why are gays so genius at literature? everywhere you go theres gay masterminds. seems they know something the rest of us don't.
Why are gays so genius at literature? everywhere you go theres gay masterminds...
Give one example.
The gays are in touch with their feminine side, and literature is a feminine pursuit it means they're better than heterosexual men
t. gay
that being said my favorite poet is hart crane
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Oscar Wilde
Evelyn Waugh
Walt Whitman
Marcel Proust
go on...
Not OP but he's going to say every author is gay. Something to do with 'can't get laid' and 'incel' and so forth, and 'secretly gay' and whatever.
This is erroneous. Gays are not 'in touch' with their feminine side--they ARE their feminine side. Moreover, if literature were a feminine pursuit why are their so few female authors who can write anything worthwhile and why do women rely on and find attractive men who are able to explain their feelings to them if not but that they are incapable of doing it themselves? Gays are disgusting creatures. What are they interested in but mingling and fornicating with everything around them? A gay is not an individual but rather a receptacle for various bodily fluids, just like women.
You desu
shakespeare was feminine
montaigne was feminine
nietzsche was feminine
deleuze was feminine
spinoza was feminine
whitehead was feminine
the romantics were feminine
proust was feminine
rimbaud was feminine
mishima was feminine (all the bodybuilding shit was cope)
pessoa was feminine
bernhard was feminine
being literary is feminine prove me wrong
>Evelyn Waugh
Best essayist of the 20th century is Gore Vidal, best novelist is Proust. Could be something to it, but need more data.
Truman Capote
Yukio Mishima (I’m sorry, you don’t just bodybuild with nubile boys and not be gay)
E. M. Forster
You could go on and on. Of course after a while, you go into blind speculation, which I refuse to do unless the evidence is overwhelming.
He was catholic
Rumors and generic terms for Italian suppositories
walt whitman wasn't a homosexual
only pseuds say this. read his work and it's blatantly obvious he's bisexual at most, and likely wasn't even that. people who say he's gay misinterpret his idea of the sensual and conflate it with their own biased concept of sexuality. he loves man, not men, and man may as well be a catch-all term when speaking contextually.
please read books before opening your mouth about them
something tells me you're projecting
I refuse to accept that anyone dead was a homosexual without irrefutable evidence.
Literature is a feminine art form.
Which would logically preclude homosexual men from being in possession of an aptitude towards it.
didn't Wilde claim that Whitman kissed him when he visited the US?
Even if that's true it doesn't make him gay
>n-no homo
are you unfamiliar with greeting procedures or are you just pretending to be autistic for the sake of your argument?
what offends you about the idea that some of the best writers and poets ever were gay?
I don’t believe making out with other men is a traditional greeting, but who am I to judge?
what offends you about the idea that some of the best writers and poets ever were normal?
>kissing=making out
>kissing as a greeting wasn't a prevalent custom before artificial gay overepresentation in media forced normal men to be paranoid
>kissing as a greeting isn't still prevalent in many parts of the world today
You took away my double down
You’re asking for trouble now
>F Scott Fitzgerald
you should write a comedy novella
The best writers are outsiders with unique views on the world. Gays happen to be outsiders. At least they used to be.
This. Every piece of literature is about some alienated person or group.
same goes to you my friend.
gayness happens with fertile family lines. the mirror neurons have to be vast to empathize with children. gays are born with these mirror neurons but without children it goes into art, literature, aesthetic, politics. You know how men are already building great things. Add the females mirror neurons and you get intellectual supermen.
I can agree and disagree with you on that statement, mainly disagree, because it depends on what kind of literature are we talking apart.
And we are at age where a modern doesn't have ape shit barbaric fits anymore, let's be honest this era is pretty gay, and will noticeably be marked as one. It's the age of gay-fits and it's better read in words right now because of the liberal fuckers shoving ugly hobos up our faces. but there are sexually attractive gay characteristics that will survive and thus explain the appeal to it.
modern man*
Why are there no gay geniuses in areas like like math, physics, high iq finance, ect.
If you're into traps you're homo. Deal with it, marry you a flat-chested, skinny, petite ballerina woman. Your penis will prefer her lovely vagina.
>implying there are any gay geniuses anywhere
Actually I have a great relationship with a half ukrainian half palestinian balerina, ex-ballerina gone artist who is flatchested, short heard and femininely faced. and yes im into traps. Im amazed by your insite.
Creative artist endeavors vs analytical problem solving (which is what IQ indicates).
My iq is 162. Welcome to Yea Forums. Don't worry about editing your posts for typos.
Sexual repression throughout history, channeled into the arts. Da Vinci, Tchaikovsky, Copland, all of the greatest in humanities were repressed gay men. Think about it, if you took all the effort you exert into getting laid, and channeled it into anything else, you'd be a fucking genius too.
Fucking prove it retard.
Waugh's brother being gay was a big scandal before Waugh even got to Oxbridge to hang out with Tennant et al. Waugh admits to playing about with his sexuality in university and school, but he plays it off as the standard indiscretion of the time and was against a lot of pressure tactics a lot of queers used at the time in the system.
It'd be pretty hard to read Waugh without realising he'd been part of the gay scene, even if you didn't know how big that particular scene was.
They crib notes from the lesbians who do even better. Part of it is linguistic (faggots are more likely to speak a cant) and some of it is lack of social convention (lesbian authors tend to use high and low registers, much like DH Lawrence, which suggests exposure to more class strata and less attachment to their own), but it could be argued some is precedent (since great authors have been benders since the Greeks at least, the idea of a great author writing as straight people do being equivalent is hampered by the previous exemplars of greatness not having such styles)
>I know better than Waugh about his own sexuality and its impossible to not make the same forced gay inferences from his work as I do
Would a gay Frenchman be superb or would that cancel the genius out?
quite simple OP
Damn, I forgot.
Holy shit that sent me down a JFK conspiracy rabbit hole.
Literally only propped up by jews
Because all great art comes from pain and, historically, being homosexual was a source of great personal pain and confusion.
Alan Turing was one. Problem is, since people hide it, we never know
Being gay is the least feminine thing imaginable.
Discord trannies leave this board NOW.