So I just got laid at age 26 despite believing that premarital sex is against the moral law. It wasn't that enjoyable, don't think I'll do it again.
Has this shit actually unlocked my potential as a writer? I don't feel any different.
So I just got laid at age 26 despite believing that premarital sex is against the moral law. It wasn't that enjoyable, don't think I'll do it again.
Has this shit actually unlocked my potential as a writer? I don't feel any different.
All sex is against moral law
>Has this shit actually unlocked my potential as a writer?
The opposite is the case.
dun goofed
I once went to the zoo and saw this thing they call an ant-eater. That was quite enough for me.
It usuall y is a disappointment the first time. Everyone builds up unrealistic expectations. Like anything else in the world good sex takes practice - what you put in is what you take out!
Found the incel
How exactly did you get this gal?
"4 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth."
t. viper
My first time was the best sex I ever had. It's about a decade of sex I had.
But the first time, I really like her, we fucked for 40 minutes, I pulled out and came on her tits, she was happy about me coming on her, I was happy, it was just great. Most times after that, sex was just a means to get off.
How did a vagina feel and was it better or worse than a lubed hand?
I went out drinking in my hometown with some friends and hooked up with a girl I went to high school with. I've always thought she was attractive but she smells poor and she's slept around a lot (she did anal with one of my friends, and another one of my friends vomited in her vagina while drunk).
Well, yes, the Demiurge is part snake, I suppose.
>How did a vagina feel and was it better or worse than a lubed hand? Answer me pls I need to know pls pls
I'm not OP but I have better and more comfy orgasms. Still wouldn't want to miss out on vagina at least once a month.
Wrong, not all pussies are created equal, its all about how tight she is combined with is her vaj dry or not, also warm or not
Woman are overrated is going to be replaced by sexbots in the future. Yay
It's better because it's stick to a wiman
No wonder it was so terrible.
sounds like a real catch, when are you going to meet her parents?
The first time I had sex at 19, I had no idea what I was doing, was horribly disappointed and didn't bother pursuing it again for years. I wound up in a relationship at 22 and the first few times we had sex weren't that enjoyable except for the power trip, but gradually it became incredible. After breaking things off with her, I realized I had become totally enslaved by my sex drive, and again, didn't pursue sex for a few years. I've hooked up with 2 girls and while the sex was great and all it left me feeling empty inside, knowing that it amounts to nothing but a brief ego trip.
So yeah, the only lesson to be learned is that being a flesh-and-blood organism is fucking total shit and nothing we do makes any sense and meaning behind any and all actions have been totally de-immanetized by capital's constant attack on form. So fuck yourself I guess; no one cares.
No, and actually according to many spiritual traditions, you just lost many manly powers to a vampiric woman.
It’s not the sex but the subsequent emotional and collateral damage in all aspects of your life you’re more than likely to encounter now. Prepare to look into the void and see the ugly face of irrational and deeply flawed humanity which for the vast majority of us is through women.
>orgasms and oxytocin are arbitrary social constructs with no evolutionary basis
cringe to the pill
Yeah but there's no point in doing it unless you want kids.
what are you talking about?
this is you.
the message in the image just implies in a kind of naive way that the sex act is subject to infinite interpretations without clear parameters, and can't be spoken of generally. like how people fall back on calling things they don't like "social constructs".
i love choking girls while i jackhammer them senseless, go catch giardia discord tranny
>the sex at is subject to infinite interpretations without clear parameters
How is this untrue?
Do you disagree that sex doesn't have only one meaning?
>the sex act is like eating gummy worms; every time i do it, i drown in the ocean
you can't see or explain clearly parameters of interpretation but it's obvious they exist
clearly it can have significance in more than one way but it's also obvious that its significance exists within parameters heavily dictated by its evolutionary purpose
Infinite interpretations and unclear parameters do not mean that any interpretation will fit something. I agree with the part of your post that isn't greentext. The parameters are unclear, but they do exist. Maybe interpretations aren't infinite, but they are innumerable.
OP do you have any idea how many great writers had very little sex, or were even virgins? If anything, you have badly fucked up.
>its significance exists within parameters heavily dictated by its evolutionary purpose
Can you explain? Considering how we have sex, evolution doesn't seem to play such a prominent role.
As someone who has tried many sex toys, tight does not = better.
the drive towards orgasms is a reproductive drive that is pre-rational and archaic; the drive exists in animal populations because those animals that have it end up reproducing, but those animals do not rationally tie the response to reproducing, they only know they feel the need to do it. humans are similar (obviously kids going through puberty experience arousal without knowing why) but rationally guide the drive away from reproduction while still achieving the gratification it provides.
Well for me I needed more experienced women to be my teachers...the last time I did my wife she had several clitoral and two vaginal I guess I had good teachers...I nearly became a male sexual surrogate when they first started I am a sex guru online according to some women whom I have helped and taught to have vaginal and multiple lesbian couple accused me of actually being a lesbian because I knew so much about women's bodies and female sexual response - stuff that only lesbians thought they knew ..
so the question of meaning is complicated but certain features in other people are arousing for reasons that can probably be reduced to innate biological drives that have been selected for so sex probably can't be separated from its violent archaic nature as much as discord trannies want to pretend otherwise
It's strange to me how you frame this all around reproduction. It seems more like it is simply the nature of our sex drive and the associated sex organs to generate good feels. I really doubt our sex drives have reproduction in mind when we exercise them, especially when we aim at something which cannot even possibly reproduce (masturbation, gay sex, sex with infertile women, sex as an infertile man, etc.). The whole evolution, reproduction-centered framework of sex just seems reductive and not accurate.
the drive towards orgasms is not a rational drive toward reproduction; the drive precedes an understanding of reproduction, but exists so that animals reproduce, if that makes sense.
drive to achieve orgasm=pre-rational
understanding the mechanics of reproduction=rational
How do you tie the drive for orgasm with reproduction/ evolution? A drive to orgasm is simply that, a drive to orgasm. Only a tiny percentage (if any) of a person's orgasms result in reproduction, so I don't see the association at least in any significant sense.
Women prefer black men as mates
This, we pathetic tiny-dicked whites can't compare. Our women belong to BBC; all we deserve to do is sustain them while they enjoy mind-blowing sex with our betters.
ur right, when i blew the load in ur mom that resulted in your conception, she didnt achieve an orgasm, so i guess the two are totally unrelated
you can either have no sex or lots of sex. no middle ground.
I think you mean sexual partners...NOT as husbands...maybe... usually people I know down here in the South consider women like that "white trash". I think that most are probably liberals or not that pretty so they get a black boyfriend. A minority of white women are in it for the sex - unless you mean secret hook-ups which does happen from time to time and I have no idea how often that happens although probably not that much...the social penalties for a white woman having sex secretly with a black male are very severe - the social stigma is life-long at least here in the old Confederacy....
It seems we have reached the end of your attention span.
Most people in the South are black.
The chances of a woman, white or black, having sex with a black man is higher than with a white one.
I'm 100% sure you're a Jew.
Not if you factor in social penalties like being shunned by all other white people in town forever...
>being shunned
45+ year old senile retard who fried their brain doing drugs in their youth detected
White women are entralled by the power of the BBC
>The chances of a woman, white or black, having sex with a black man is higher than with a white one.
Not even in the south is WFBM interracial that common, and even then it only happens in very low socioeconomic castes.
White women aren’t ashamed of showing off their black bull lover in public. They love parading about flauting their relationship.
Of all threads, why did the cucksquad choose this one to shit up?
Dude you obviously ain't from Old Dixie! The KKK hung the Senator because he was black during Reconstruction...less than an hour's drive from where I live...
NOT in Dixie!
Shut up, whitey. Go back to yankland. The Confederacy is my land now.
I am from Dixie and that was a really long time ago so it doesn't really matter.
It's like complaining about the war of Athens in 2019. Who cares?
Dixie might as well be New Africa. I see tons of WF/BM couples and young white girls driving around their black boyfriends in new Mercedes/BMWs bought by daddy.
Sexual pleasure is transitory and if you have to give anything up to get it then its not worth it.
Having sex purely for pleasure is on the same level as eating an entire pizza for pleasure.
Say goodbye to your kidneys because they're not going to be there when you wake up.
What I think will happen in the end is that there probably will be a Negro Homeland and a white one. I would have to say that while there were injustices to the Negros that most whites are innocent...and that the Goddess Justice will see that the innocent whites will keep their part of the South in the end...dude I still think you are a Yankee Negro or maybe from Atlanta...few Negros challenge whites in our part of NC...I suppose that one day it will change but that day is not today. Personally I believe in leaving the Negro population alone. The Counsel we received from the Gods of Olympus was to make sure that we pleased Them and that They will deal with the Negros..
White boi will be sissified for black kings.
He vomited IN her vagina. :(
I'm from Fairfax, VA, literally the border between the north and the south and pretty much the most liberal part of Dixie outside of hating big corporations but I ain't afraid of no whitey.
When it comes down to brass tacks, we outnumber them by a big margin and now that the world's becoming more liberal, we can finally gain the leverage we deserve in this country.
In fact, what we really need to do is secede from the racist Union government and have our own government that caters to only one race, the black race, and maybe any native americans if they're still around.
You're going to die violently nigger
There is no moral law.
I know dragon style shaolin kung fu. You can't touch me even if you tried.
oh shit a real life wu tang nigga
My prediction black Homeland
Native Americans want their own tribal lands and government...
What isn't transitory?
Yeah I was thinking a long time in another life that I was a Roman General but the Goddess Athena reminded me that it was a long time for General Patton too - reincarnation scene at ruins of Carthaginian city..