Tell me about Heidegger. Why does he ask the same question over and over again?
Tell me about Heidegger. Why does he ask the same question over and over again?
Because he really wants to find the answer.
if he stopped asking that question would he die?
you use the verb 'question' in a metaphysical sense
you need to read more Heidegger
Fuck. I'm reading his """""Introduction""""" to Metaphysics (the first text of his that I've tried to read) and I feel like my head is going to explode like in Scanners.
Being and Time is alright if you get a guide or very good lectures. I wouldn't venture into his late works (that is, roughly, after the war) before grasping properly his 'first' philosophy, which isn't very likely to happen during my lifetime though
Er würde in-das-Schmerzsein geworfen werden.
Because the question can in fact never be answered.
There was no question left for him to ask as everything else had been solved by the political thinkers and leaders of his time who were doing their best to enact them.
Marty, you´re entering a world of pain!
>"how to get his theory help he is so hard"
Yeah it sucks. Try this.
Start with his essay “What is metaphysics?”
Walter, put ze pees avay.
I can also recommend Polt's intro, but it's best read with BT
But Marty, i don´t roll on shomer shabbos!
Walter, you're fucking thrown into the local world.
Marty, you are out of your element!
Was heißt "Element"? Wir gelangen in das, was Element heißt, wenn wir selben elementen.
Fucking Germans. Nothing changes. Fucking Nazis.
Sie haben es gesagt, Mitsein. Niemand fickt mit dem Führer.
Excuse me?
scheißuser, arschloch.
I'm retarded. Is any of you the guy I'm exchanging Heidegger/Lebowski references with?
I'm () not lmao
Then I autistically have to explain that it was a mix of a scene in The Big Lebowski where a guy says "You said it man. Nobody fucks with the Jesus!" and the fact that said "Fucking Nazis" plus Heidegger's sympathy for National Socialism.
Du bist ein goßer Kerl.
more like Hidenigger
Für dich.
What's the deal with Being?
You can read his late works without reading the whole Being and Time. In fact the later works are shorter and easier.
How am i supposed to know who's talking out of his ass and who isn't? This board, i fucking swear.
You can trust me or the guy that admits not grasping Heidegger
Heiditards are the only pseuds more disgusting than juvenile memelord Wittyfags that think cliffnotes of Tractatus is le epik btfo of all philosophies.
Heidegger more like Hey Nigger
Dump Heidegger read Whitehead instead
this but unironically
Q: why did Heidegger cross the road
A: he did not. the road itself was already a crossing, a challenging-forth of the earth itself. in its roading the earth itself is concealed behind a destiny that hides it, that always-already hides it. the road itself roads. this was understood by Holderlin, as well as the pre-Socratic Greeks
this. why would you care about what a reactionary crybaby nazi has to say?
Keep reading. He’s the most important thinker in human history.
care to extrapolate?
I did that after trying B&T and tapping out and regretted it later on. I don't think it's a particularly helpful introduction to Heidegger's work. I think it's far better to just jump into B&T than wade around in that book. It's just as confusing and far less interesting in my opinion. If you've already read b&T then ignore everything I have to say.
I would just recommend going into being and time with a secondary guide. You already are learning how to speak Heidegger, so you just have to wrap your head around the concepts. The book continuously comes back to the same concepts it starts with, so the things you start out reading get clearer and clearer as you go along. It's far more important to get the gists of what he's saying in the beginning than spending a ton of time/note taking figuring out what the fuck he's talking about in a particularly difficult section. Obviously take it slow, really slow. Just don't get hung up on completely understanding this or that specific concept because you're not really supposed to until further in. By the end of part 1 it should be much clearer.
not that guy but i agree that he's way up there (maybe not as high as that user has him, but close). you'll enjoy him more if you read Nietzsche first tho i think. Spengler also
keep crying that heidegger is still more important than any analytic philosopher ever will be