Is Atlas Shrugged your favorite book too?

is Atlas Shrugged your favorite book too?

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I haven’t seen Dani Daniels in Anus Plugged, is it kino?

she has sadly never done anal. that movie is all special effects. good visuals tho.

>she has sadly never done anal


The threnody that Mia Khalifa wrote for À la recherche du temps perdu really sold me on it.

if you can link me to the video I would be happy to see it, actually.

Never read it. Seems to piss off redditors and communists. What's it about?

I prefer the culture of critique.

I actually cringed reading that

Scientology stuff

>Seems to piss off redditors
Nah a lot of redditors are libertarians who love ayn rand

Wouldnt someone like Ayn Rand hate the shit out of someone like Dani Danields?
Tbh i've never read any book by her or studied her stuff, but just from the superficial stuff that i've heard her talking about feminism movements and other remarks i would think any of her books would be a testament agaisnt her very existance and way of life, imo.
Am i retarded?

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This. Rand is like the most popular author on Reddit after Pottershit and Tolkien

Penis pump

>a literal whore has better taste in literature than 99% of Yea Forums

Sounds about right.

What are these filthy lies. Rand is hated and even banned on some subleddits

Atlas shrugged isn't literature, it's a manifesto in (painfully) superficially objective prose.

Why do you have to boast about it? And why is your favorite part when two lovers romp each other? Surely there are larger and more important things that appeals to the general theme. How shallow can you get?

It's like saying my favorite part about Brother Karamazov is when Liza kissed Aloysha. Who the hell cares? That's not even important.

Do woman actually hate anal, or is it that you have to know how to properly do it for them to enjoy?

>childless crass Jew writes a long winded story about how her emotionless view of the world works
lol. no thx

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Wow, never realized how influenced by Stirner even her prose is. Stirner himself loves using the - before the last word of his sentences to further punctuate his point. He is also quite repetitive and will state the same thing in multiple ways. He will ask himself questions he already knows the answer to very frequently to draw attention. Stirner's prose is akin to the bed in a walk-in clinic's doctors office.

Dashes and semicolons are beautiful and I use them a lot in my writing. Maybe a little too much, but I prefer to err on the side of overuse with confident pauses.

Dani daniels seems like the type of idiot to enjoy atlas shrugged.

Intellectual pornstar stoya is where it's at

But dani isn't that bright so it makes perfect sense

Women love being degraded, used, choked, slapped, manipulated. Of course they fucking love anal. But only if you have a big dick

She was in favour of Laissez-faire capitalism but was pretty idealistic about the positive role that art and entertainment should play in society so yeah, it’s safe to say that she would have hated the porn industry.