>Loved: Shakespeare, Beckett, Dickens, Melville, Salinger, Bely, Kafka, Ulysses, Proust, Austen, Barth, Bergson, Borges, Chekov, Milton, Flaubert, Hawthorne, Hemingway, Queneau, Pushkin, Tolstoy, Sterne, Wells, Updike
>Hated: Dostoyevsky, Toilets, Pound, Mann, Marx, Freud, Ballsack, Brecht, Camus, Sartre, Celine, Finnegans Wake, Faulkner, Lorca, Lawrence
he was too patrician
Loved: Shakespeare, Beckett, Dickens, Melville, Salinger, Bely, Kafka, Ulysses, Proust, Austen, Barth, Bergson, Borges...
He also hated Cervantes, so no, no he wasn't
no he didnt
He's also a pedo
he was just memeing
Dunked on Borges in Ada
Hating Faulkner and Camus is a major pseud move.
Lolita devolves to little more than a B movie plot with flimsy prose halfway through - its legacy is B movies and porn that tries to have a plot. Pale Fire is decent but it's 75% wankery.
Why are all his stories so disgusting?
Cervantes, Miguel de.
Don Quixote. A cruel and crude old book.
Hating Dostoyevsky makes him a plebeian though
>it's 75% wankery
But that’s a good thing, wanky lit is best lit
>liked Austen
>disliked Dostoevsky, Pound, Marx, Freud, Camus, Sarte, and Celine
Dostoyevsky is for mostly for American midwits who think that reading entry-level Russian lit makes them cultured
That isnt an insult lol
yeah, and?
Wasnt he the ultimate prosefag? It seems odd that he would hate Celine
>entry-level Russian lit
You're retarded beyond belief.
How the fuck is calling something "crude" not an insult? WTF man.
>formerly needsons
the jokes in the book are crude
How is he complimenting the book by calling it both crude and cruel?
>for mostly for
it is not a compliment and it is not an insult. stop replying to me.
Dostoevsky is just philosophy for people too retarded to read actual philosophy.
he knew Borges' deep secret
I thought it was more a reference to Borges' passion for German philosophy.
it was just a well-camouflaged anagram, that's it
>loved Hegel
>hated Marx
based af
It's never just that with Nabokov.
Agreed on hating faulkner and camus being a pseud move
>hated commies
osberg is a norwegian name, not jewish
Just like Iverson
>loved: Tolstoy
>hated: Dostoevsky
Men of vanity get attracted to each other, it seems.
fuck off, Aris
most of the FGC tolerates you, at best
>loved homoway
what a gaylord
I love Nabokov's work but he was such a fucking faggot
Shut up.
Did anyone else discover Bely through him?