Jew Jizm? The wisdom schism
Buddhism is not for me. It's just another religion, but this time more foreign to the point that it feels nonsensical to me. Perhaps there's some practical advice there, but I could get the same thing from Stoicism, which I find more culturally palatable.
Why did you leave a tampon on that woman?
>im smort u guyz
Your example just infantilises religion through the lens of your own limited knowledge of it. You can overexplain all you want, it doesn’t detract from the central point. Something is happening they can’t explain with anything that necessarily can be proven to exists, it is the exact same reasoning religion uses.
>thing happens, we don’t know why, we postulate this might be why despite no evidence in physical reality apart from the fact something happened that must have a cause
Literally replace dark matter with the word “god” in your post and you’ll see what I mean
I feel ya
Every brainlet wojak you have saved is literally an insecure appeal to other internet users to consider you intelligent while not contributing anything. Surely you could destroy everyone’s arguments if you’re so smart
If we are saying god is merely the thing, whatever it is, that has caused or allowed things to exist then it obviously is real by virtue of the fact that it is an amorphous concept tied to soemthing we already know is true.
If you say "I will call whatever has caused or allowed existence to be 'god'" then god exists. If you say god is a conscious deity then I would not agree. To discuss this god has to be a definable thing.
I'm used to talking to people that go on ans on about how there is a personal god that loves them, which I think is just nonsense, but there's more to your conceptualization of it. Likewise I think that spinoza's god is also obviously real. (when we boil it down to the idea that god is the natural order and existence of the universe, or as I understand it)
I'm not sure if we're just giving names to things or talking about a specific thing.
>Scientism intensifies
Images shape the discussion, same as pasta and insults.