>you can't have secular morality because i say so
first of all prove god exists. second of all answer why I am moral without being a god fearing christcuck.
You can't have secular morality because i say so
How is it just punishing someone for eternity for finite sins? We humans have more sense than God, since even if a person will stay in prison until death, we still decide the number of years his sentence would've have lasted, if they could live that long.
I dare someone to refute this.
subjective morality lmao, you can literally just make up whatever you want
How does morality derived from God differ from God's law? Isn't it the same thing then?
Define every single word of your post and I might write you an answer.
Burden of proof is on you to prove that morality exists without religion.
why tho?
Because you've made the claim that it does, you mouthbreather.
The OP in the other thread implied secular morality DOES NOT exist, which is a null hypothesis, and you can't prove a negative. The hypothesis would have to be secular morality can exist without God, or I can be moral without believing in God.
>muh Burden of proof
I wish we could all agree this is faggy way of arguing no matter what side you are arguing for
You value your understanding in reason and imagination so much that you think you have a objective grasp on morals and justice, existence and the infinite. That is a mistake.
Please, enlighten me then. If God is the foundation of justice and morality, how come we humans surpass him? Not to mention, we don't use torture as a means of punishment, we simply seclude criminals and the severely mentally ill from society. God loves humans so much, yet instead of offering an alternative for non-believers and unrepenting sinners, it's only heaven or hell. You're either with me and my slave in Heaven, or you burn and you're tortured by demons in hell. There's no third option, God isn't playing fair.
Stop hiding behind semantics and face me like a man, coward!
Morality requires a higher being upholding its legitimacy, because once you reject God you understand how vapid and empty this existence would be.
Secular morals are just derived from christian values for cowards like you who are too afraid to face the implications of an arbitrary morality.
just read Euthyphro dude
and you've made the claim that it doesn't. make an actual argument
The religion explanation requires more positive claims, so the burden of proof is greater. Without it, we can look at morality as a behavioural strategy, which requires much fewer assumptions.
It's not though, it's entirely logical. Otherwise it's just a shit-flinging contest of assumptions and undefineable claims without consideration of probability.
Why do meaning and values that follow from our nature require a 'higher' provenance for legitmacy? Do I need justification to exist? If it is my nature to feel, do I need justification for caring?
why would you make another thread instead of just replying to the OP of the original thread? are you some kind of pussy?
Weirdly Dawkins has the answer here. Basically you're a bag of genes which "want" to survive. And all your genes are shared by other people, so if they survive, that is also good.
Not him.
Punishment is non existant in the discussion. The concept of afterlife is merely a contract. The medium of that contract is belief.
"Hell" very well may be the void you assume awaits you. Or it may not. Literally, hell is utter devoidance of God.
The opposite would simply be full immersion of God.
Such were the conditions of your agreement on Earth; to live with Him or not.
Why would a just God force you a decision against your will?
So? Someone wrote some random desert book now Christians think that is what morality is
He laid out those conditional pretty poorly, don't you think? Instead of showing up in person, he wants everyone to rely on an outdated book- it's no different from small print.
That's why he revealed another updated and final one hundreds of years later in the form of the Quran
When will people learn not to engage with the christians on this board? They're universally toxic ideologues whose posts always devolve into nonsense.
>prove god exists
prove you have a dick
God what a stupid fucking basis for morality
This coming from the guy who says if your baby has autism you should get an abortion. Great way to preserve your genes, retard.
Prove something is "wrong".