Since I'm a Catholic I can't join this cool sekret club but I'm still super fascinate by their symbolism and esoteric meaning. I really want to know how their system of morality and philosophy works
Any books that can teach me what they believe in without ruining the secrets of the initiations?
Books on this
Oh boy lets get it out of the way
>my dad was a master mason and elected head of the lodge and its boring and they're old and play cards and disagree on sandwiches
If you are a Catholic, you should want total and absolute destruction of the masons. They should be dragged out to the street, put on racks and stretched to death. FUCK masons and God DAMn them to hell.
What does Alex Jones say about the Mason's?
same desu
There's a masonic grand lodge just outside my University.
the illuminatus trilogy
Just cause your dad was a nigger lvl. mason organizing scooter races for chemo kiddies or taking donations at a lemonade stand dose not erase the organizations long history or reason for being.
read everything written by adam weishaupt
>the joke
as a Catholic, you should now, they are the enemy!.
Freemasons are fundamentally opposed to the teachings of the Catholic Church. You're obviously another /pol/ LARPer
>fundamentally opposed
some even dare to say is a satanic sect.
>If you are a Catholic, you should want total and absolute destruction of the masons. They should be dragged out to the street, put on racks and stretched to death. FUCK masons and God DAMn them to hell.
Based, and dare I say, redpilled?
>Since I'm a Catholic I can't join this cool sekret club
You can! Masons don't discriminate against Catholics. Mozart was a Catholic Mason. Just don't tell your priest hehe
God sees everything. You are of the devil, telling someone not to repent and enticing them to sin, as though nobody knowing about it means it was not committed. Christ forewarned us of those belonging to the devil, trying to steer his flock astray, and prescribed that for you such wretched workers of the devil, it would be better if a millstone were hanged about your neck, and you were drowned in the depth of the sea. Masons will all suffer eternal condemnation. Christ did not make his club secret, but open. The brood of vipers that is the Masons, operate in darkness for their deeds are evil.
Do you really have to jerk off in front of a room of dudes to join.
nah masons are fine, some pope got jelly he got blackballed and b& them in spite
no that's Skull & Bones
>So I basically want to read material that would get me excommunicated
Unironically Gravity’s Rainbow
Enjoy hell.
Secret clubs are an affront to Christ and his very message and intentionally seek to keep men from the truth.
How have I never heard of this guy
So pic related is a good reading list?
OP just join the Knights of Columbus instead.
Why are Catholics so vehement against the masons?
They preferred darkness for their deeds were evil. All secret societies are fundamentally incompatible with Christendom.
Because Catholics want to control the world themselves without Masons fucking it up for them
return to reddit
...user posted on Yea Forums, the original muh sekkrit klub.
I hated Yea Forums in its early days and went here once and never came back. Too much anime, video games and degeneracy back then.
And now you're back because?
It is where the brightest minds of today congregate.
They just want you to follow orders and reveal mundane bullshit, then on higher levels they reveal it's baphomet they worship and not god. If you are high member of society you will eventually hit the child orgy stage but most masons wont be invited cos they are just brainless fodder to use for jewish plots.
brightest sheep who only have power thru the system
even Hitler undestood that you can never win the fight if you dont have people on your side
the very concept of Freemasons is contrary to the teachings of God
>join masons
>it's actually a old man social club where they larp as keepers of ancient knowledge while the actual level of discourse is somehow lower than what you can expect from your average Yea Forums thread
Christ what a waste of time that was
I'll keep going for the year because I already paid but I'm outta here
lmao newfag
he says they prevent the youth from learning how to use plural
It's a club dedicated to destroying the Church.
Koselleck "Critique and Crisis"
>go to church on Sunday (Catholic)
>see car in the lot after Mass with a Mason sticker
Adolf Hitler was a faithful Roman Catholic who would have never joined the masons.
pro-tip, they've infiltrated it on purpose. Take a picture of their vehicle and notify your priest. If they are members, lest they renounce it and repent, they will be denied absolution and will not be able to receive mass. God or Men. Their choice.
brb joining masonry
no one wants to play cards with me :(
As the Apostle said
>Bad company corrupts good character
Endure your solitude for the love of Christ. The devils of the masons offer as much companionship as a venomous snake. It make be appealing from a distance but if you within range, it will bite. So will they. Be warned.
Kaballah, Spinoza, schopenhauer
you'll want to learn german
rare and based.
Freemason promote freedom of thought and independent thought. "The Church" is a control mechanism, used to manipulate the great, unwashed, masses. The Catholic church abhors anything that presents a rick to their control over people and politics.
Look for "Morals and Dogma" by Albert Pike. It will explain a lot.
>tl; 32nd degree Scottish Rite fag
t. eastern european
The masons in my town have lobsterbakes and drink budweiser on saturdays, and sometimes throw their weight behind a candidate that loses
hes not the one who actually believes the masons are anything but a social club you spooked out conspiracy theorist
>eastern european
I once mentioned Jabulon to a mason and he wanted to kill me. He probably would have if there weren’t others in the room.
anime website, bucko
The hidden hand of Potupket, CT everyone
>The Eastern Orthodox Church, officially the Orthodox Catholic Church,[1][2][3][4] is the second-largest Christian church, with approximately 200–260 million members.[5][6][7][8]
literature board, bucko
literature board on an anime website
anime != literature
Most are Christian or Catholic. That capital G in the middle partly stands for God.
But it’s all through the lense of Stone masonry. Masons say they started from the builders of Solomon’s temple.
Quit asking Yea Forums, email your local lodge, and ask to be invited to a dinner.
Are you really a 32 degree and is morals and dogma a book actual Mason's study or is it a meme?
u so gay lol
I had dinner at a local lodge a couple times and then after soul searching I told them I couldn't join because of Catholic rules and they just seemed so annoyed and disinterested in me after
But I still wanna learn about their esoteric beliefs
I you are talking to am american. 32nd is worth jack shit.
They can go from 3rd to 32nd in a weekend.
Morals and dogma is a compilation of various ideas about the craft. Some of the sources are suspect and Pike injected some of his own ideas into it.
Freemasonry bases itself on ancient mystery cults. The rituals and behaviours try to imitate the intended order of god. It is not a religion. It is ritual actions that teach moral behaviour
>. It is ritual actions that teach moral
That set man up as God. Christ discarded the vanities of ritualism. Thinking they are made moral by their rituals is no different than being a modern Pharisee.
I want to learn the mystery cult's knowledge
I do not understand why I can't as a Catholic so it's a little bit of a dilemma
Have you ever actually been in a Masonic temple? Have you ever spoken to any real-world Masons? Have you ever been in their rituals, climbed the ranks, had discussions about Masonic ideals, become part of their community?
Or do you just get all your ideas about them from paranoid youtube "documentaries" uploaded by a user called expose_the_aliens730?
Christians set themselves up as God. By claiming sole authority to dictate behaviour that usurp the position of moral arbiter for themselves from God.
It's basically a boys club for celtic hermetic tradition, if you want a better knockoff look at the ogdodadic niggas, either way you're gonna get the same thing if you want an anthropological study of what they are all about look up a quick survey history of the rosicrucians and that will teach you what it's all about. If you want to know about the oriental aspect of the freemasons, just look at theosophy at that will explain it easily to you.( Theosophy is a meme but it explains the proximity Freemasonry holds to abrahamic religion analogically, they can have the same theology but niggas act goofy in them so that's why they don't allow freemasons into the catholic church.)
they usurp*
>Christians set themselves up as God.
But they don't.
>By claiming sole authority to dictate behaviour that usurp the position of moral arbiter for themselves from God.
In principio erat Verbum et Verbum erat apud Deum et Deus erat Verbum
The Catholic church is filled to the brim with rituals.
>Alta Vendita
It was a leaked doc from the P2 (high ranking satanic masonic lodge in Italy) that laid out their plan to destroy the Church.
Their symbolism and esotericism is rooted in anti-Catholicism, Gnosticism, and Satan. It's not cool, it's evil. Interesting, but evil, ie) you should be of strong spiritual standing if you're gonna dive deep into this stuff
start with the rosicrucians
Hi OP,
I've actually done a bit of research on the early Freemasons. I'd recommend The Origins of Freemasonry by David Stevenson. Its a good look at how a middle class Scottish trade organization was transformed into an upper class quasi mystical fraternity. Its somewhat academic, but very reliable. It only deals with the organization up until 1700, and mainly focuses on its early development. If you anyone wants to reply with an email address I'd be happy to send you my paper.
I'm also a Catholic, but we've always had a soft spot for the Masons as my great grandfather used to be one until he married my great grand mother. They helped put my grandfather through college and med school.
>All these things I will give you if you fall down and worship me
>all these Cathocucks
Do you people have kids to rape at this hour?
>wants to learn occultism
>is catholic
Oh nononono
>le reddit snark reply
upvoted, duder
Francisco Franco was also a Catholic and tried to join in.
Surface tier are just christian boomers who like to hang out together.
Higher eschelones are presumably Jews. Not literal oy veys, but zions nonetheless. "New world order" and all that. Influence politics, etc.
Highest eschelone are likely satanists that praise Lucifer (aka the light barer) for giving humans knowledge of Good and Evil or some shit.
Not worth.
christians are very clear that communication with God comes as naturally as speaking out loud on the spot. how do they see themselves as God by doing this?
This is 4channel buddy, you must be thinking of some other site.
This thread is sickening. I have relatives that are masons and people here are so twisted they think they should be put on medieval torture devices. Anti-Masonry is vitriolic hatred. Scapegoating. The Nazis used it to distract, which resulted in the death of 100k Free Masons under their regime. The bigotry on display here is despicable.
Please Watch this.
This shows how demagogues scapegoat, and the man in the video is attacking many groups, including masons.
yeah, my pa works at nintendo too and it really pains me for people here to call nintendo onions
Vatican 2 mandated
>a separation of church and state
>actively discourages members of clergy from participating in public office
>says wordly authorities and governments, along with their laws, must be respected so long as they are lawful
How do you equate this with trying to take over the world?
I work with a mason, he's literally the most boneheaded mouthbresthing faggot I've ever met. All he does is watch Facebook ads on his phone all day. Freemasonry is a scam, and you have to actually be room temperature iq to research them and still think they're worth joining.
It does look like Christian boomers.. And also looks like some fukked up schizos and also typical rebel against authority type hipsters
I dunno... I just wanna know
> the last few posts
Why do I even come here anymore?
>Too much anime, video games and degeneracy back then.
It's still here. Try Yea Forums, Yea Forums and /d/.
>Any books that can teach me what they believe in without ruining the secrets of the initiations?
To really understand the topic: Foucault's Pendulum, by Umberto Eco.
Man. I love the Catholic Church.
It just need a little more reforming and it would be perfect.
For starters, tougher screening to snip off the gays and kiddy fiddlers from the clergy.
Secondly, greater investments in the sciences. We live in an increasingly secular society. We need to show unbelievers that the pursuit of knowledge is inclusive with the word of God.