Post your favorite French thinker of the last 100 years and be nice
Post your favorite French thinker of the last 100 years and be nice
Kevin Macdonald
Look at this handsome fella
lol you can't even bother thinking of a French meme racist?
he cute
what have you read by him?
>what have you read by him?
His wikipedia page
Georges Bataile
This is the guy in the top 5 of most important thinkers in the past 100 years
Was he a manlet? He looks like a manlet.
Maurice Blanchot
>was he a manlet
>is french
what do you think?
Thomist master
Debord and Baudrillard
Clouscard. Love Debord too.
dude on the left.
on the right is Rev.Dr. Susie the Floozy of the Church of the Subgenius.
dominique venner
alain de benoist
guillaume faye
Based, this is what I came here to post.
Literally btfos all previous anthropological explanations for desire
Does Gide count as last 100 years if he never mentally moved past the 19th century?
Still the only French writer whose outlook I find satisfying and whose Gallic prose doesn't drive me up the wall.
He looks like the annoying guy talking loudly over a glass of pretentious wine 2 tables over from you.