Decide to just start writing

>Decide to just start writing
>write a little story
>it really sucks
>feel really good
Does anyone else have fun writing?

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Only whilst painting
>pic related

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No, I generally find writing to be chore-like. It feels good when you're done though, because it feels like you've done meaningful work.

No I hate writing almost as much as I hate reading.

Yeah for sure


Yes im trying to become a novelist so i do short stories as a warm up. Ive submitted some to magazines and it sucks because it takes like weeks or even months for them to process it. Following your dreams is a risk but fuck it i wont give up

cute painting, user


you probably should if you're over 25 and don't have a regular job desu

Yeah - it's a grind but I generally get really into it and overall enjoy it. Some parts can be irksome to write, so I don't write them lol, any form of transit description, or the like, I chop.

Needs penis

Nice painting user

cool painting user. keep up the work.

thanks, i will keep it up

This. I take 3 months to write a paragraph, but when I'm done it's like, "that's really nice, I should do this more often", and that gives me a lot of new ideas that will never see the light of day






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very nice user