does Yea Forums like conspiracies?
any topics welcome, as long as it is freaky
does Yea Forums like conspiracies?
any topics welcome, as long as it is freaky
Other urls found in this thread:
Thomas Pynchon
Umberto Eco
Val Valerians Matrix series volumes 1-4.
Volume 5 is trash.
Bush did 9/11.
The Rothschilds control everything.
Protocols of Zion.
Can recommend.
Foucault you fucking nigger but you honestly seem way to dumb to take anything from it sorry
>implying 9/11 happened
The greatest trick the Rothchild's ever pulled was convincing the world that 9/11 was a real event
This classic. Starts out normal enough but goes to rabbit holes long forgotten.
any of the Keel or Vallee style books where UFOs are actually demonic interdimensional tricksters
I'm reading The Game of Saturn now, and it's pretty enjoyable if far fetched. Based on an analysis of the symbolism of the Sola-Busca tarot deck and some historical factors, the author proposes that there was this high level pagan cult in the courts of Ferrara and Venice and they did some pretty dark shit. It seems like where it's going is this-- they believed in metempsychosis (reincarnation) and instead of trying to break the cycle through enlightenment they figured out a series of ritual magic that let them keep reincarnating the same people into the same family lines in order to stay in power for millenia, eventually moving from Italy to England and then eventually America.
bill cooper fell victim to some disinformation ops and it's a little dated but Behold a Pale Horse is still a good read
Sounds cool.
I am reading it right now and got stuck about 1/3 in. Would you care to say what do you think he got wrong and what right (apart from obvious shit like school shootings etc)
The Philadelphia Experiment.
That story from Germany were they find that kid who looks exactly like the prince, I think it inspired Dumas with The Man in the Iron Mask. I can't remember the names.
Dave McGowan
Thomas Pynchon
Bill Cooper
David Icke for hearty keks
Until you can tear and burn the bible to escape the EVIL ONE, it will be impossible for your educated stupid brain to know that 4 different corner harmonic 24 hour Days rotate simultaneously within a single 4 quadrant rotation of a squared equator and cubed Earth. The Solar system, the Universe, the Earth and all humans are composed of + 0 - antipodes, and equal to nothing if added as a ONE or Entity. All Creation occurs between Opposites. Academic ONEism destroys +0- brain. If you would acknowledge simple existing math proof that 4 harmonic corner days rotate simultaneously around squared equator and cubed Earth, proving 4 Days, Not 1Day,1Self,1Earth or 1God that exists only as anti-side. This page you see - cannot exist without its anti-side existence, as +0- antipodes. Add +0- as One = nothing.
I was really hoping for so much more out of this thread
this looks good
good recc
Best book on Globalism ever.
spooky and conspiracypilled
Everyone ignores this book because the ones that say "Globalism is a conspiracy theory" can't dare to say that to H. G. Wells, since on this book he simply tells everything about the world government. He believes a world political control through several different international organizations + utilitarian use of religion religion as a tool of progress + population control is the only way to end with all wars and disease in the world.
P. S. There's nothing about Illuminati on this book; it's just a bait cover.
obligatory Conspiracy Against the Human Race rec.
Umberto Eco's Foucault Pendulum is a clever take-down on occult conspiracy memes.
Also once on /sci/ there was a thread asking to describe a possible alien invasion in a unconventional way. I proposed that the alien would start genetically engineering a group of people to have psychic sensitivity to them and unwittingly obey them while favoring their success so they would be powerful while ppearing to have achieved it by talent or even happenstance.
Basically the alien invasion was creating the Jews and using them to propagate the idea of God, thus allowing them to dominate us without conquest, risk of rebellion or destruction of precious ressources.
You can also imagine that the alien are ultimately Land's sentient capital in disguise.
So I want to ask, is there any book that deal with something comparable ? I'm a Jew and I need to irrationnally feel relevant to the world.
Sounds like They Live crossed with Genestealer Cults