what are some good books on climate change?
What are some good books on climate change?
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my dairy desu
Culture of Critique
Doesn't exist. Stop getting triggered by our God emporer and grow up and be a rational fucking human being instead of a dick sucking baasedboy
Get off your computer and go for a walk.
>waaaaahhh waaaaahhhh dont say the ebil book name waaaaahhhhh
how imaginative
“Good”? They’re all scary
>do not question the god emperor capitalism. Repent repent!!
I see global warming as a problem that will inevitably sorted out one way or another. Either we stop it, as unlikely as that is, or its effects cull our numbers, thus reducing the influence humanity has on the climate.
Also, I have a small doubt I'd like to have responded.
If the poles melt, then the sea level rises, right? However, wouldn't having larger masses of ocean stabilize the global temperatures? Even though we'd face a major influx of refugees and destruction of property, wouldn't the climate improve after the fact?
Wuthering Heights
Only the based Chinaman
Triggered libtard
I mostly just get my climate change info from magazines and journals. I'm not aware of any real, solid books that have a good collection of information. We're learning so much all the time, besides, so wouldn't any decent book on the matter run the risk of becoming out of date soon after publication?
>If the poles melt, then the sea level rises, right?
The icecube in your whiskey melting doesn't raise the level.
What does raise the level is the glaciers melting.
As for the climate regulating itself after we all die: not necessarily. It's possible for an ecosystem to be damaged beyond repair (see englands' moors, originally forests). The short explanation is : the current climate works on a very subtle and precarious balance. It has some capacity to regulate itself through negative retroaction loops, but if we tip it too hard, it'll crumble, not go back to its previous position.
I think that killing all of humanity off would be very hard; there's too damn many of us to just go extinct. We lived through two Ice Ages, if I recall correctly, and there were far fewer of us then. While I do expect millions to die in the future, the complete extinction of one of the most numerous and adaptable species on Earth seems like a remote possibility.
Any recent book on historic geology.
I cant tell if its bait anymore
While it is correct that all that ice melting cools the temperatures of parts of the oceans, thus creating cooling in some places (therefore all those people who use local weather as evidence against climate change are missing the point), the overall temperature is still rising. There is so much more water in the oceans than in all the ice on earth, that this cooling counterbalance is minimized. The loss of carbon sinks, such as deforestation, and volcanic activity (which are erupting all the time low key, and who knows when we’ll have another super eruption or even mega-eruption) all overwhelm the cooling effects of loss of polar ice caps and glaciers.
It’s an extinction event we’re heading for. A few small things that are food o, then the things that eat them go, those were the things we eat. Now we have only ourselves to eat.
Yeah, we’ll do fine.
*That are food go,
question for liberals on here:
what caused the previous ice ages, back when there were no humans around (or at least when they were just cavemen)?
Are you going to try and use the ice ages as proof that human beings can't influence climate? It only proves that climate CAN change without human influence, not that the current changes are totally lacking in human influence.
This is actually a mystery, as far as I know. The first ice age started a few hundred thousand years ago, and they’ve been pretty regularly showing up every 10000 years. One theory is that the earth has a wobble in its spin that periodically causes the elliptical orbit to extend, temporarily making the earth further away from the sun. Perhaps an asteroid or comet striking the earth caused the wobble.
The carbonization of the atmosphere, however, traps heat in the atmosphere to such an extent we may not even experience an ice age...We’re due for one, and yet the avg. global temperature keeps rising, rather than falling.
>He thinks the fact that climate shifts happened gradually over tens of thousands of years or during meteor impacts proves that anthropogenic climate change is not real
Short answer is milankovitch cycles coupled with different positive retroaction loops.
>temperature gets slightly warmer -> ice caps melt -> lowers earth's albedo -> temperature gets warmer
>temperature gets slightly colder -> ice caps grow -> increases earth's albedo -> temperature gets colder (ice age).
Beers, Shots and Pints
why is climate change so controversial? is it really as bad as everyone keeps saying it is?
and if so, and we're due for a true mass-extinction, how are we not doing anything about it? is it really possible that our leaders are that apathetic or are they doing what they're doing on purpose?
how do you tell the difference?
Just how bad is like sizing up an iceberg in the fog. It looks catastrophic, and no one is hitting the breaks yet. In fact they’re pushing the accelerator
This shift in temps is going way too fast and it match’s with scientific predictions
>posts Culture and Critique
>how imaginative
>thinking there’s a “they” pushing all the buttons
Capitalism produces a lot of bad things climate change being one of them but when you start separating yourself from the “bad people” you sound insane and childish. As if all our participation isn’t profiting off the backs of others suffering. Almost a quarter of serious pollution comes from using electricity. We wear clothes made by children that get raped and brutalized in factories. Your degrees of separation from the problem aren’t as significant as you think and if people like YOU are truly the resistance not only are we fucked but we all deserve to fucking die.
(((THEY, –are just the wealthy, the capitalists. They behave in this idiot sociopathic fashion simply for money. This is all they care about. Some of them retire, and the next set of pirates come in to scrape around for more. And it's all just a dumb game.
They do control the reigns of power, and consciously wage a war against social reforms. They topple who nations to prevent socialism, everyone knows this. Now you want me to feel bad about myself for the world I was brought into? We're not in control of most of how we live.
But yeah, point taken, the lower classes ought to wake up from this nightmare world and push against the sociopathic minority. I believe they could do it. But of course they're bred to consume and work, consume and work, and fight amongst themselves, often defending the master class, to the death even.
How can we resist? Shitposting on Yea Forums, of course. feh
>This shift in temps is going way too fast and it match’s with scientific predictions
How were those predictions made and how far out are they accurate?
Culture of critique will answer most political questions unironically
We've known about the "hole in the ozone" since the late 50s I think. I first heard of it all in the 80s when it was just "the greenhouse effect".
Like any science, forecasts are updated when new data is crunched. Like how much methane is still trapped underneath?
You mentioned specific "scientific predictions". You can tune any model to fit the current situation with little effort. The important thing is how they tuned it and how long it has been accurately been predicting things. What model are you referring to that has been accurately predicting the climate for the longest with the least amount of tinkering?
Ice melts, wetter more powerful storms, rising temperatures. Thousands of scientists running these numbers gives you plenty to sift through
This is SO histrionic. There is no monolithic “they” or we would know. Even the Koch brothers are simply following their ideas in the most pragmatic way they can no matter how misguided. There are no rich caricatures like the monopoly man or this Donald Duck cartoon. You’re conflating terrible things with terrible people. They’re all just gears in the same machine and conceptualizing them in such a manner is NOT helpful. These are all human beings with children and hearts that break. This is the fundamental flaw with the supposed tolerant left, people who run companies watch their parents die just like all of us. This is why most people feel sorry for you, you aren’t an empathetic human being and don’t understand others or the world. Seeing that we live in a flawed consumerist society is something even Christians agree on. If you really care half as much as you professyoud try to change the world and people in a way that doesn’t need to demonize other people EVEN IF THEYRE HURTING OTHERS BY PROXY. We don’t punish the mentally ill or the incompetent so get THE FUCK off your high horse. Goddamn I fucking hate you.
>/pol/ level graphic
You're still not mentioning the actual prediction or model. At this point i have to assume you don't have one, you take it on faith alone.
pol posts junk right from their photoshop. I'm telling you to go look through the data
>tolerant left
You are thinking of christians
Why? You haven't.
Data from thermometers? You could get different readings all over the globe there’s literally not a citation on what you posted. It only goes to the year 2000 you retard. The northern hemisphere used to be covered in ice, the ocean sink that takes up co2 is changing no matter what we do. I’ll go look it up if you post something. The thing is that if the science is true there’s already nothing we can do and no amount of recycling from Whole Foods biodegradable bags or long lasting light bulbs will ever change that and the fact that you can’t get over that for deeper philosophical and intellectual pursuits just shows how shallow you truly are. You’ve learned nothing from Sisyphus.
Underage detected. It’s a shame at how far the left has fallen that kids can’t remember they used to be fun and welcoming.
I just said there isn't a monolithic they. There is a class of dumb people. Fucking burgers, man.
>Even the Koch brothers are simply following their ideas in the most pragmatic way
That is the fucking problem. This is bait, yes?
Fuck off.
Am I a fucking climatologist? HU? Go get the fucking data yourself
Relax guys she’s just starting her period, the only tides that are rising are crimson tides.
Just because a stupid tripfag on a vietnamese pottery forum isn't able to link you to an actual source doesn't mean there aren't several fucking mountains of them that you can find in half a second on google.
Have fun.