Gaddisprosing thread

Gaddisprosing thread.

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Nice. Much better writing than dfw.

That first chapter of Carpenter’s Gothic is one of my favourite pieces of writing.

Objectively bad

imagine being able to stomach a whole book of this bloated hogwash

gtfo logo

Absolutely beautiful. In what order should I read Gaddis? I was thinking of starting with
Carpenter's Gothic and Agape Agape?

In the room, on the phone, with the internet, upon the platform of Yea Forums, amongst the litheads, fingers aflurry, key the letters hurried, the words chaotic but with purpose, like wheels within wheels, recursively reoccur.

You don't have to. After this, Carpenter's Gothic is 95% dialogue.


Yes, most of the rest of the book is dialogue, and nobody is better than Gaddis at dialogue.

I can imagine that

step aside, william

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Those are the shortest and simplest Gaddis, but I think JR is the best starting place. Immensely funny book.

Where to start with Gaddis?

Just ordered Agape Agape and Carpenter's Gothic off amazon (plus some John Hawkes).

which hawkes? lime twig and beetle leg are goat

Lime Twig and The Cannibal

nice, hope you enjoy. Agape is best read in 1 or 2 sittings as it's basically one continuous rant, probably Gaddis' weakest, followed by Frolic. Read Carpenter's and then JR before recognitions.

>reading agape before JR
Okay retards

are you that twitter guy?

>starting with his best and working your way down the line



start with the recognitions if you aren't a fucking neanderthal

Agape is being written in JR by Jack you absolute fucking brainlet. Did you not catch this?

Obviously not because I haven’t read J R

Agape Agape should be read after his others. Don't go for it just because it's short--it expands on stuff he had been trying to tackle in his earlier work.

user, my heart goes. rushing towards ; to you

> Prose
> English

Italian is the language of poetry.
German is the language of philosophy.
English is the language of appliance manuals

I can't finish the first line without cringing.

>People think floundering in writing is good

What a boring bunch of tripe. Get to the point and be elegant about it. You can be descriptive and deliver meaning without packing your novel full of inane shit. Holy fuck I hated this.

After this paragraph the remainder of the novel is like 95% dialogue.

>be elegant about it
That's the hard part.

Too many short words, it hurts my eyes.

Just bought J R to correct this. Will read first.

The run on-ness of it mimics the kinetic nature of the scene he paints, though. It’s brilliant. By the end of the chapter it’s clear that this bird, batted around by playfully sadistic boys is a symbol of the main character, who is, in dialogue, treated much the same way as the bird. I don’t know something about thi opening makes me picture it so clearly; it’s like he painted it inside my mind.