He unironically believes in eternal entities, like Forms, or God, or Good

>he unironically believes in eternal entities, like Forms, or God, or Good
Everything decays. Even atoms decay.

Attached: 6bbxxx.webm (634x356, 455K)

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How does 1+1=2 decay?

>everything decays

Attached: TVwfe.jpg (793x409, 101K)

But what about when decay decays

Are things decaying or are the forms getting purer by comparison to reality?

When 1=100~

There are subatomic particles.

ideas do nto decay you retarded monkey

Except they do.
Hope you’re joking

Where did everything come from?

the shame of being a man does not decay

neither does the appeal of garlic bread and vidya

>the universe exists accidentally because of eternal matter

go eat a kiwi you dumb cunt you are a pseud

Kiwi tastes like absolute garbage. I have no idea why people subject themselves to this piece of shit.

Attached: pop55.jpg (1200x854, 519K)

Religion can only a hobby in 21 century. Atheism is the only rational position.

>Everything decays

Therefore, the principle that governs this universal decay must decay

From the above, this means that some things will not decay

>baaawwwwwww, I need to be special, I can't be just a normie part of the universe, I need to be a snowflake baaaaawwwwww

Grow the fuck up

And then decay decays, and there's no more decay for an undecaying breadth of existence.

>Where did everything come from?
Obviously, everything came from the decaying nothing.

>matter appeared out of nowhere to create life and the universe

you grow the fuck up

Based and redpilled


False dichotomy of binary thinking. Things that do not decay and things that decay due to them being extremes on the spectrum have almost no chance of existence and the world is in fact filled with semi-eternal things that sooner or later decay.

Follow the Way and accept all as is

Let's say we "deleted" every particle from existence right now so there was absolutely nothing, wouldn't more just appear obeying the same laws eventually?

Attached: headache_mugi.jpg (624x624, 42K)

>ideas decay
okay, then the idea that "ideas decay" has decayed and no longer holds truth.
meaning, ideas do not decay.

you retarded monkey.

sorry, meant to be in response to

maybe Nothingness decayed into Somethingness? lol

That's called the heat death of the universe desu ne wa

The very notion of decay only reaffirms the purity of the original form, of which the material exemplar is but an imperfect emanation.

>How does 1+1=2 decay?

1+1=2 is an operation performed in physical reality via symbolic manipulation whether by brains or computers. You can't remove operations from the medium it is performed in.

Ideas exist physically in brains as patterns of physical interactions, and brains decay.

>I can derive the beginning of existence via deductive reasoning because context and situatedness don't real.

Attached: abc.png (226x223, 6K)

Why would that happen?

No, that's just decay itself, what happens when that decays

>Ideas exist physically

What do you mean what happens then. Once energy is evenly distributed the notion of things "happening" is anachronistic. If something "happens", it will not be an event that's ontologically related to what we consider an event right now

Those physical brains of yours, they are made of atoms, right? But atoms are made from elementary particles, and these particles are just mathematical ideas that describe the experimental results, they are not real.

You retarded monkey, if there are no heads with ideas in them, then ideas do indeed decay.

Unironically, we don’t know.


Fucking tranny thread destroyer, gtfo back to b

I do believe consciousness is eternal and the true reality.

Absolute brainlet whore.

The emergence of order and progress shows there is a force that counters decay; if there was only decay then civilization would never have progressed beyond primitiveness, there would be no order only increasing chaos.