Is she the worst poet of all time?
Is she the worst poet of all time?
Other urls found in this thread:
She's better than bukowski.
so 2nd worst.
a poem for rupi kaur
her brown lips
around my fat cock
she's staring at me
and i like it
she gives me endless
pleasure every night
this was a random line
my fresh ejaculate
on her indian face
a beautiful visage
2/10. replied.
redpilled* damn autocorrect
i want
to rape
with a broken
that's actually better
Nice try, nigger.
No. Yea Forums just wants to hate-fuck her is all.
There are far worse
are you colour blind? Her lips are red or magenta or crimson. There isn't even a brown in those pallets.
>There are far worse
I'm afraid I'm quite serious. Bukowski is such shit he is easily worse than Kapur.
I don't think you can be worse than what gets posted in the critique thread.
looks white and gold to me
Bukowski comes to mind. Jim Morrison. The rest of the beats are at least as bad as her.
women have really smooth skin...
God damn it I might actually beat off to OPs pic. Can someone give me something else to beat off to instead?
Bukowski is better, though, at least his aesthetic is superior and a bit more developed. Jim Morrison is a lyricist not a poet lmao i bet you think rap is poetry lol kys
I think I ended up laughing at a poem by Auden, who I adore. He took some time to get good I guess. What is Rupi and why should I care if she is bad or not? Is she a secret novelist or something cringe?
From what I've read of Bukowski and Jim Morrisons "poems", both are worse than what I've read of Rupi Kaur.
let's beat off together bro
she uses lipstick retard
>The rest of the beats are at least as bad as her.
We could purge this board and lose nothing.
There are flecks, but most of that is lighting and aftereffects I think. I would have to personally inspect said lips to verify this smack talk.
She writes little poems popular among young women and has a large social media following.
They're not particularly dreadful, bad poetry is as common as green grass. People here overreact.
You haven't read enough Rupi, then. She's kindergarten level but with a feminist point of view. Literally cancer.
his "aesthetic" is trash.
> le garbage hobo man is secretly smart!!11
except he's a drunken manchild who wrote the same poem for 50 years and never developed as a person or a writer. He is dogshit. American middle schoolers have written better poetry than him.
Don't get me wrong, kapur is dogshit as well, but she has more depth then the pathetic smegma that is Bukowski.
>the beats
well well well if it isn't reddit!
Maybe you just relate to women more so you can see greater depth in her?
I'm not saying you're wrong, but even then, with all his faults, he's miles better than Rupi. Share any poem by Rupi and I can reply with a better one by Bukowski.
Someone please reply to me I'm so lonely
based beat-off bro
thanks for the wank
saved for later
Maybe you relate to drooling retards so you see greater depth in bukowski?
Are you a woman? This would explain a lot...
You're a goddamn subhuman.
Reading poetry by a contemporary poet known to have a feminist reputation, then being upset by a poem about menstrual blood, is like reading Mein Kampf and being upset by descriptions of German nationalism.
I'm old. I don't get upset about people with different beliefs anymore.
Hollie McNish
I am gonna be honest with you my dude I don't have any of rupi's poems unhand and I don't feel like wading through her dogshit oeuvre to find one and compare it to the pigshit that is bukowski's opus.
You sure do sound like a petulant little girl.
luv u bb
Bringing in Beckett to usurp the pathetic Joyce wankering has made moments like this when I know that there is only a limited difference between the beats and Beckett a joy. There is nothing you can say about the beats that can't be said of Beckett and if you can't defend him you can't defend Joyce. Your ideological constraints mislead you from true experiences of transcendent joy soley because you don't want to feel anything, you want only reason so you can converse with it. Secretly you want to be fucked by a poem. Literally.
Are you a drooling retard? That would explain a lot...
I am not even close to being a Bukowski fan but the other user is right, his poems are at least recognizable as poems, and have a theme other than 'im so fukcing amazing but le boys dont understand me'
That "Cult of the Noble Amateur" article blasting her poetry was absolute gold.
KYS redditor
I can say one thing about Beckett that I can't say about any of the beats. He possessed talent and all of his work wasn't devoted to a singular gimmick. He evolved as an artist and tested the limits of his medium.
One could say these things about the beats but one would be wrong.
No not really. Stylistically his poems are identical to hers in that they eschew classical rules regarding meter, prose and verse. Thematically his theme is "I'm a jaded drunkard with a hard life and a heart of gold and the world doesn't understand me."
>He evolved as an artist and tested the limits of his medium.
And Burroughs didn't?
You're drowning here, kid.
>two rich spoiled cunts mentally fellating each other about how oh so deep her poems are and how bad wymyn have it
agreed, some /fitlit/ user needs to seduce her and hatefuck her for all of us
He was honest, man. So weren't they. Get over it. Stupid fuck.
It's not the menstrual blood that I dislike. I very much like menstrual blood, to be honest, it's a powerful image. It's the stupidity that I dislike, the absolute vulgarity of her poetry and lack of elegancy and taste, which is only augmented by her lack of skill. There was this Argentine poetess called Alejandra Pizarnik who said the most vulgar kind of poetry is the poetry that just says shite like "I'm sad. The world is bad. But women rule!". That merely expresses animal feelings without any sort of filter or grace. Poetry where there is no beauty, no metaphors, no allusions, no imagery, no game. All of this applies to Rupi Kaur. Defending her Twitter tier poetry is only a symptom of the times.
>Stylistically his poems are identical to hers in that they eschew classical rules regarding meter, prose and verse
Not having classical rules doesn't make them stylistically identical. Here is a poem he wrote about a spider he saw as a kid:
Is this a great poem? no, but it's at least a poem, he tried to write a poem. Kaur has never even attempted to write something that didnt sound like a tweet with line breaks about her sex life
Nah, I like drinking, though.
No Burroughs is different from the rest of the beats in that he tried to do these things but ultimately he was a failure like the rest of them. Junky is something that any heroin addict could write. Compared to something like Molloy which only Beckett could have written.
I'm not sure what you're trying to say. Perhaps your rage has impacted your ability to make a point?
What a surprise.
The worst thing is that they don't even hint at how bad women have it.
Why are you upset that a Twitter poet writes like one would imagine a Twitter post writes? Who cares? It's just a bunch of noise. Tune it out. Life goes on. Your distaste and dislike effect nothing.
came here to say
Nope. Gonna stick with the your stupid and I don't like you theme I was going for. You'll find my point there if you want to give me a point back.
How do you define poetry? Can you perhaps qualify the difference? Because I fail to see a distinction between this bottom of the barrel trash that bukowski pumps out when he needs to make rent and this low effort twitter bullshit that kapur sells when she needs to do likewise.
I couldn't give two shits about her even if I tried but you said she was superior to Bukowski as a poet, which is an absurd idea to say the least. And I'm not even into Bukowski. You made me defend fucking Bukowski lmao absolutely ridiculous.
He's no Al Purdy.
She at east seems more sincere about the bullshit she's selling. Bukowski just threw some words down in freeverse every time he needed to pay his bartab.
>i'm not into bukowski
Yet you're rigorously and passionately against this woman who does all the same shit he did. Why?
Why is there a
movement of zoomer poets
existing today
that believes
breaking up prose
into lines
and stanzas
-Boomer Dan-
>Bukowski just threw some words down in freeverse every time he needed to pay his bartab.
At least he was published. Rupi Kaur had to self-publish her garbage because no one would want it.
>Yet you're rigorously and passionately against this woman who does all the same shit he did. Why?
Because one is clearly superior to the other. There are hierarchies even in the shit world. Have you even read Rupi Kaur? lmao c'mon, user.
She's better than that Lovelace cunt, but only marginally.
>Have you even read Rupi Kaur?
Not extensively. I see her stuff posted from time to time and it strikes me as remarkably similar to bukowski.
Since we agree that both are shit I'll ask again, what makes her so much obviously worse than Buk? because she's self published? Does that really seem like a fair metric of talent?
nothing is safer
than the sound of you
reading aloud to me—the perfect date
Van Gogh writing his brother for paints
Hemingway testing his shotgun
Céline going broke as a doctor of medicine
the impossibility of being human
Villon expelled from Paris for being a thief
Faulkner drunk in the gutters of his town
the impossibility of being human
Burroughs killing his wife with a gun
Mailer stabbing his
the impossibility of being human
Maupassant going mad in a rowboat
Dostoyevsky lined up against a wall to be shot
Crane off the back of a boat into the propeller
the impossibility
Sylvia with her head in the oven like a baked potato
Harry Crosby leaping into that Black Sun
Lorca murdered in the road by Spanish troops
the impossibility
Artaud sitting on a madhouse bench
Chatterton drinking rat poison
Shakespeare a plagiarist
Beethoven with a horn stuck into his head against deafness
the impossibility the impossibility
Nietzsche gone totally mad
the impossibility of being human
all too human
this breathing
in and out
out and in
these punks
these cowards
these champions
these mad dogs of glory
moving this little bit of light toward us
I don't think I need to tell you which is which. One clearly at least fucking TRIES.
he says "brown lips" to mean the lips of a brown person, not literally brown lips. Learn to read poetry, pleb.
is it length? I went to google images and tpyed in rupi kapur long poem and got this
then I typed bukowski short poem and got this
I don't think either of them are trying.
Even in these examples you posted you can see the stark difference in attitude, and in aesthetic ("I am the water you need", seriously?). Both are shit, of course, but one is on a different level. If you can't see the difference, then I'm afraid I can't help you getting an eye for poetry.
>but there is thunder
>for I make bridges tremble
does she call herself a hambeast?
I don't think the problem is with my eye for poetry. I think you secretly like bukowski but you can't defend him. I think you're not able to articulate what you find redeemable in his pigslop of a poem.
But we all have our proclivities we find hard to justify. I film squirrels in the local park and dub Shakespeare over it. It's not sexual and no one ever sees these movies but me.
if nothing else the Bukowski poem is just wistful, whereas Rupi's is a giant bitter shitpost. I cannot believe how lacking in self awareness this woman and her fans are
I don't like Bukowski. In fact, the Bukowski spamming annoyed me quite a bit. But a turd with ten flies is better than a massive turd with a hundred flies. Bukowski feels raw but contained, Rupi feels aimlessly retarded and juvenile. It's okay if you genuinely love Rupi, though. I couldn't expect any less from the internet.
Why is the poetry world pretending that poetry is not an art form? I refer to the rise of a cohort of young female poets who are currently being lauded by the poetic establishment for their ‘honesty’ and ‘accessibility’ – buzzwords for the open denigration of intellectual engagement and rejection of craft that characterises their work. Commenting on the appeal of Milk and Honey, Kaur’s publisher Kirsty Melville insisted that ‘the medium of poetry reflects our age, where short-form communication is something people find easier to digest or connect with’.
Had we time to digest it, the diagnosis might provide cause for concern. The idea that Web 2.0 has a deleterious effect on our attention spans and cognitive abilities is nothing new; internet entrepreneur Andrew Keen argued the case in his 2007 book from which this essay takes its title. A decade on, this autumn, Twitter co-founder Evan Williams registered his dismay at how social media platforms were helping to ‘dumb the entire world down’, lamenting specifically the role Twitter played in Donald Trump’s election victory. In the arena of politics, language has always been the slippery servant of self-promoting, truth-bending, popularity-seeking individuals. In the age of the sound bite, for which social media is the perfect vehicle, we no longer expect the statements politicians utter to convey any meaning whatsoever. From literature we have hitherto expected better – not least because endurance, rather than fleetingness, is one marker of its quality. As Pound put it, literature is ‘news which stays news’. Of all the literary forms, we might have predicted that poetry had the best chance of escaping social media’s dumbing effect; its project, after all, has typically been to rid language of cliché. Yet in the redefinition of poetry as ‘short-form communication’ the floodgates have been opened. The reader is dead: long live consumer-driven content and the ‘instant gratification’ this affords
I'm glad you and I came to an understanding. I don't like rupi for the record. I think she's a nonentity though as I don't use websites like tumblr and I don't fraternize with art hoes so I never have to think about her except when these circlejerk threads come up.
I don't understand the point of having a thread about someone we can all agree is shit. What deeper analysis or meaning can be gleaned from her shitty poetry? Why not discuss Wallace Stevens or Hart Crane or Walt Whitman or Rimbaud? Why have the same thread where we all jerk each other off about how bad some bitch is at poetry and how popular she is? the whole thing feels very reddit to me.
>I don't understand the point of having a thread about someone we can all agree is shit. What deeper analysis or meaning can be gleaned from her shitty poetry? Why not discuss Wallace Stevens or Hart Crane or Walt Whitman or Rimbaud? Why have the same thread where we all jerk each other off about how bad some bitch is at poetry and how popular she is? the whole thing feels very reddit to me.
It's all just bait, I think, and you're absolutely right. Cheers, user.
I once tried to write a multi-stanza poem on having sex with Rupi Kaur while shes on her period called 'Blood & Honey'
The Great American Hero bushwhacked to find her orchid; a Georgia O’Keefe come to life.
“You’re so morbid”. Sordid, maybe, but blood is the fluid of life.
Thicker than water
Glue that binds mother and father to daughter.
An aroma of warmth. It’s been lone in the hearth.
A dearth. He’s come to bring the rain.
Will there be pain? “I’ve been cramping all day.
I drank not a drop; Advil’s in my veins.”
Pray, then; for I prepare to sin.
A tongue like Slytherin.
Slithering whither, searching for quivers.
Until she glimmers in shivers.
>tfw corporate infiltration of Occupy delegitimized an entire format
we're back in the fuckin' stone age, man
THis is excellent.
curry tiddies
Bukowski was the rupi kaur of his time
i fucking assure you no women actually read her poetry books. they just take pictures of the book or pictures of themselves pretending to read it.
lifestyle marketing that ties the book in with the idenity of the mid 20s white girl who wants to feel cultured but doesnt want to actually read
She's the worst poet relative to the amount of attention she gets.
I'm not a misogynist (I enjoy many female writers) and I don't object to the subject matter of her poems in the slightest, but she stands as a symbol which embodies everything that has lead to decline of literature (lower bars for entry, writing being seen as a political venting platform rather than a discipline etc.).
Milk and Honey might be one of the worst books of all time, not only because of it's low effort writing quality, but also because of what it represents.
Nice line break but your meter sucks.
>I enjoy many female writers
I’d like to see her get blacked
Hey, JiM MorRisEnn iS tHE bEsT PoeT OF aLl tIMe!
Is this an adult hamster?
Pretty much. It's honestly astonishing how bad it is. It's not poetry, it has absolutely no semblance of poetry, and to see people reading it, praising it and buying it in such huge numbers is genuinely disheartening and then ultimately rage-inducing.
Gone are all conceptions of rhyme, meter, rhythm, allegory, metaphor, structure, composition, decided word choice, wit, humour, depth; she puts no deeper meaning into anything she writes, instead opting for fortune-cookie tier "wisdom" of the most banal subjects and using her free verse as a veil to shroud her ineptitude at her craft. There is no universality to her poetry - all of it is aimed at young adults, mostly girls, mostly ethnic minorities, college educated generic progressive liberal indoctrinettes. There is no skewed perception of reality in which one could justify her poetry as anything above the most absolutely trivial, gratuitous ramblings of an idiot. She is not a poet. She does not write poetry. To say she is or does is to deny actuality.
That being said, I would fuck her anally for hours if I could have the chance. She looks like she's the kind of girl who likes it, ngl.
You cannot beat her by giving her what she wants.
>Why are you upset?
>Why are you upset?
>Why are you upset?
Why are you inferring peoples emotions where none were displayed?
wow her poem is actually kind of better. Didn't realise Bukowski was such trash
>I film squirrels in the local park and dub Shakespeare over it
>no one ever sees these movies but me
Selfish faggot.
>a turd with ten flies is better than a massive turd with a hundred flies
Does not the massive turd with a hundred flies better demonstrate the essence of turdness?
obvious fake
user on Yea Forums
Lost in the Internet Sea
Among the many
But ignored by all
Another crystal of salt
dissolved in the sea
No, Allen Ginsburg is.
Allen Ginsburg more like peepee poopoo man amirite fellow fortniters!
i would nut on those titties so hard senpai
You're so sexy I want to kill you and eat you , user
I would desu lads
>boomer jokes
>imagine hating a board so much that you have to tripfag about and shitpost constantly
lmao at your life
based and redpilled
I read that article. It radiates such passive aggressiveness towards Kaur that's it excellent.
At least Bukowski had some personality.
Don't flatter her. There's as much space between mediocrity and "worst of all time" as there is between mediocrity and "best of all time."
did it
(notlastbut) first
e.e. Cummings himself wrote that he only wrote a handful of good poems. I agree with him and totally respect his honesty. His good poems are very good though.
The difference is that ee cummungs had the music and rhythm to match the line breaks and totally understood what he was doing. He could also write formal stuff if he wanted.
Who cares if cumboy did it? That doesn't legitimize it and it doesn't make it right.
>Dude lmao heroin and fucking twinks >fuck the system and capitalism while we get high and travel the world on daddy's money