Reminder that these authors are 100% effective pseud filters
Reminder that these authors are 100% effective pseud filters
>middlebrow writers known by everyone and their mother are pseud filters
Redd*it is the other way.
Love seeing people gush over Pynchon Corncob and other purpley prose writers and then hate on Poe. If you ever want to tell if someone is a psued or not ask them if they like his short stores
Everyone loves Poe. Who hates Poe? lmao
>anglos actually believe this
Poe more like poo lmao
>hating on Uncle Poe
consider suicide lmao
>t. butter gulp american who unironically enjoys trash like poe and memecarthy
ruined it
>europoor thinks he can read at all
kek'd hard
Not even American, faggot.
that's embarrassing (for yo)
your average "POE" fan, ladies and gentlemen!
Jane Austen threads are the best threads on Yea Forums because her reputation among suburban housewives keeps the retards out.
Bolaño, Baudelaire, Borges and Cortázar liked Poe. I trust their taste more than the taste of some retarded faggot like yourself.
>Bolaño, Baudelaire, Borges and Cortázar liked Poe.
>all people whose first language is not English
At least she gets mentioned. Hawthorne, Scott, and the other 19th century novelists never are.
What does that have to do with anything? Only native speakers can enjoy him? Cortázar and Baudalaire translated him. Keep doubling down, faggot. It's a joy watching the shitty excuses you give for having a shit taste.
meant for
t. retard
>Only native speakers can enjoy him?
Only native speakers have a good grasp of their language. Otherwise they make mistakes like liking Poe and thinking Poe is a good writer.
Who's the 5th guy?
I’ll discuss Hawthorne with you user
Not an argument
He's influential, though. Cry more, Yurofag. And I'm not even a Burger.
influential =/= good
Karl Marx was a highly influential writer and just take a look at what he influenced.
Wow, the filter works fast.
He influenced literature for the better, though. What a shitty analogy.
Too bad his own literature wasn't any good.
Oh but it was, his fiction, anyway. It's effective at the very least. Maybe you just have a personal thing against him for whatever reason.
>bad bad bad
love the level of discussion on this board
He's pretty based, have you read his travel notebooks?
>doubling down so much that you have to bring fucking Karl Marx
lmao @ your life
History's biggest pseud filter comin' through
You must be American if you believe Americans are more racist than the rest of the world.
dont forget walking on the Moon
Edgar allan poe was godly
What's the best work to start with for each of them and which of their works are essential?
point is that "influential" isn't a signifier of being good literature.
Is Austen actually worth reading if you have a penis?
Ye. Her books are pretty funny.