What compels you to read?

What compels you to read?

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New perspective in which I can better my own life

nothing that's why I don't bother with it.

reading is a boomer hobby like the yo yo and littering

i wanted to read nietzsche but i've been stuck with the greeks since two years. think i'll just give and go back to vidya.

>gaymer fell for the gayreeks maymay

I read, mostly, fiction and historical accounts and this makes me go to other places, feel sad and happy and all that stuff.

can't suck me own dick


it's severely overrated

Competitiveness and a desire to have my mind taken seriously (most of all by me). Probably to a lesser extent, a desire to know truth. To a far lesser extent, for pleasure.

It's a more complex and healthful joy than masturbating etc., akin to the difference between simple sugars and complex carbohydrates.

I'm an autist with abysmal verbal iq that always sounds retarded when I try to talk about something in real life even when I know what I'm talking about.

sounds more like OCD or social anxiety than low verbal IQ

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Desire to know as much as possible. Also a kind of paranoia where I am convinced I am discovering patterns and codes through the books I read.



I agree. I legit thought I was autistic with low verbal IQ before I got prescribed beta blockers. Instantly allowed me to speak semi-normally. It was like day and night t b h

Beauty, perspective, tranquility, insight, entertainment

I have a diagnosis of HFA and can speak in front of a large group if I have a script so it must be a low verbal iq. I can also read words themselves fast but take long to understand what was being said.

Beta blockers for mental Illness? Interesting. Did you exhaust the usual treatment options (ssris) beforehand?

I'm just coping with the fact that life is shit