Yea Forums is ripping apart this man's literary reading list

Yea Forums is ripping apart this man's literary reading list

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I'd be embarrassed to post this on Yea Forums, it's so milquetoast.


The same as in reference to anything else I'd wager.

spotted the IYI
spotted the non-sucker

How the fuck can someones book tastes be limp-wristed and effeminate?

I swear this fucking board

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>Valdimir Nabokov Marenshka, his (first?) novel, when he was an exile in Berlin, before he became complicated. I reread & reread the final scene.
I refuse to believe there was a book by Nabokov where he is not such an edgelord

Why nobody wants to discuss John Gray?

ok, I do not know him. You can start by telling me about him what you like and do not like about him, you know, the usual way of starting any discussion

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My lecturer had John Gray as a supervisor at Oxford.

my talebfag

Safe boring bets

Its been a while I've read him. Looking forward to read Seven Types of Atheism. He states that the idea of progress is from Christianity. He states human improvement is as good as futile. He argues most flaws that humans have repeat themselves.


he boring and calling humans animals all day doesn't redeem his gay anglo status

he doesn't post books to impress "intellectuals yet idiots" like you, he posts books that he enjoys.

pseuds just want to circle jerk about how much they "enjoy" reading Finnegan's Wake over and over again

Taleb is just not your guy.

based taleb poster

this was deliberately starts at 19th century up to contemporary authors. What does his pre-19th century reading list look like? I just know that he likes Montaigne's Essais and then just "ancients" as broad umbrella. Has he shared a more specific list in that point of view?
>inb4 Seneca
yes, thankfully we have shitload preserved from Seneca, but where to start?

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>Implying his list isn't pseud as hell

where is the based talebposter when you need him?

Not really. It's pretty good.

>Alain de Botton How Proust Can Change Your Life

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Not the based Taleb poster, but his books (the books he writes) are solid, often pleasantly anecdotal, and certainly timely.
His reading list as presented isn't at all 'pretentious' but rather comfy, the true mark of one who spent much of his earlier life alone. To bash a writer of this quality for in a way 'kindly' listing the books he's loved makes zero sense.

De Botton can be a little too precious but this early book of his isn't bad.

unadventurous or something

Fun thing, I'm currently reading the Black Swan. He list off a few thinker from the 1400-1800 era, many of then French and English and concerned with uncertainty. Too lazy to search for their names but I might do it later.

The man is not admired for his literary taste, but for his thinking and writing on topics pertining to empirical and practical knowledge.

By reading his list it's clear he has actual refined and patrician taste and that he genuinely enjoy what he reads.

Also this comment

>Up to the age of 25, you read wholesale & in a mercenary way, to "acquire" a possession, to build a "literary culture", & do not tend to re-read except when necessary. After 25, you lose your hang-up and start re-reading --and it is precisely what you re-read that reveals your literary soul, what you like.

is more accurate and most Yea Forums than the majority of posts on Yea Forums It reminds one of the Borges maxim that "what matter is not to read, but to reread".

>As with friendship: you do not judge friends, you do not mix business & friendship; I even physically separate literature from more functional books (different libraries; I feel I am corrupting literature by having scientific or the philistinic "nonfiction" in the same area).

Holy fuck this guy is extremely /ourguy/.

Its a pretty good list

Ok Yea Forums, just picked The Tartar dessert from Dino Buzzati from the top of Taleb's list. What I am on for? Just please, no spoilers.

one of the better books on the list.

The only redeeming authors here are Musil and Buzzati


IDK user, i used to think of him as yet another twitter asshole. But this list is actually quite good.

Where should i start with this arab?

Or Black Swan if Taleb himself is meant

The latter actually. But thanks for Both, allah bless.

If I recall correctly, King Queen Knave was not very pretentious, it was very good. Out of the five or so books I have read by him, it is the only one I have really enjoyed reading.

And by pretentious I mean edgy.


I knew before I looked this guy up there would be a reason for this thread. Looks like he hasn't swallowed the identity politics pill

Also a brown man from the middle east, must be triggering for you white trannies

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Damn I'd hate to be that guy, getting literally torn to shred by the emaciated Jews who post here

>Yea Forums is ripping apart this man's literary reading list
Why? It's a good list.

I wish I could see you call him an arab to his face, then watch as the realization crept over yours that you were now in for a 6 hour speech on why Lebanese are Phoenician and not Arab.

>>believes IQ is not an accurate metric
>>that's why lebanon is so prosperous
>>master pleb confirmed

Lebanon is shit for many historical reasons.

>A Proust, but with a Levantine soul and personal manners, and aggressively heterosexual.

lebs gonna leb

None of that is original. Why should I read this dude?

Did Salman Rushdie lose weight?

Sorry Pajeet, this is not your idol. We are discussing Nassim Nicholas Taleb here, not some pseud journo celebrity
