ssris have completely stripped me of anxiety and emotion but i still have the unrelenting urge to lunge a blade through my chest the only difference is now i dont feel sad about it
Ssris have completely stripped me of anxiety and emotion but i still have the unrelenting urge to lunge a blade through...
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Lucky fucker .I still am plagued by anxiety. I can't read and lately not even listen to music.
If I regained the feeling of sadness I'd be elated.
Make your bed everyday, do good, make meaningful experiences. It will not come out of thin air
How do Yea Forums posters fall for the behavioral meme? I thought we were intelligent here
Go back to /r9k/.
probably tylo be chillin
"what do you mean I must purposefully try to achieve a positive outcome! That's an outrage! You're a sheep, that's all! A slave! I won't! I refuse! I'll just keep being a cry baby instead!
imagine being so dumb and taking them
when they gave me zoloft i went out and did a bunch of things that scared me previously (large groups, public performing, traveling alone). it's regrettable that my emotions were dulled through the whole thing but i felt good enough to get off the pills as soon as i could.
the pills aren't a coping mechanism (as the medical industry wants it to be) but a tool which can help you get back on track. think of it the same way people use alcohol as a 'social lubricant'. they're chemically manipulating their behavior to act in a way that they easily could sober.
What movie is that reaction image from
Imagine being so normie you actually have something to lose in life hahahahaha
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH imagine taking a drug (with all its side effects) that has the same efficiency of regular exercise. holy shit americans are dumb
>dude just hit the gym
>Going through the motions like a machine will somehow bring inner change! Coincidentally it also benefits the Jew!
how does making your bed help jews
Doing your drone job and suppressing your feelings, that's how
>taking meds to hell your mental illness helps da ebil jooz
fucking what? lmao sounds like a cop out because you dont want to put effort into anything and try to justify your laziness with "The Jew"
Fool that you are, so quick to Form all subjects to your narrative. I don't care if you never work a day in your life. Happiness is the topic of conversation. You must find methods to create your own happiness. Find purpose. The user you originally replied to with your toxic leech rhetoric is speaking from the lowest low perspective. Simply wake up everyday and start with the smallest goals... Wake up, make your bed, pour a bowl of cereal. Don't give up. Lift one foot infront of the other.
And you immediately started with, "HAH drones that you are! The Jews surely own you!"
If the alternative is killing oneself... Or being a disgusting little troll like you, the Jews can have me
What if all these efforts are misguided and you expend energy and willpower in the wrong direction? You will end up worse than you started.
SSRIs are like sugar pills, did absolutely nothing for me. it's all about SNRIs my friend. I am on a lot of different kinds of antidepressants and other pills but for once in my life I feel like they are actually doing something. I am taking them at pretty heavy dosages though and have no real idea which one specifically is doing the trick. I don't dare alter the formula because it's working, it's really working. It may take a while to find the correct concoction, and a simple over or under dosage of one medication may throw the whole thing off. It is a very delicate process but it can work for some people over time. I have been fine-tuning my psychiatric medications for about six years. It may take you longer, if it you succeed at all. It's all a question of how much time and money you are willing to burn, really
Today I read Michel Houellebecq's Whatever for the first time. It's a good representation of depression, perfect actually. This is by far his darkest book, the writings of a man who had no idea that he was ever going to be successful. I'm not sure he could produce something like this now.
>From time to time his bespectacled gaze drifts aimlessly over me. He gives the impression of being bewitched. I know how it is; I experienced the same thing two years ago, just after my separation from Veronique. You get the feeling you can roll about on the ground, slash your veins with a razorblade or masturbate in the metro and nobody will pay any attention, nobody will lift a finger. As if you were protected from the world by a transparent film, inviolable and perfect.
When I read this I remembered how it felt off the pills all over again and I shuddered. It's a terrifying and painful way of existing. I'm sincerely not sure I'd survive if I ever returned to that state.
Lmao imagine taking neurotoxic pills that have the same efficiency as placebo sugar or walking outside for 15 minutes. Islam will inherit the earth
Hm. I've tried dozens of ssris but I felt nothing and have up pills. Do you feel some level of connection to the world has been restated?
I postulate that the theraputic efficacy of SSRIs are from their antilibidinal effects, as my male patients who respond best to them have their sex drives affected the worst. Sexual excess may play an etiological role in depression; it is possible that abstinence itself may be of benefit for some patients.
same. you get used to it bro
You're using 'lunge' incorrectly. If you think you're above posting this shitty blogpost on /adv/ or /r9k/, at least use the English language correctly.
If the options are
A) sit at home, feeling secure that you aren't putting effort into anything nonsensical and fruitless
B) get out there and wing it, hopefully be enriched by the experience
Which do you think is the best course of action?
Sould have been : pleb psychologist - virgin psychiatrist - chad psychoanalyst
Can beta blockers help with extremely persistent chronic depression? SSRIS are huge scum I agree. I need to try something drastic. I've got amphetamines and mushrooms on my list too
lol yeah ive definitely been "enriched" by going out into the world and all my other attempts to try and salvage what remains of my hell brain. just be yourself bro, just go up and talk to her bro. just perpetuate the eternal cycle of stepping out into the world > getting hurt > wallowing in your own patheticness > hitting a new rock bottom, stepping out into the world again with the delusional hope that this time it will be different bro. just go to your stupid six-figure salary job everyday and save money knowing fully well you'll never have anything meaningful to spend it on. just watch viscous time flow by you as all your friends start dating each other and forget about you and ignore all your attempts to hang out with them and possibly rekindle a fraction of the enjoyment you had together back in the university days. just keep searching for that soulmate even though every woman around you is a narcissistic sociopathic slut that is more interested in using you as a discardable emotional tampon between bottles of wine and episodes of the latest netflix show than a fulfilling relationship and blocks you without a word the nanosecond you stop being a useful tool for them and you have to go through the whole monumental process over again while she can just go on tinder and have dozens of hot guys all hotter and better than you flooding her with messages within 0.7 seconds. just keep pissing away money on that 7th therapist in 2 years who is completely fucking useless just like all the others and you only keep going to because your mom wants you to since she's worried you're going to kill yourself. keep finding new swords to fall on bro.
i think i'll stay inside from now on
>Can beta blockers help with extremely persistent chronic depression?
No, generally used for physical anxiety like stage freight or trembling in their psychopharmacological applications.
Dude if that's your attitude...die. Seriously, that's not me being edgy. If life is SO meaningless and SUCH a HUGE fucking chore for you, sod off. Let someone else take your job and consume the resources you're using just because you exist.
And if you won't, then admit something is worth living for. Stop being dramatic
How the fuck can you not find somebody when you've got a good paying job and social circle?
im ugly
i agree completely
What's funny is I don't want you to die dude.
I want you to just appreciate what you have. It's such a hollow thing to say, I know. But you have things so many others would kill for. Find a hobby that requires practice. Reading is a shit hobby for people with depression. I like shooting. Every time I go I can improve. I must focus and shut everything else out. Just me, the gun, the target.
Maybe firearms aren't for you, but something like that.
Cop out. I've seen some pairings with large attractiveness discrepancy and the guys weren't rich (they were charismatic though).
Try therapy even if you don't feel you have problems. A skilled therapist will uncover the self devaluation and neediness you probably project and may be able to help
You are trapped. Not every movement needs to be perfect. I'll ask you this first:
>Is it easier to find a route to a mountain trapped in a cave thinking then setting out once you find a foolproof strategy, or going out of your cave and gaining knowledge to further help you find this mountain?
Get out of your cave and gain some knowledge, because with that knowledge you can find a route to the mountain with greater ease.
But with satisfaction that I tried.
Repeated failure is possible. Keep doing it. Eventually, you might get so good that you fail at failing.
Wouldn't that be something?
What if you lose your way and die from exhaustion? Every choice comes with a risk and if you start amassing disappointments then your self preservation instinct kicks in.
i like guns but as a fucking leaf i have to basically sign over every one of my rights (which i realize are basically illusory anyway but whatever) to the royal canadian faggot police to own one. gotta smuggle one of those ghost gunners through the border some day (just kidding RCMP officer reading this!! i have nothing but the deepest respect for you, your horse you legally fuck in between your 4 hour shifts sitting at tim horton's, and the rule of law!!) I do woodworking shit and death metal/powerviolence vocals/bass in some local bands just for laffs sometimes. probably some other autistic shit that isn't coming to mind right now. meh.
maybe. i've had women tell me to my face that i look like a toad. i guess as an addendum i'd say im ugly and dont have enough in other departments to make up for it, to which you'll probably say "work on the other departments then", and in turn i will say "yeah i guess all i can do is keep doing that."
im sorry if i came off as a prick, i was moreso just screaming at the sun. gonna simmer now cause i hate turning things into my gay blog. thanks for caring enough to reply, gamers
"But he knoweth the way that I take:when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold."
pic related changed my life.
Most mental issues are learned. Anxiety and depression are the result of a faulty, distorted view of the world or just plain old information that isn't adaptive anymore (schemas).
The problem is that: (a) you don't know what particular schema you need to unlearn, (b) you don't know how to unlearn it.
Your mind is mostly unconscious but most of your behavior is guided by this unconscious that was shaped by experience and learning.
The way towards actual transformation change is through a process called memory reconsolidation.
Through self-reflection you find these implicit emotional learnings underlying your behavior, you verbalize them so they can be integrated into conscious awareness and then you use the process of memory reconsolidation to change or erase that learning.
This leads to change that requires no counteracting or effort to upkeep, meaning, actual real change, not the behaviorism meme.
I managed to try out the techniques on myself in a self-help manner without a therapist (which isn't recommended) and I can verify that it's actually effective.
My depression and low self-esteem are seemingly gone and my anxiety has reduced significantly and weirdly, somehow different qualitatively.
I used to berate myself all day, just wake up and start self-loathing immediately, feel completely ashamed of myself.
Now, despite absolutely nothing changing in my life, I feel completely normal for the first time in ages.
Anyway, here's a nice primer on it.
why didn't you just take amphetamine? It's just as effective an anti-depressant, just without as much psychotic rage on comedowns.
it's only considered a mental illness b/c it doesn't help jews
I'm a Jew with mental illness, how does that work ?
Wanting to kill yourself (and not actually doing it) is about as low as you can go. What are you afraid to lose?
Everything is this retarded post is about your obsession with females and how the narrative you've built in your head as 'reality' isn't making you happy. I seriously cannot comphrened the mentality of of having the opinion of woman be the defining factor in whether or not I would want to kill myself.
Stay off the internet for a while, actually read, or go out in nature. Go fuck an escort if you want to bust a nut so bad. But it isn't about that is it? You want woman to like you for who you are, not because of your material expressions of worth. You want woman to lust over you inherently, without putting any effort at all beyond existing in a certain time and place. This is your life fuel, and without it you're nothing but a depraved fein at the edge of insanity. You don't even have to fuck her right? Just knowing that you could of and she would have wanted it. And that's exactly why you will never get it.
Woman smell this deep need for validation like blood in the water. Because you're not the man who would accept other people don't instantly know your worth, and you need to display it materially or behaviorally if you want something from them. You're not the man who is fine with the fact that she only fucked him because of his money, his Instagram page, his muscles, his presence and use in the story of the girl he's fucking. He's confident in who he is, everything else is fluff, nomatter his sexual success. Most develop this easier than others, better looking, sociable men naturally devalue pussy with their relative abundance unaware of it's development. The test of everybody else, the test that separates the worms from the gods, is creating this mental process through sheer, conscience, will. Many worms will think themselves God's simply for breaking ground and worshipping ideology and theology, don't fall for this trap. Other wise just kill yourself
>ssri-chugging npc goytoy
>calling anyone else normie
come on now
you haven't even started getting into fine cheeses you ponce
I hate these sadboy freaks.. making all depressed people look like absolute pansies. FUCK OF!!!!! back to your facebook meme page. FUCK. I'm gonna rape you. BITCH. I'm gonna tie you up and DO things to your FUCK body CUM SHIT
You for real?
>eating SSRIs willingly
why do americans do this? do you retards not realize that your healthcare is an absolute travesty and that literally the only reason you're eating those pills is because the doctor who prescribed them to you made money doing so
You could literally put effort into starting a race war with the jews and it would involve making your bed first you stupid faggot.
I've been taking St. John's Wort as a tea for about a week now. It hasn't really taken effect but I had some bowel problems and I get sunburnt easily, but I feel a lot more focused.
You are describing the trauma model. I have been wanting to give EMDR a try but the method seemed like quakery and I held back. Now I'm not so sure
everyone angered by this post guy almost universally sounds soulless. Like a marketer who thinks it's fine that the world is completely material. Don't associate yourself with God, you have no sympathy.
OP, do you have friends you can speak to/hang out with though? The pills aren't a solution in and of themselves, best use it can have (I think) is to enable you to meet people or process your complexes through therapy and socializing.
Good you're pushing this book again, but you're right I think that consulting a therapist is not a bad idea.
I would love to give it a try as well. Or a low dose of shrooms...
Psychiatric medication are a meme, never ever take them
Yeah. I use to bash my brain with all the cognitive-behavioral trash that promotes counteracting symptoms and it's done me fuck all except make me even more neurotic.
Constantly trying to analyze my thoughts, dispute them, learning to "accept" my emotions etc.
Now they're just gone. I just don't think the same way anymore because something shifted inside me and those thoughts and behavior no longer make sense.
Not sure about that, but the key is memory reconsolidation.
The author says that some therapies do use this model, albeit accidentally and without awareness (most experiential ones).
From reading about EMDR, it seems that it does the first part of the process well - identifying the relevant experience and experiencing it vividly.
Sometimes, just bringing up the experience, verbalizing its meaning, is enough to integrate it into daily awareness and let the brain naturally find disproving experiences.
Other times, the therapist needs to find a disproving experience and then guide you through a juxtaposition where you hold both of those experiences in mind.
Coherence therapy seems like the simplest therapy that fully incorporates memory reconsolidation. Other therapies seem to make some faulty assumptions and have unnecessary baggage (like this eye movement).
I posted about it last time but I wasn't sure if it was a placebo or not, but I have verified that this has led to transformational change.
A therapist is a good idea, the effectiveness of this methodology largely depends on having a skillful therapist that can use experiential techniques to guide you and also be clever enough to find the relevant experiences.
try ketamine, it's the new depression drug hotness
I'm not kidding
>even though every woman around you is a narcissistic sociopathic slut
Takes one to know one
Damn. I am so happy for You. :)
I wish I were less of a sceptic, though. I don't see any coherence therapist around me, unfortunately.
However, this sounds the same as just going on a really introspective drug trip, no? Also reminds me a lot of exposure therapy.
We need a separate thread for this book.
Still me. I'd just love to defeat my fear of going insane / panic attacks / random dissociation all caused by a horrible LSD trip.
>taking meds to hell your mental illness helps da ebil jooz
absolutely yes, lmao
why are kids allowed to post here? philosophy settled the psychiatric debate a CENTURY ago