Post your favorite French thinker of the last 100 years and be nice

Post your favorite French thinker of the last 100 years and be nice

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Kevin Macdonald

Look at this handsome fella

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lol you can't even bother thinking of a French meme racist?
he cute
what have you read by him?

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>what have you read by him?
His wikipedia page

Georges Bataile


This is the guy in the top 5 of most important thinkers in the past 100 years

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Was he a manlet? He looks like a manlet.


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Maurice Blanchot

>was he a manlet
>is french

what do you think?

Thomist master

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Debord and Baudrillard

Clouscard. Love Debord too.

dude on the left.

on the right is Rev.Dr. Susie the Floozy of the Church of the Subgenius.

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dominique venner
alain de benoist
guillaume faye

Based, this is what I came here to post.

Literally btfos all previous anthropological explanations for desire

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Does Gide count as last 100 years if he never mentally moved past the 19th century?
Still the only French writer whose outlook I find satisfying and whose Gallic prose doesn't drive me up the wall.

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He looks like the annoying guy talking loudly over a glass of pretentious wine 2 tables over from you.