What is your ideal writing environment?
What is your ideal writing environment?
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Inside my foreskin
Sitting at a bar drinking the liquid jew
Bukowski, pls
a small, self-made cabin in a small Norwegian fjord
All I need is a desk that's in front of a large open window that's either looking at nature or traffic, and a computer with Emacs installed.
A typewriter in garbage dump close to a bunch of factories spewing toxic smoke.
a private booth at the diner, around 2am on a weekday.
>Bukowski was the only alcoholic writier
oh boi
Are most booths not private?
A dimly lit bathhouse private room. My tight boypucci being rhythmically rimmed by a muscular hairy man's fist.
Is that new york? Jesus christ what a fucking shithole city. Can't believe people live like that.
A forest probably. It's my ideal environment for everything
Kafkaesque post
Where is that pic from? Absolutely gorgeous and fantastican. I'm gonna move there if Europe
>and a computer
I write some of my things on a computer, but I still prefer to write by hand most of the time. Them I pass it to the computer.
It's quieter.
My hands start to ache within 5 minutes of writing by hand. It's quite bad, so I can't do it. I also feel a lot more free when writing on my computer, my thoughts get transmitted quicker to text and I can more quickly change words or whole sentences around. I feel so much slower writing on paper and a lot more restricted because of this.
>oh my gahd trees on a mountain with poposhop le fantastic!
It's just a bog standard French alpine village, you niggerloving swine.
Cityfag cope. NYC is trash, would never set foot in it again.
>gets overwhelmed by a pedestrian picture of a forested mountain
>n-no y-you're le cope le city-fagg
Do you have any self-awareness at all, you buzzword regurgitating sub-80 iq triple nigger?
Stfu faggot
Fuck off back to Discord, tranny
new york city is fucking garbage only enjoyable for rich faggots. Life close by the Adirondacks and Catskill mountains is where its at.
lol fag in a jacket
Imagine what a couple hundred refugees could do for that measly farm!
Anything other than your office / home office is wrong.
The photo in OPs post is easily the most pretentious thing ever. I know a lot of people like this, the meme of "everyone has to see me writing" is real and it's annoying. What makes this photo especially irksome is that this asshole staged it. He actually thought this through so he could get a photo to post on some social media platform for likes from his other douche friends and most likely his douche mother. Assuming the father is out of the picture at this point.
Unironically Alan Moore's dingy little town house.
I think people use typewriters because it says to them "I am being a writer" in a way that computers do not. Sitting at a computer is 90% of the western world's work and leisure time so there's nothing aesthetically unique about it.
absolutely gorgeous
Thompson's house
I wrote in a brewery because I like their beer, the atmosphere and unlikely to be too rowdy but still loud white noise. It's pretty fun. Higher ABV beverages are fun to play with when writing too, even if it seems that make you appreciate the less mistake prone sobriety. I think I'm learning that alot of the work of writing is sober, analytical and step-wise fixing of mistakes, gaps and rephrasings. Alot of these things become easier when sober. That said, there's some pleasure to be had in doing something you enjoy and channeling those good vibes into what you're rendering. It's somewhat freeing too because I needn't worry about this being some great composition, only exercises in greeting inspiration with immediate action, typing ideas immediately and as fully as possible, embracing the ethanol's counter-inhibitory effects.
Personally, I find thought flow better when I'm writing longhand. The backspace is was kills me; I'm such a perfectionist that I never get anything done since I get so caught up in the details. Writing longhand pushes me along and at just the right speed. When I type, I often find my thoughts running too fast so I make typos.
in a lighthouse i won't see a single human being for 6 months
On the porch of an old beach house on an overcast 59F degree day with a slight breeze blowing.
Glad to see a gentleman of taste in these uncivilised lands.
>Do you have any self-awareness at all, you buzzword regurgitating sub-80 iq triple nigger?
What an embarrassing sentence. Cities are trash and ESPECIALLY new york.
A milk bar
At work or any other place and time that I can't be writing.
Not even trolling. I only feel excited and compelled to write when I'm unable to.
Anywhere and anytime that I CAN write, I can barely open the laptop.
Probably because you associate the laptop with things besides writing.
Nobody argued the opposite, you deflecting moron.
;^) more empty regurgitated buzzwords eh?
how did you guys get into writing? I'm assuming people usually parrot their influences before eventually developing a style of their own. Moreover, how do you choose subject material? I never know where to begin. Are there any youtube channels that teach you how to write?
My command of vocabulary and ability to string together sentences is already well above average from reading since I was a child; I can write in great detail and quite verbosely about any given topic, I just can't seem to write something of my own. I can't even decide upon fiction or non-fiction honestly.
>Are there any youtube channels that teach you how to write?
It's how all the greats learned, after all.
NYC is the most /aesthetic/ city on the planet.
I grew up ruralfag innawoods. Ever dug jiggers out of your skin using your own fingernails? The forest was thick with brambles, so every evening around nightfall I'd stumble back home with blood trailing down my legs to the point my socks were permanently stained. There was nothing to do but go innawoods because we were that poorfag. I built forts, dragged huge logs over creeks to make a bridge, played don't-fall-in-the-swamp jumping island to island and crawling across fallen trees.
Can't compare to a big city. OP pic rel is the most aesthetic thing I could imagine if you remove the fedora retard from the picture.
>muh nature
Swamp, animal shit, animal skeletons, sighting unusual critters, figuring out what made those tracks, chasing frogs, running through endlessly same-looking woods again and again, never changing, same shit every day, same acres every day, same weird neighbor "don't wander into his property line because he'll fire a warning shot at you", same insects, same worn trails, same trees every day, same spider webs in your face every day. Can't compare to the downtown of a large city. Woods woods woods woods woods versus a million always changing places and people and opportunities, always a new street, always a new neighborhood to explore.
>only enjoyable for rich faggots
Walking is free and you can eat on $5 a day if you know where to look. Endless sidegigs available to score extra cash, endless shared housing situations to score cheap rent. Not my fault you can't hustle.
I don't live in NYC (too close to home, don't want my parents dropping by for visits) but I've spent a lot of time there. It's god tier and you are massively COPING if you say otherwise.
Writing on the sly at work is top tier.
I can only write prose in a computer; I feel much more agile and the amount of text is far easier to handle digitally. However, for verse I need paper; if it's not by hand I can't really give it the care and dedication it needs. Also, I don't get tired out as much.
t. bugperson. Have fun with your niggers and code locked bathrooms. Your dad still thinks you're a retarded faggot kek
>shared housing situations
Oh dear lord I actually hadn't gotten to that part yeah aaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
look at all that potential paper. charcoal, too.
i hate everything about your picture. my ideal writing environment is in a mud brick hut in the desert with pic related.
>not JUST a poorfag, but also an idiot who never learned how not to be retarded innawoods
you realize country living is work right? just like cityfags have their constant hustle, country people ought to spend their time productively. not falling in swamps and bringing parasites in the house.
Are you me?
I had a room like this once and it was so inspiring.
>go to new york city for concert
>piss on subway to show the locals I'm not an easy mark and know the territory
Once you get to know the tricks of the city it can be a pretty enjoyable experience
>making sacrifices to pursue economic opportunities makes you a bug person
My family will be better off than yours in every way because I’m not a neurotic dork who can’t put up with roommates for a couple of years to pursue his dreams.
>he thinks he's going to make it in NYC one of these days
>he thinks he will have a FAMILY with people who he meets on this lark
okay kid have fun hustling shorted dime bags try not to catch a felony for blow
Enjoy your trailer and the neighbor with a grow operation your kid walks into one day and gets shot over.
>why didn't a KID spend his day working omg i can't believe it
No shit you retard. I didn't write about it so it didn't happen? Feed the chickens, collect the eggs, weed the garden, harvest what's ripe, help dad do shit like repaint cabinets, clean stuff he found that day to resell. Wow you really showed me. Damn kid, why didn't he get a job as the county electrician?
Country people are inbred retards who do jack all day and think they work hard. My entire family is like that and they haven't read three books put together in the last decade, their free time is spent watching television or drinking cheap beer. Wow so enlightened.
Absolutely SEETHING over his malnutrition and abysmal tenement housing situation. Many such cases.
>Country people are inbred retards who do jack all day and think they work hard. My entire family is like that and they haven't read three books put together in the last decade
What makes you so much better than them, Mr. Falls-In-Swamps?
He knows people who shoot heroin and fights terrier sized rats for bizza bie. True culture.
Something cheap and not too noisy
I'd chuck this homo out of that window with his fruity retro hipster click clack machine.
A cottage inside a four-dimensional projective variety.
In my room with a boozy coffee. Anyone who feels the need to write in public is just waiting for someone to ask them what they're writing
I hate booze in coffee it just floats
Just in my bedroom with the lights dimly lit. Im gonna try and write in a cafe one of these days
'dacks represent. I live surrounded by gorgeous mountain scenery and I need only walk 5 minutes in any direction to find a decent trailhead.
Thanks for the pic, man. I was feeling so lonely and now i want to die. Got any more, before i kill myself?
Shit boys I live at the top of the park
>all the greats learned the same way and if you don't follow it you'll never be one of them
Yeah dude the only job in cities is “crack dealer”. All 8 million people in NYC are just crack dealers. Definitely not finance, consulting, academia, global retail, shipping, the arts, and the myriad industries which exist to service all the above. Just crack dealers all the way down.
>finance, consulting, academia, global retail, shipping, the arts
>shared living situation
Do yourself a favor and get tickets to a night of the disco biscuits at the playstation next time the fish band from vermont is in town. Times Square on acid is the only thing worth doing in NYC
Huh? People at the entry level of those fields live with roommates all the time. Dudes making $120k as Wall Street analysts live with roommates because they’re straight out of college and don’t mind it if it means getting some real savings under their belt.
Uh-huh. That's clearly not what your situation is mr $5 a day and perpetual side hustler. Buy tickets for NYE. The playstation, not MSG. Promise it will be fun.
When I worked 3rd shift security. Essentially I was totally alone and just had to do rounds like twice a shift and the rest of the time I was pretty much a warm body on the offchance something happened, which did not happen once in the 10 months I had that job.
Long story short I spent all of my time reading and writing while on the clock and it was pretty great.
I'm not the side-hustle guy (though he has a point). People live in places like NYC to accelerate their careers, whatever that happens to be. Some end up liking it and sticking around, but plenty of others use the experience they picked up in the city to move somewhere quieter as a more valuable worker.
I dunno? Anywhere where it doesn't hurt my back or i can let my creativity flow easier
My only problem with gigs like these is that they are just ‘jobs’, you know? Like not a career, really. I like careers where I have some time to read and stuff, but if you’re in sales like I am that is rather infrequent. I usually just settle for some good hours so I can get back home and read.
Reading or writing by a window is terribly distracting
Eh it's not for everyone. 3rd shift has gotta be awful for your health long term, so it's probably good I didn't do it forever, but I struggle with feeling like I'm wasting my fucking life working 40+ hours a week to afford my meager existence so at least I got to get paid to basically do what I'd just be doing on my time off anyway, leaving my time off work wide open for any socializing I'd have to sacrifice if I wanted to actually write while not on the clock was a pretty sweet deal at the time, even if I was still broke as hell
>piss on subway to show the locals I'm not an easy mark and know the territory
this isn't the 1980s anymore grandpa
>raves on about le country loif
>lives just outside of NYC
mate try and get some real country in you, somewhere far away from, oh I don’t know, one of the largest cities in the world
Also fuck everyone for hating on NYC I’m from rural Australia and I’d love to go there, probably will though. The city has so much more than the country, although those that grew up and lived in cities dream about a forest retreat where they can write in peace, people who grew up in the country dream about being in a city where they can zone out to the white noise of the traffic and footsteps and hone in on their writing in some little comfy loft.
Horses n courses or whatever
>As a foreigner, fuck everyone for hating a city I've never been to. There's no reason to dislike a corrupt tumor attached to your state
>le grass is always greener I guess in the end after all at the end of the day
> Mr. Falls-In-Swamps
My lord, like some retarded Indian name.
Okay grandpa, why do you hate NYC?
If you’re just some racist old twat who hates Le social justice warriors or whatever you’re thoughts are invalid
>I demand an explanation for this injustice against a place I will never visit!
that's cute
>corrupt tumor attached to your state
I’m sorry, do you mean “global economic engine attached to a massive expanse of rust belt garbage?” Imagine thinking upstate New York is some sort of awesome conservative paradise and NYC is a failed city.
Imagine being assblasted someone doesn't want to live in your expensive piss soaked labyrinth
My room, preferably with a guitar, drum, voice mic and bass set up with a midi and laptop.
For my real job I write ideally in a place with no distractions and anything to remind me that I should kill myself.
How edgy. Everyone apparently works in that environment in your world I take it?
In reality, most people die slowly in an office or while doing a trade.
Still happens all the time, broheim
All greats learned to write by ... writing.
I record music and produce a bit. My initial tracks sound nothing like my newer tracks because I practiced.
Then my real career got in the way.
Only if you can’t afford it.
Not in my neighborhood.
It’s a grid my man. Can you not count?
>not in my neighborhood
do tell user, are we lying or jewish?
>everyone who can afford to live in a nice neighborhood is a Jew!
We both know every square inch of the city awash with piss user
What building is that pic taken in?
You will never make it
anything as far away as possible from that stupid old New York Jew looking husk, taking a photo to pretend mastery of the world.
An attic turned into a makeshift hiding spot. Eyeing the birds with one eye, wishing I could just grow wings and fly away, secretly watching my lover as he lays dead silent with the other. Running my hand down my swollen belly and marveling at carrying the fruit of our love under my heart. Tearing a piece of paper from my diary and having a playful written argument over baby names. Passing each other scraps of paper with a name written on one side and a rebuttal on the other
some quiet corner in some quiet cafe in some quiet town
An environment where i can't be arsed to get out of bed and wageslave for 8 hours a day 5-6 days a week while also needing the time to provide attention and care to the misses
I dunno Yea Forums, i have so many ideas that i've picked up over the years but i still feel insecure about them as i'm not sure if i'm educated on the particular subject or not, so i keep postponing the act of writing them down saying to myself "Once i'll raise the money to buy some real estate, i'll live a carefree life and manage to start writing"
it's just so excruciatingly painful for my mind to process
there have been zero writers that achieved greatness while holding down a steady 9-5 job.
Wallace Stevens
nobody knows who that is
Execs and wageslave jobs are not the same thing because the first will give you plenty of money and usually plenty of leisure time.
No, you should just die. My waifu is pure and not your pervert reading material thanks.
While walking, wandering. It's a bit of a problem, in fact.
While scribbling down the gist of it into a notebook is fine and good, I've gotta start hammering it down in-full as soon as I get back, lest the idea and spirit becomes diluted by the normalcy. Still, moving around lets my thoughts flow, and things I see, occurrences I meet, and all I wonder about feed into my writing.
I should probably get a portable typewriter. Laptops just distract with all the things they can do. Not that I typewriter and all the paper would be perfect, either.
how about a pen and pencil there, champ. cheap as can be, eminently portable, and you can even sharpen it with a pocket knife you should be carrying anyway.
>inb4 i don't have a loicense for a knife
Patrician taste
I write in the cafe of this place library lowest of the high windows. Its quite calm inside and you have a nice overview on the square below, where there is a market sometimes. You can get cheap but decent tea/coffee. There is also a coffeeshop for marijuanas nearby 5 min. Walk. Pic rel.
Inside of the cafe. Just sit by the windows.
The lady at the "bar" now recognizes me and I dont even have to ask for what I want I just get it.
why are the chairs all different?
I like being around people without ever having to interact with anyone. What environment is this?
>ITT malnourished communists try to justify their dystopian surroundings by bragging about all of the fake money being circulated by capitalists
Capitalists society. The mall.
>live close to nyc
where can you be thats so rural then?
who here actually lives in NYC
i live near bushwick in queens and work in manhattan
fucking dirty urban american shithole
nuke the cities
gas the cats
shoot the powerplants
primwar now
Unleash the orange shapes
>them there cityfolk are evil communists and probably Jewish too!
Imagine being this butthurt about living somewhere with no economic opportunity that you have to convince yourself there's none in the cities either just to cope with your daily existence.
Seriously though, I hope you guys get out hunting and fishing and such at least. Those things are the only way to make rural life bearable.
>t. starving retard infuriated not everyone wants to live in his nigger cage
Cities are very de facto segregated. You're just too neurotic to deal with other people.
that artwork is horrible
quindarius ya finna seethin. Go do some side hustlin' and cool off dawg.
>brings up communists and jews out of nowhere
>reduces issues of the urban hellscape to economic opportunity
i bet your soul looks like hillary's smile famalam
I was surprinsingly creative when the girl that I loved was having sex with someone else meanwhile I either had to drink my sorrow away or to stare at the light snowflakes that felt outside my window.
What the fuck did I just read?
Fair point but given the opportunity of every writer who has existed prior to the information age, do you not believe they would gladly choose a computer over a typewriter. Novelty aside. I find typewriters to be a bit pretentious, like a mathematician using an abacus to do simple math.