anecdote
>you will never be that surveyor
Holy shit thanks
Fantastic. But it's missing Kierkegaard and Dante.
I might update it. Is OP's Boccacio quote legit? also where can I find the Kierkegaard thing
Does anyone have sauce on Virgil's foot fetish?
Also, I'm fairly certain OP's quote is fake, given that Dante's love for Beatrice was unrequited. Also, "godlike feet" seems uncharacteristically blasphemous.
The closest Dante got to Beatrice was a chance meeting on the street which caused him to immediately run away his room to "think" about her. He would probably have died of ecstasy if Beatrice deigned put her foot upon his face.
ever wondered about the fact that two of the most influential right wing geniuses had their legacy organized by women for a long time afterwards and who networked and helped build a new generation, and both were accused of distorting the legacy too much towards the right?
There's a thread on Kierkegaard right now. Dante's quote isn't fake because it wasn't meant to be taken literally. He was just imagining a relationship and reporting it to Bocaccio. They did it a lot, they'd spent hours talking to each other making up stories and taking notes of them to produce literature later.
The Boccaccio's quote is fake, you dummies. However, it's very likely that Dante loved Beatrice's delicate feet, considering it was pretty common for stilnovisti poets to praise their beloved women's lower extremities. Petrarch said that he'd worship the footprint and the soil where Laura's foot had passed, and in another poem he directly talks to Laura's feet.
>I might update it
Add Dante, Petrarch, Balzac and Kerouac. I remember a passage where Balzac said that Lucien had "such beautiful and feminine white feet, that no one would believe it, unless he had taken off his elegant shoes". Kerouac, instead, in The Subterraneans tells that he was sitting at the feet of his negress girlfriend and then he looked at her cute toes with pink nail polish, and suddenly all he wanted was to kiss them.
>the Boccaccio's quote is fake
My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.
This :(
Just kidding, it's real
Yeah, i just checked here and there seems to be a mention of this quote in a preface to the Decameron. Time to update the list of footfags.
I wrote a bit today. There was a single paragraph I didn't like for whatever reason. It's the same quality as the rest and there's nothing really "wrong" with it exactly but it pisses me off. Do any of you guys feel this way when you write stuff?
wrong thread, kys
My happiness is immeasurable, and my day is brightened