>tfw you realize weed is soma
Tfw you realize weed is soma
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woah deep bro
It really isn't. It can exacerbate anxiety quite handily.
t. Anxiety problems.
you have a lot of growing up to do kiddo
100% true. I laugh when I see people waiting in a line 100 people deep outside of a pot shop in the freezing cold waiting to get their fix.
Its not because its affects are not the same for everyone.
Weed makes the lateral parts of the brain increase volume responsible for provoking more anxiety. But i wouldnt tell you were wrong if weed isnt being taken many times for people to "escape reality" and cope with life.
Huxley wrote about his drug trips somewhere. Figure it out from there.
I doubt it was weed
A better comparison would probably be closer to anti-depressants and opioids
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Hey new fat. You can get off my board anytime, but suggest you lurk more for now
my teacher told me soma represented any drug that someone relies upon to function but not to survive
>>tfw you realize weed is soma
Explain the infamous "paranoia" from cannabis. Sounds very counter-intuitive.
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Yea Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
nope, think she was either atheist or a less than devout christian
well, as far as I've learned in a class on drugs and international culture, its heavily debated that the ingredients of actual historic soma is either a mix of opium and other tranquilizer properties or mild hallucinogenic crude plant extracts. As for the novel, I would reject the notion of thc playing any role whatsoever.
>actual historic soma
man just kys
>my board
Unironically kill yourself
How do people have gf's and anxiety, I don't get it if it's not sexual. Do cities have a certain effect on people that make them anxious or is just chemical? is a monk anxious?
He wrote Brave New World before the psyches
i love weed and i had a panic attack when i heard the wrong note in a song. it was so bad that i thought my heart was going to pop out of my chest and i felt like i was being killed. people have been smoking weed for thousands of years and will continue to do so
>the internet is soma
In Brave New World revisited he explains he got it from some weird tree sap in India that has similar affects to soma but had various other side affects and it was extremelly addictive. Its was mainly consumed by a few tribes in special rituals.
weed just makes you inefficient at everything.
>natural plants that relax people are LITERALLY all mind-control drugs being pushed by governments that made them illegal for centuries
Are you retarded?
Thanks for the really interesting story
>illegal for centuries
fake news
>tfw you realize soma is just a cheap knockoff of the lotus fruit
speak for yourself
He speaks for you too, you useless lump
It is a common mistake I see. People say something like "weed just makes you inefficient at everything," when they meant to say "weed just makes me inefficient at everything". It isn't a big deal though, it is an easy mistake to make.
>i don't want it to be true
Far more common is the feckless loser who swears blind that the weed he smokes daily improves his output rather than contributes to his black hole of an existence.
Glad you agree.
why did that guy eat a car
I wasn't agreeing, I just acknowledged that you replied to me.
no, purple drank is
Terence mckennas food of the gods is essential on this topic
Not the guy you're quoting, but I have social anxiety and it has nothing to do with women.
Person who relies on intoxicants already has a weak will; weed does not cause that weakness, only adds lazyness and apathy.
The person that fails to wake up and clean up gets slowly buried.
t. tried weed, unimpressed toketotaller
I think soma is more like a anti deppressant than a weed in that manner
it's actually a metaphor for chewing gum. huxley had some weird hangups
The problem with McKenna/Wasson is that the Zoroastrians still exist. As points out, they're our oldest continuous source for soma, and their key ingredient is ephedra. It's likely a combination of ephedra and poppy, with cannabis added in some regions.
A second problem with fly agaric is both its distribution and effects: while trees such as cedar which it develops symbiotic relationships with would have been more populous in Eurasia before human deforestation, it would still be too uncommon form the kind of harvest needed to spread its religious use as a basic an ubiquitous foodplant as described. It's more likely a cultivated plant, not one that had its habitat threatened with the rise of human civilisation. (Cedars were already being protected from deforestation in the region under Hadrian) Fly agaric also has wildly different effects compared to opiates or ephedrine on the large scale it would have been consumed: it is unlikely anyone would choose it as a pain relieving substance over opium, or as a stimulant over ephedra, especially with a large population of users to report effects.
Thanking you for that, has given me a bit to think on. At a glance the decriptions and the identity of soma match
Pseudoephedrine essentially being speed. Opium being hallucinogenic and having pain relief allowing the lame to walk. Etc.
>can't refute
>still needs to have the last word
Weed really fucked you up, huh?
kys broseph
Weed totally BTFO
Yeah sort of haziness in small doses and full on psychedelic in large
It’s a good drug