Are there any books/essays on why one should not kill themselves...

Are there any books/essays on why one should not kill themselves? Especially if the one contemplating suicide is a nihilist.

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Myth of Sisypus by Camus.


i don't even have enough guts to kill myself

Let's unpack this... It's called being a decent human being. First of all, suicide is a sin. It's wrong because it goes against god's will, that is, thou shalt not kill. It disturbs the natural order of the world. It denies the supreme creation of god, that is, the human. You're basically spitting in the face of the creator saying that his creation wasn't good enough for you, the creature. Then it's wrong because it makes your family and friends miserable, thinking "i should have helped him more" even though they couldn't have done anything. It's the most selfish and free will denying act.

my diary desu

Don't kill yourself because others will feel bad. You should continue living, even though you feel bad, so others don't feel bad. M'kay?

I am not even religious. There is no proof that God is real, and there is no proof that he isn’t real. Therefore, that makes agnosticism the most logical approach to religion. Why is denying the natural order of the world wrong? Why is making my friends and family sad wrong? Even if you did have solid, biological PROOF that it is wrong, why should I care? Why shouldn’t I do things that are in my best interest? Morality is subjective. I refuse to believe otherwise until this is proven to be objective.

Why can't you legally consent for someone to kill you?
If you're allowed to masturbate and have sex with someone, you should also be allowed to commit suicide or grant permission for someone to kill you.
Rape is non-consensual sex, while normal sex is consensual. Why isn't there consensual murder?

The reasoning both of pessimist philosophy and of
ordinary suicide is this: There is an animal self
which is attracted to life, but the yearnings of this
self can never be gratified. There is another self, a
rational one, which has no longing for life, but
merely critically contemplates all the false joy of
life and the passions of the animal self and rejects
them entirely.

If I yield to the first I see that my life is mean-
ingless and that I am heading for misery, in which
I am more and more involved. If I abandon my-
self to the second — the reasonable self — I no longer feel any attraction to life. I see that it is absurd and impossible to live for the one thing I want, that is, my personal happiness. It would be possible to live for reasonable consciousness, but it is not worth while and I do not want to. Serve that
source from whence I came — God? Why? If God
exists, he will find people to serve him without me.
And why should I do it? One can contemplate
this play of life as long as one does not find it dull,
and when it is dull one can go away and kill one-
self. And that is what I will do.

Because death has a lot more consequences and society is made up of people who mostly believe in the same, fixed morals.



Fear of life in one form or other is the great thing
to exorcise; but it isn’t reason that will ever do it.
Impulse without reason is enough, and reason
without impulse is a poor makeshift. I take it that
no man is educated who has never dallied with
the thought of suicide.

William James, Letter to B. P, Blood
(June 28, 1896)

Cause you're a little child

The relatives of a suicide take it in ill part that he
did not remain alive out of consideration for their

Nietzsche, Human, All~Too-Human, 322

Cross Channel by Romeo Tanaka

>Why shouldn’t I do things that are in my best interest?
How is suicide in your best interests than? You should try to improve your life than instead of bitching on Yea Forums

the trial. what you need isnt sympathy. youre no victim of some cruel joke but you are the joke in of it self. you create your own delusions and then shout at the world angrily, complaining that it doesnt conform to your expectations. There is no meaning in the world that will conform to your desires so stop complaining when what you seek doesnt exist. Embrace life, amor fati, be the knight of faith

I don’t like life and can guarantee that I never will, so suicide is in my best interest. Is that so hard to believe?

>Is that so hard to believe?
Yes, because you still alive

I know that the world doesn’t owe me anything and that there is no meaning. I just have no desire to live.

Even if a bunch of niggers are raping your butthole, you shouldn't complain. It's not their fault the world doesn't conform to your expectations. Enjoy your anus getting destroyed, embrace cultural enrichment, become a nigger's bitch.

>thou shalt not kill

Does not specify humans.

>God is pleased by Abel’s sacrifice of animals
>asks Abraham to sacrifice Isaac


Suicide is ok OP. Just pray a lot and tell God that you are offering yourself to him.

who said anything about niggers raping your butthole? im a nihilist
so you seek no meaning? no answers?

im not*

You wandered into the wrong store. Why not pick up a couple of things along the beforehand you head out?

>killing yourself

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I seek the truth of the world more than anything which is why I’m studying physics, though I acknowledge that we will never find it. Everything is pointless which is why I think I might as well do whatever I enjoy, but what I enjoy is finding out the truth. The only other option for me is suicide.

Because there's no hidden sacriligious truth of the universe. Everything just goes how it goes

That’s true. I don’t know how I should feel about it though.

If you actually read the Bible you'd know you're completely wrong. Isaac wasn't sacrificed, you retard and even if he was, that would not have been suicide either way would it? You completely fucking ignorant fedora wearing mong.

t. hasn't read fear and trembling

One day, after a particularly devastating panic attack, I decided to kill myself by overdosing on anti-depressant medication. Unbeknownst to me, my mom had replaced all of my Paxil with homeopathic pills. Funnily enough, she even egged me on to do it. I spent all afternoon waiting for a serotonin syndrome to set in before I realized that it was a dud.

I never thought about suicide again. For a while, I felt that I was a ghost, but eventually I took on the belief that I received a chance to restart life. A lot of things started turning around, I started taking more risks, I got into the university of my dreams, and I got to experience new lows in depression and new highs in happiness.

If you feel that life is finished, that the present is forever, and that all future endeavors are hopeless, then you're going to plan your suicide. That understanding is no longer with me. I don't have answers to life, but I have a sense that I still have paths to explore, so onward I march.

I still hate my mother though. I still do my duties as a son, but she is otherwise dead to me.

Yeah look I'd recommend Kierkegaard and Camus even though the conclusions they reach are completely different. Don't kill yourself nor be so ready to embrace logic and science. If the objective meaninglessness of our life is tangible to you, the rational step is to reconsider the objective and embrace the subjective. I hope I am giving you good advice. Only thing I can say with confidence is don't get so caught on believing in things that can be logically, scientifically proved. That leads to a barren life.

is that the only reason you hate your mother

no but this is the only one I can't forgive

>in my best interest
So what. The world ain't all about you. Suicide will hurt those who love you far more than life is hurting you, their misery will be greater than yours.

Just as I do not violate the laws against thieves
when I carry away my own money and cut my
own purse, or those against firebugs when I burn
my own wood, so I am not bound by the laws
against murderers for having taken my own life.

Montaigne, Essays, II, 3, Custom of Cea

now in paperback

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this is such a weak argument against suicide. im obviously not for people offing themselves but this is almost as flimsy as the classic "only cowards kill themselves" . the actual reason you should continue living is because after death there is very likely nothing, and no matter how bad your life seems, it is almost always preferable to go on living.


it's not the most selfish thing that one can do

holy fuck your mum is a cunt. sorry you had to go through that, mate. hope youre doing better now.

user, don't do it. Death isn't the end, and you'll only harm your karma-record if you end your life prematurely. Look into accounts of ghosts if you need to, or into the subtle bodies (etheric, emotional, mental, etc) if you desire more information. Think of it like Hamlet did: what if you continue to dream? Then what? You've only made things worse for yourself.

>Let's unpack this...

this post made me wince

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>Let's unpack this

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>morality is subjective

I know that he wasn’t sacrificed. BUt God asked him too, and then later ordered people not to kill ... and he said nothing about thou shalt not kill people, but thou shalt not kill, which is an impossible request in the first place. Secondly, he required Abraham to kill a lamb.

I’m your cyber-neighbour, and you’re not loving me you absolute hypocrite.

t. hasn’t read Mimesis by Auerbach

Some people interpret that commandment as ‘thou shalt not murder’, which makes more sense, as God has killed and ordered to kill and there is such a thing as Talion which requires the peacekeepers to kill

The Foundation for Exploration by Sean Goonan

Pretty sure Schopenhauer covered this, or something similar to it anyway.

There is, it's called euthenasia

It's a bredy good argument for anyone who's not a teenage solipsist

"It is not worth the bother of killing yourself, since you always kill yourself too late." -Romanian Madman Cioran. You're welcome.

Sounds like it would pair well with that tree planting quote

It's pretty selfish. Imagine if someone else killed the suicidal person
>yeah, sorry ma'am, your son was brutally murdered, but sometimes he was sad, so every cloud yeah?

what a fucking retard

damn OP, you're so dumb, there's no way out for you
just kill yourself already, if you feel no guilt with your family that's awesome, just kill yourself once for all.
you're right in what you believe, no one can deny that, just end your life please

thank you. I'm doing a lot better now, but still a lot more work to go.

>Making statements that cannot ever be known about a god's will despite having no way of knowing this

Monotheism and personal god strikes again

So, if you wait until all your family is dead and don't have any friends or significant other, you're free to kill yourself?
Whether suicide is right and wrong, depends on how many people personally know you?

After a very long struggle and after a life of reading various philosophies and religions i came to the conclusion that there is no point in killing yourself since death is always on the horizon

>Morality is subjective
I guess that would include your utilitarian-influenced morality, now wouldn't it? You are saying morality is subjective while trying to hold an objective morality.