Closeted christian conservatives of Yea Forums...

closeted christian conservatives of Yea Forums, what books do i read to BTFO postmodern neomarxist reprehensible libtard globalist godless atheist moral relativist coalburning sjw trannies and save the western civilization?

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Culture of Critique

Anything Peterson publishes should be right up your alley

The Canon.

Facebook. Certainly never read a dictionary; it would be awful if you understood the words you're using. Twitter would be perfect. Try patreon too. All much better than any book for your purposes. Oh and do avoid churches: quite often they take it into their heads they ought to be Christlike, and that is definitely not the type of thing you'd want.

Neoplatonics, obviously.

Marsilio Ficino
Nicholas of Cusa
Giordano Bruno
Pico della Mirandola

Julius Evola
Oswald Spengler
René Guenon
Giovanni Gentile
Fernando Pessoa

First you read Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Clause.
Breathe it in, take it to heart... BELIEVE IT
Then read nothingelse but the bible, watch no television, cancel the internet. Attend church, make only small talk with fellow parishioners.
Repeat. Till death.

The Bible
The Complete Works of Plato
12 Rules for Life
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck
How to Debate Leftists and Destroy Them
The Joe Rogan Podcast Dialogues
The Crisis of the Modern World
The Collected Poetry of Toilets
Revolt Against the Modern World
The Leviathan
Atlas Shrugged
The Complete Works of Dostoeyevsky
Fashionable Nonsense
The Art of Deal
Decline of the West

if anyone is actially interested in good literature and cares about being smart ignore this post

>Fernando Pessoa

>Fernando Pessoa

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I do have some book suggestions on why liberalism is succeeding as conservatism declines, but you're really not giving yourself much room to work with all those buzzwords. Let me guess, you are a basic bitch American neocon who watches Fox News, JBP, listens to Rush Limbaugh, Ben Shapiro, Mark Levin, and blindly supports the state of Israel?

Do you actually not know what patreon is while you're giving this guy shit about not understanding words?

That's a beautiful string of empty buzzwords desu

This is true a lot of the people he's upset with are simply jewish

>closeted christian conservatives

>what books do i read to BTFO postmodern neomarxist reprehensible libtard globalist godless atheist moral relativist coalburning sjw trannies and save the western civilization
If you cant do this already, for what reason do you want to? You obviously dont have an argument so why would you go seek out the specific argument that would satisfy your current bias?

Theology and Social Theory - John Milbank

It's a pay for content webplatform. I'm not sure what your objection to OP paying for it is, but he should pay dearly.


Do good Christians have something against coalminers? Where do you get your power from, your dad?

Amerimutts must die for Israel.

you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded

Plato, at least on such a basis that you want to make them doubt their own beliefs. Your aim shouldn't be to "BTFO" them, as that isn't very productive and likely won't get them to change their views. If you think that you are right, then you should try to convince them, or be willing to be convinced yourself. It isn't a debate, it's a discussion, and if your views are correct, then ideally the discussion will point them in your direction.

>what books do i read to BTFO postmodern neomarxist reprehensible libtard globalist godless atheist moral relativist coalburning sjw trannies
literally anything of quality
>and save the western civilization?
sorry, but it's beyond repair

Some suggestions...

Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation & Political Control
Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time
The True Story of the Bilderberg Group
False Dawn: The United Religions Initiative, Globalism, and the Quest for a One-World Religion .

I think OP is ...dare I say it... teaching the left to actually meme. Made me lol.

More suggestions

The Open Conspiracy
Machiavel Pédagogue: Ou Le Ministère De La Réforme Psychologique
L'empire Ecologique
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution
Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler
Wall Street and FDR
American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character
The Cultural Cold War
The USA and the New World Order: A Debate Between Olavo de Carvalho and Aleksandr Dugin
Global Taxes for World Government
The Fearful Master: A Second Look At the United Nations
Musique, Intelligence et Personallitè

realize that theres no turning back. return to objectivism of the christian kind is impossible. We live in the time of Judgement where man cannot do good. To regain order, to build some institution and order which can silence the agonies and pleadings of individuals, would be to commit a crime far worse than the libtards. We have corrupted the faith and it manifest in our western values and ideals but it is the best we have.