BEAUTY IS THE TELEOLOGICAL JUSTIFICATION OF DEATH: complexity for Whitehead is “thermodynamic robbery”: systems compete in a field defined by the zero-sum allocation of energy: for Whitehead only the realization of beauty – the global aesthetic satisfaction of God – can compensate for life as the perpetual theft of life. Only what death can grow is what this universe is for: novelty can only be produced at the expense of complexity, and complexity introduces a creative outside into the slumbering positivity of nature only as a function of the sophistication of its circuits: the billiard ball simply receives force, the subject transmutes it – the conformation of a billiard ball to the force acting through it leaves no remainder, it just goes: in systems of sufficient complexity, that remainder becomes consciousness: the stanchion of valuation against which these forces are projected and regulated towards some self-project. COMPLEXITY COMPOUNDS CAUSAL INHERITANCE UNTIL MITHRAS IS WRUNG FROM THE STONE: this is why the neural density of sensitives dooms them to shyness and timidity: the intensity of their awareness distinguishes them from the world too starkly, and it's also why it's (unfortunately) true that serial killers are more vertical than last men, insofar as evil is a kind of verticality: evil is also an altar and an (anti-)god. TRUE MASCULINITY IS THE SABOTAGE OF IMMANENCES: a staredown between two men is a contest of will: the slightest flicker of hesitation signifies a loss of control, it tells your opponent you can't resist attending to your second thoughts about him: the proximity of eyes tests the intensity of what Laszlo calls the heteron, otherness as it is internalized, the subject as he is /vacuolized/ by his perception of another: letting someone live rent-free in your head means consenting to their causation /in you/: the heteron reduces you to a satellite on the karmic plane, WHEN A MAN MUST BE A SUN: the self is windowless, otherness is self-inflicted: ideas are constellations in the sky of Mind, and genius is the power to love them without being possessed by them: the power to negate the identification with positive force is precisely what Christ means by “turning the other cheek”: denying in yourself the “natural” response is not weakness, but the victory over causality, and the birthright of the Whiteheadian soul. Learning to see what you will: whispers of Shestov's gnostic eye in The Matrix: it is not the spoon that bends, but our perception. In the film Burning, as the girl mimes eating an orange, she casually relates the secret of a good pantomime AS THE SECRET OF THE OCCULT CONSCIOUSNESS: “don't pretend the orange is there, forget that it isn't”. ¬(¬P) is the name of an angel: mysticism has the priority of negation, what can be negated has no real existence, except that what is left over, that immediacy that vindicates Thales again and again, by a patch of sun on the dresser, a curve of cumulus.
BEAUTY IS THE TELEOLOGICAL JUSTIFICATION OF DEATH: complexity for Whitehead is “thermodynamic robbery”: systems...
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Last men refuse their commitment to a heteron: they refuse their density, and what buys it: they are the servants in that famous biblical parable who bury the master's coin, because they mistakenly believe, as with all earthly transaction, that when you are entrusted with something, it should be preserved like papyrus, but God is no tender gardener, he's an arsonist in the Void: when he gives you something, he wants you to burn it to the fucking Ground: in the mind of the genius, there is no noise, only signal. Capitalism hijacks our built-in, ontological fidelity to the aesthetic unfolding of the Godhead as an /economic/ fidelity to objects, because /we can't accept that death fertilizes beauty/. In other words, we lost our stomach for the game, the Christian repudiation of the pagan economy of sacrifice is the repudiation of what William Grassie calls the Whiteheadian /naturalization of evil/: that suffering is not a bug, but a feature. That beauty is a friction – a contrast - and not a property. Zizek is crucial here: when we used to mystify the presence of god-kings, now we mystify the object: the god-king as the embodiment of the totality of the ancient state's libidinal investment, is now the car, or the instagram star as an abstraction of time: with social media, Parmenides gets the last laugh over Heraclitus: the instant of time represented by the photo is the arrest, the /essentialization/, of becoming: the cult of celebrity was originally a cult of celluloid, of our newfound technological power to artificially extend youth into the non-time of the virtual: the photo is the latest and most realized form of what began with the oral tradition, with one caveat: without the room for "interpretation" provided by those traditions, your distance in space and time from their subject matter, which essentialize without /reducing/: there can be no gods in 4K: the camera is the eye ascended: THE DIGITAL IMAGE IS THE CONSENSUALIZATION OF OUR EVERYDAY, PHENOMENAL EXPERIENCE OF REALITY TOWARDS A WAVELENGTH OF DIMINISHED POTENTIAL: if this sounds loopy, remember that even pop culture today retains a kind of mystique around blindness, its access to realities from which the rest of us are forbidden by our working eyes. The eye and photo together traffic in the illusion of actuality: a ready-made, ontologically complete field into which we are inserted by birth. Everything is the denial of time, and the generation of circles – immanences – to escape time and death. But not also this: the enemy of the last man is not just the fear of death, but the love of death also: there is no room in these cities for the beautiful suicide. Mishima knew this, Nietzsche knew this. Christ knew this, too. He came to me once, as he'll come to you all eventually, when the shadows are long, the scars had turned his arms to leather, and when he opened his mouth all I heard was the sound of dogs barking in the night.
Ok cool
It's about justice, not beauty.
Insincerity, the post.
Use your brain to actually do something. That's what intelligence is for. Your intelligence is redundant and trivial to anything outside this universe. What isn't is that you are in this universe. So if you are just writing this shit while actually having a negative influence for everything you stand for, why even live? Go actually use your brain for something. Intelligence is not innately impressive to anyone, dude.
Based and camerapilled. The observation of photons is literally the point of the life, as you noted in beauty as being the teleology of death. The only rational outcome of your schizophilosophy is to deafen yourself and maximize the eyesight and minimize the fatuous distractions from the hearing in order to See the greatest beauty.
All he's doing is describing how he's viewing his own perception....
Beautiful. Thanks for this.