Is this what a person of average intelligence larping as a genius looks like?
Is this what a person of average intelligence larping as a genius looks like?
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Is this the ideal human form?
Yes, it's actually very easy to larp as a genius and trick 99% of the population.
>Wear a suit (the darker the better, and ideally with a turtleneck underneath)
>Go gray (or dye your hair gray)
>Grow a beard (ideally a goatee)
>tfw you realize this is what Sargon of Akkad and Molyneux do as well
Is that really it? Is that all it takes?
I really liked antifragile and enjoy reading his stuff but you are kind of right. He is like a stemfag that moves in to humanities and then tries too hard to be some sort of uber-intellectual. Its not fucking happening. When he insults humanitiesfags I practically always agree but we are no longer living in ancient greece. You cant just take a walk, think up a few 5 page philosophical insights and expect them to be non-trivial.
Molyneux wears a T-shirt, has no facial hair, and is bald. That's a 0 for 3.
Molymeme has started to grow a beard.
I love Molyneux. The analogy he tweeted on slavery being like drug use was probably the smartest thing I’ve heard from anyone in the last decade. It was a legit “mind blown” moment for me. I’m a fan for life now.
This one?
But it’s just wrong. There were plenty of whites who just kidnapped Africans outright, which in his analogy would make them drug manufacturers.
>There were plenty of whites who just kidnapped Africans outright
I find him funny, cultured nd sometimes even insightful. I'm not sure he LARPs as a genius, mostly he has an outsize personality and an occasional taste for bold formulations, and people interpret as genius (or pretentions to genius) when in fact that's just his style.
Basically he takes on this demeanor to get attention (and probably also for fun) but only idiots will mistake that for genius, and he isn't talking to them mostly.
Also it's possible twitter and fame have corrupted his self-awareness, it happens a lot.
Has anyone actually rolled up their sleeves and followed his mathematical arguments? I'm particularly thinking of his claim that low IQs correlating with failure and high IQs not correlating with success, when evaluated together, makes it look like IQ is correlated with success. Can't remember the numbers he used in whatever tweet I'm thinking of, but it was like: if there's a 90% correlation in the left tail but a 10% correlation in the right tail, the overall correlation will be higher than 50%, leading you to believe that IQ is a better measure than it actually is.
Maybe I'm remembering that whole argument wrongly, but his basic point is that IQ predicts success effectively on the low side but not on the high side. Can anyone validate/refute this claim?
I understand the root of the argument but lmao his way of putting it is retarded.
We get it, African slaves were sold to European by other Africans, so they have a responsibility, even though the user is also the one who creates demand and in the case fo the Europeans they made demand explode.
It also vastly ignores the power dynamic between Europeans and African and (last but not least) fails to include the obvious but critical point that blacks were also the drug.
TL;DR: Only a brainlet would find that insightful, yes I'm looking at you
Slaves weren't the drug dealer. They were the drug. Stupid analogy.
If they were voluntary, paid laborers, then they would be drug dealers.
In this analogy, the Jewish slavetraders would have been the drug dealers.
This is in line with what Peterson (hardly an opponent of IQ test) mentions in some of his online lectures, that the thing IQ is best at is predicting when someone will be functionnally retarded.
Also Taleb may have another idea of success than most people, we will see someone being a well-paid engineer as personal success, while Taleb is likely to point out this is mostly just a case of a guy with a good education in childhood faring well in controlled school-like environment (so more social reproduction than genuine intellectual success).
Also this . What Taleb is describing is mathematically possible. Generally speaking correlation is very tricky (despite its apparet simplicity) and often misleading.
>Slaves weren't the drug dealer. They were the drug. Stupid analogy.
Molymeme is using the words "blacks", so it applies to the slaves as well as the African slave-sellers. Basically in this case the drug and the drugs dealers are of the same nature, simply are in different social situation (those who lost a tribal war become the drug, the winners become the drug dealers).
I agree the analogy is retarded.
>In this analogy, the Jewish slavetraders would have been the drug dealers.
True, the African slave sellers are more like the Mexican cartels who control production, while the European (they were not only Jewish and you know that, but a time-honored meme is always welcome) were the American resellers and street dealers.
stop Redditspacing
I'm aware of Simpson's paradox, but I don't see how it applies in this situation. As far as I understand it, it is only possible when the sample sizes of the partitioned groups are different, but the sizes of the above- and below-average IQ groups are identical by construction. Am I mistaken?
Travels in the Interior of Africa by Mungo Park. Also, the very existence of the city of New Orleans.
But molyneux is probably below average rather than average.
Can't tell if joking or not
Yes. That is literally it.
People who are too stupid to determine what intelligence looks like will immediately buy into anyone who appears, superficially, to look like what they expect intelligence appears to be while also stating ideas that they don't quite understand.
Hot take: This is why postmodernism has been such a successful movement. Midwits who can't determine the difference between someone literally blabbering garbage and a genuinely profound statement about something in difficult and abstract form have ensured that nearly anyone can succeed in the form completely regardless of talent, hence why it's so hilariously easy for those writing shit that anyone with a brain can see is utterly vapid to succeed - especially if they're from a group that the midwits want to succeed, like minorities and women.
JBP is the equivalent of Jesmyn Ward for midwit men.
taleb is highly intelligent and more importantly, wise. a lot of the meme philosophers on here can't say the same
The only wisdom Taleb possesses is his deep internalization of the adage "say something enough times and people will believe it"
CIA, go away
Yep. He's good at taking other peoples ideas. I saw him do that on twitter - if you know what he's looking at you can see how he rewords or rewrites them and passes it off as his own "clever" tweet.
He's got a good teaching job. Making bank. Discovered a way to make a comfy living. I don't like the act, though. It's a larp.
He looks like he should be a taxi driver. Now that's a robust profession.
>over reacting this bad and thinking that a dozen dudes on twitter and youtube compares to the worldwide takeover of academic departments
is Yea Forums really this delusional?
Drug dealers and drug users are both great.
I don't know if this is next level baiting or not.
Sad thing is, all those people are smarter than you.
He writes about the antifragility of writing as a profession by taking the adage of "no publicity is bad publicity" and examining its relevancy so he is certainly aware of the potential advantages that come with being a provocateur. Although it would be of ill form to completely discredit his authenticity it would be equally as moronic to think that "it's just him bro, that's just his personality!" His books are refreshing and he gamed the system, he has done more than enough for me to call him a smart fucker.
non cucked arab man triggering western trannies
remember when he called the bbc out for putting niggers in all their historical shows
>No paragraphs on 4channel 3:)
Why are you so against late-term abortions, tranny, when you're eventually going to be committing it on yourself?
Nassim rails on pseuds, so I like him.
He makes a few points in his critique of IQ. Mainly that to define intelligence as IQ is circular, what exactly is intelligence and are the tests indicative of anything at all? Is intelligence only autistic symbolic manipulation and raw pattern recognition? Wouldn't intelligence be multidimensional i.e. not scalar?
Another element of his critique is the claim that IQ is only good at potentially indicating severe cognitive deficiencies and a high IQ signifies less than it is purported to. While Physicists and Mathematicians may have high IQs there are many more with high IQs that amount to nothing intellectually, financially or in any other ways we generally define someone to be 'successful'.
Pretty much. I'd say he's slightly above average intelligence, but him dealing with numbers and being confrontational makes him appear like a "crazy genius".
Also him being from abroad means he can appear worldly and cultured to the average American who doesn't know shit about the rest of the world.
>We get it
If you still play the blame game with black victims and white guilt, you don't 'get it'. Blame game is useless - we're all too flawed to win.
People like him give me hope. Westerners replaced their higher values with fear and guilt, and I was worried no one would remember the civilization after its fall within the next 30 years.
So what.
Whites feeling guilty about slavery is so stupid.
Most blacks from former slave stock outside Africa are better off (particularly in the US, but also most of a central/south America), aside from a few places like Haiti (which has also had the longest period of black rule in the western hemisphere, funny how that works).
The Arabs had many black slaves too, and you know why the middle east isn't full of black people the way the US is? Because the Arabs cut their balls off. But boohoo white people, we brought them to nice places, let them breed in large numbers, freed them, and now support their populations with welfare policies despite their ever-increasingly rancorous ingratitude. We're sooooo evil.
the complete alt right summed up in one picture
Fallacy of restricted range
Correlations are always weak at high resolution
literally all of this is stupid and wrong and these “””critiques””” could be cleared up in an afternoon of reading Wikipedia articles