Arabic literature

Arabic greatest oeuvres?

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Naguib Mahfouz is fantastic. The Day They Killed the Leader is a quick read as is The Thief and the Dog. Children of Gebalawii was the masterwork that got him the Nobel prize. Great thread OP.

thanks for your comment, I will keep bumping it though it doesn't seem to be appealing

is there a guide to essential arabic literature?


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One Thousand and One Nights by Anonymous
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Masnavi by Rumi
Season of Migration to the North by Tayeb Salih
Children of the Alley by Naguib Mahfouz
Cities of Salt by Abdul Rahman Munif
Frankenstein in Baghdad by Ahmed Saadawi

From a stylistic standpoint, the Quran is the most perfect Arabic scripture there ever will be.
However, its beauty is somewhat lost on Westerners (again from a stylistic point of view). It's very easy to skim through the English translations and deem it as unimpressive. The Arabic version was at the time of its inception, considered by the Arabs themselves (master orators that they were), the most eloquent and "fluid" speech ever composed. So much so that it managed to draw droves of new converts simply with the sheer power of the text.

>Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
>Masnavi by Rumi
Those are Persian.

>Quran is the most perfect Arabic scripture there ever will be.
hurr durr muho you can have your slave's wife. hey knock muho's door before you get in. hurr your wifes are your lands (arable field) harvest them as you like. Yeah this book is lit bro.

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Lmao, let’s see who inherits the earth basedboy

The Edward Said trilogy is fantastic
The question of palestine
And covering islam

Just finished Orientalism recently. Though not technically a work of Arabic literature it really was eye opening regarding the treatment of the "Arab" as such in Western literature and thought.

The work of Mahmoud Darwish - The Poet of Palestine also a great choice

Mahmoud darwish is fantastic. May I add the amazing george habbash as well.

Didn't they write in Arabic ?

thank you for the recommendations

Abdulrahman munif cities of salt

Arabs never produced anything remotely worthwhile, ever.
Their civilisation is fundamentally parasitic and predatory. Violently Semitic, in other words.

Bump, interested too

Persians have their own language.

I know, but since Arabic was the lingua franca in the region at the time, i would make sense that they would use it, like the European mathematicians who in the 18th century still wrote some of their works in Latin.

>Arabs contributed nothing
>has no idea that Algebra, the concept of zero, and the ARABIC numerical system were invented by Arabs.
Read more buddy

dumb fuck you.
those things came chiefly from the Hindus.
prove my point, cunt

>From the Hindus
Oh Kek how can you be so misinformed
There's a reason Islam penetrates deeply into India and not the other way around, bud.

Nice try Raj, your broken English betrays you.

don't be daft, cunt, and take your own advice and read a book: the zero comes from India originally so quit grandstanding and suck it up.

Interested in this after reading Borges reference it many times. Can someone tell me a bit more about it? Are these short stories!?

bump, it could be an interesting thread

I'm very curious about this. Could you give me an example of a sentence that sounds very beautiful in arabic the beauty of which is lost in translation? Can you maybe translitterate the arabic sentence into latin alphabet so I can understand how it sounds?

Only in Portuguese and Arabic. Reading right now.

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There’s some books on algebra they wrote.

Alhazen’s Optics is a must read for those interested in Optics or the development of the field within philosophy/science.

He goes over image locations and optical illusions in the work


I saw Ramallah by Mourid Barghouti

>the Arabic numeral system came from the Hindus
>Algebra, an Arabic word, came from the Hindus

It was certainly INFLUENCED by the Hindu method of Calculation, but Algebra was developed by a group of Arabic mathematicians which includes Abu Kamil and Al-Khwarizmi. They, especially the latter, influenced Leonardo Pisano, who introduced the Arabic numeral system into Europe. Certainly there was a large influence from Hindu mathematics, but there was also a large influence from Euclid’s Elements (and therefore Pythagoras) for both Al-Khwarizmi and Leonardo Pisano.

So you are half wrong, and you have completely no reason to be an arrogant asshole while being half wrong like that

Thank you based mathbro

Yeah. I do want to make a quick amendment to my post. Euclid’s Elements is referenced by Pisano, sure, but it’s actually Abu Kamil who references the correct fundamental propositions of Algebra in HIS book of Algebra, not Al-Khwarizmi’s, whose work is heavily dependent on Hindu mathematics.

I think that’s most likely the connection for Hindu mathematics and Algebra right there : Al-Khwarizmi. Abu Kamil and Pisano both reference Euclidean propositions in their justification of the method so it seems that most likely Pisano read both.

If anyone is wondering: the propositions in Elements which underlie the entirety of Algebra are Props 4-7 of Book II. Those are Pythagorean propositions, as is much of Book VII which is also referenced by Pisano in his Liber Abaci.

Which Borges reference? Could you post it?

Not the original poster but I'd like to share a chapter of the Qu'ran that I've found particularly beautiful "Al-Mulk" or "The Kingdom." Posting a link to it with Arabic recitation and relevant English translation.

>missiles of devils
>and for them We have prepared the doom of flame
>and for those who reject their lord, will be the redistribution of Hell, a miserable destiny

>when they are flung therein
>they hare its roaring, as it boils up
>As it would burst with rage
>Whenever a group is flung therein, the wards ask therm: "Did there not come to you a warner?"

Jesus, fuck the Quran. I remember being almost impressed the first time I read through a translation. There are passages and surahs which are genuinely beautiful in their content and composition. But, without fail, the text always transitions to the many "torments" which shall befall the "unbelievers."

You can't scarcely flip a page in the Quran without happening upon some promise of divine fury, lakes of fire or never-ending torture.

aren't these suppose to chinese, or in turkic china or central asia?

>inb4 learn arabic

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based rambam poster

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by your logic, we are speaking English, so we must be English.
Just no.

>violently semitic


>fundamentally parasitic and predatory

I'd encourage you to read up on Arab tribalism. Firsthand accounts from explorers like Thesiger are entertaining, more academic works are available, of course, such as Culture and Conflict in the Middle East, by Salzman.

Seabrook's Adventures in Arabia is a good laugh too.

That’s not at all anything like my argument.

By my logic, the Arabic numeral system is Arabic and Algebra is an Arabic invention

Why is good arabic literature always written by leftists? Even more so than with other cultures

People now see it as this beautiful language simply because of religious reasons and Quranic Arabic to an Arab is like what Latin is to an Italian.

Any MENA writer with half a brain mixes in some of their mother dialect. Otherwise, the whole novel feels fake or artificial.

yes, and just because they happen to be called Arabic numerals don't make them so.

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French fries

user are you seriously trying to say hindu-arab numeral system is not arab related?

I'm not that other retard that wants to shit on Islam, I was just saying French fries are not French.
Now if you want good "Arabic" literature, I recommend Ibn Khaldûn, Ibn Faḍlan, Ibn Jubayr and Ibn Baṭṭûṭa, they are historians and travellers, great stuff. Averroes, Algazal, Avicenne and Al-Farabi are kinda cool. And of course the Quran and One Thousand and One Nights are must-read.

And I'd like to add that "Arabic" really is a meaningless word, most "Arabs" are not (read Ibn Khaldûn). And the "Islamic golden age" wasn't really Islamic either.

thanks for the recs, user.

>and the Islamic golden age wasn't really Islamic either

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According to muslims, that is.

It happened with the Abbasid caliphate, which was kinda neo-persian and many of the intellectuals of the time were Christian and Jews.

The Islamic Golden Age was in no way Islamic, nor Golden, nor an Age.

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TIL "Islamic golden age" was jooz an shieet. This board is gorgeous duudee!