Is there a psychoanalytical/literary/academic explanation as to why Catholic priests are so predisposed towards abusing...

Is there a psychoanalytical/literary/academic explanation as to why Catholic priests are so predisposed towards abusing children?

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people like having sex.

gay men masquerading as priests

Power allows people to cover up their crimes, which creates a culture of abuse that perpetuates itself.

The argument that they're sexually frustrated is invalid..... I'm a 40 year old virgin and I never feel driven to rape children.
I think its something about fetishising/idolizing Christ as a child and the virgin status of mary, whereas Protestants tend to emphasise the teachings of Christ as an adult

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You ever jack off to something real fucked?

Priests are no more predisposed towards abuse than any other adult male.

It’s also a way of bending the vow of celibacy. It’s only sex if if it’s with a woman, it’s only gay if you don’t suck dick, and so on.

>I'm a 40 year old virgin
holy shit you remind me of a teenage student, I was talking about sex as an instinct and she started claiming some people are asexual
you shouldn't fall for such a meme

Homosexuals with extreme guilt trying to live without their natural urges. Ninny.

Not all priests are sexual predators, just some.
True enough, but they’re no living like priests

They aren’t.
The scandal isn’t that there are pedophile priests, it’s that the rest of the church hierarchy conspired to conceal abusers which enabled those priests to abuse far more children then happens in institutions like elementary schools or whatever else. There are about the same proportion of pedophile priests as there are pedophile school teachers or pediatricians, it’s just education and medicine tend to get rid of those people, rather than just move them to a different congregation.

>Not all priests are sexual predators

but an awful high proportion of them are peadophiles.

we must expel the homosexuals from the Church

Why are shitposter constantly making this claim now? Is it a reactionary response to Deus Vult fags?

>....claiming some people are asexual...

I don't think stating that celibacy doesn't lead to abusing children is the same as saying "a-sexuality" exists (something I highly doubt)


What claim? That Catholics have willfully for their head in the sand regarding the extent of child abuse that has occurred? That by being willfully ignorant they have enabled these monsters? That their isn't an aspect of their ideology that might lend itself to incubating noncery.?

Well, that depends on what you mean by "abusing." And what you mean by "children."

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Culture of Critique

power corrupts


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This. The biggest problem is the coverup. The actual rates of abuse are average for any given profession. Anyone who tells you otherwise just has an axe to grind against the Church.

I would agree if you weren't anglo.

The rampant presence of pedophiles within the Catholic Church is stopping me from converting. I agree with the Catholic Church on almost everything, and I highly respect Catholic theology and Catholic thinkers. But I felt nothing but uneasiness every time I went to mass and noticed the altar boys, because I could never trust my local church enough to one day let my own kids fill that role.

>Position of power
>Laxity in discipline
It's really not that complicated.

they aren't.

Priests do NOT molest children more than any other profession that has access to children. Catholic Pedophile Priests is a cultural warfare narrative to tear down the Church for its counter-revolutionary potential.

>the Church
>counter-revolutionary potential
>Anno Domini MMXIX

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heh, stupid neckbeard... our church isn't led by people who molest children, just people who assist and abet those who do