I am a left-wing Nietzschean and my gf said that is inauthentic because democracy and equality are antithetical to Nietzsche's work. I pointed out Foucault and she was dismissive, saying his being influenced by Nietzsche doesn't make him Nietzschean. I then pointed out of Emma Goldman and she became sarcastic. Gimme some texts to prove her wrong, lads.
I am a left-wing Nietzschean and my gf said that is inauthentic because democracy and equality are antithetical to...
the virgin bf who asks for help on Yea Forums
Your girlfriend rekt you, OP. We can't help you.
>Anything that opposes democracy and egalitarianism is inauthentic
Please tell me, is this bait? Most hardcore sjw leftists aren't this fucking stupid, or is the sex really that fucking great that you can put up with such cognitive dissonance?
nietzsche's inversion of judeo-christian morality is (neo)liberal, but your girlfriend is right OP. hopefully she's cheating on your cuck ass
Why even treat such a discussion with her seriously when she's so obviously out of her depth?
She didn't say Nietzsche was inauthentic doofus, she said it was OP is inauthentic because he claims to believe in democracy and equality and to be a nietzschean at the same time.
>utterly BTFOs you
>y-y-you're out of your depth!
If you ever find yourself in such a situation, I certainly hope you won't react that way.
By “left-wing” you mean socialist or progressive liberal?
Stirner and Goldman are some of my ideal leftists. Nietzsche is overblown on some issues, but I love the man. If she can’t keep up, maybe she’s just too bourgeoisie liberal.
I am a socialist
She is mostly apolitical, but she says democracy disgusts her
Calling yourself a Nietzschean alone shows that you don't have much respect for his work to begin with.
I never before desired so much to see a man getting cucked.
Your ignorance gave me a new fetish, OP. I hope you are satisfied.
Your gf sounds based as fuck.
Mind giving me her number when she inevitably dumps your brainlet ass?
Just because democracy disgusts her? You got some weird kinks, broski
Is she aware that we do not have a functioning democracy? Most apoliticals don’t. I donno why she thinks she can argue with you about what she doesn’t even want to understand.
>is knowledgeable enough of Nietsche, Foucault and Goldman to spot a turbo-pseud
>isn't afraid to call him out on it even though she's emotionally invested in him
>apolitical, doesn't fall for the society of spectacle memes
>realizes that democracy isn't the perfect form of government like (((they))) would have you believe.
Yeah, unironically based af.
>democracy and equality are antithetical to Nietzsche's work
She is completely right obviously.
OP's gf is the new queen of Yea Forums.
I have tried to explain to her that economic forces control our politics, and that true democracy is impossible without socialism. She said more democracy would only worsen the rot, but at least agreed that bankers are destructive parasites.
Maybe she’s thinking government as usual.
Democracy in the workplace (a Richard Wolff book) is pretty much all a society needs to function. Wha does she want, a monarch?
she funny
She hasn't told me what government she wants. I told her having a political sentiment makes you part of a society, she thought it was just elaborate individualist fantasy perpetuating the illusion of subjectivity. She seems pretty uninterested in how to fix things, and even said such ideologies are part of the problem. She said she eventually wants a family and that's as big of a picture as it gets for her.
your gf is an unironic fascist bro, and she's 100% right about nietzsche. foucault wasn't a nietzschean; he just twisted nietzsche's basic arguments about history and power to come to egalitarian conclusions which is fucking retarded. emma goldman was a harlot pseud who no one should take seriously.
Well if she can just hold that thought you might be able and willing to provide I guess.
A lot of people get like this, but she has to butt out if she doesn’t want to develop any particular leanings.
Hope you can be happy together
>gf rektd user on Nietzsche, subtly dropping she's been through Heidegger too
She hasn't told me what government she wants
You aren't equipped to know how dumb you are. Go read Nietzsche again.
>democracy and equality
Any kind of political Nietzscheanism is pretty dumb.
I don't recall Foucault ever making any egalitarian statements. He basically said power and oppression has always been a thing and always will be, and that it's beyond ethics.
What's the point of discussion, when person you're talking to calls everything you say bullshit?
When you live in a world such as this, user...
she seems like a good clay. lead her towards anti-suffrage by establishing how its a primary property of "democracy".
She isn't a fascist, she does a bunch of volunteer work and for her birthday she wanted me to give money to an orphanage
I don't know if I'll marry her, she isn't always realistic and is a bit backward about how families work
None, that's why I asked for texts
bruh, fascism puts a massive emphasis on civic duty...
If you want I’ll even argue for you user, let me have her number; we’ll also need a place to have the debate so a restaurant and a hotel are a must as well.
>umm she do nice thing she cant be a fascist
Based anti democracy gf
Well you could teach her, I’m sure, but if perhaps she’s too crazy it is best to part.
I don’t describe myself as “Nietzschean” but believe if society is going to survive it has to climb to a more democratic stage. Without it there is no Nietzschean stage
>Implying true democracy is, has or ever will be a thing
cringe and yikes
NEETchuh was a fag, and so is your girlfriend.
OP didn't get utterly BTFO, though. All that happened was his gf exposed her ignorance and when he called her on it she lacked the humility to admit she didn't know what she was talking about. His mistake was having that conversation with her in the first place.
Stupid memer. Democracy is a decision making tool
Is very naive in a way. Before me she didn't have a bf after high school, he tried to have sex with her and thought it was indictative of him just "using" her and not loving her (it sounded like he did and she just overreacted). Now she has fixed in her to buy her cousin's farm and try to live out some old-fashioned fantasy
Both of you seem too retarded to be helped.
Your GF is right. Leftists can be influenced by Nietzsche the same way rightists can be influenced by Marx, but a left-wing Nietzschean is as absurd as a right-wing Marxist (what would either even entail?). Nietzsche was an aristocratic individualist, and his project, while not necessarily political, is nevertheless explicitly hostile to all forms mass politics and egalitarianism, especially socialism. It would be difficult to reconcile this with left-wing politics in any meaningful sense.
this is an elaborate bait right? you're just playing the r/philosophy-browsing, philosophytube-watching söyboy with a based trad fashy gf who he doesn't appreciate to incite violent feelings in all of the alienated losers here right?
There's been a bunch of LARP threads like this lately.
She is apolitical, not trad or fashy, and I don't browse plebbit
>not wanting to live out a pastoral fantasy with your sweet and wholesome gf
she's way too good for you.
Your girlfriend needs a real man
ITT: Yea Forums is at least a full SD dumber than it was two years ago and this board should be deleted
Dump your gf and N, but also your leftism
I basically got into the reverse fight with my gf I said I didn't really believe in voting since shit is rotten to the core and "lesser evil" voting is fucking gay and electing rich faggots to become a protected class of rich faggots is stupid, basically she just called me a trumptard lmao and went into some tangent about abortion rights and other feminist shit
Dumb Hilbots. She needs to listen to the Jimmy Dore Show.
>I's be comin' down yo' chimbly cracka!
>I am a left wing Nietzschian
Pick 1 and only 1
Enlightened user
Consensus is the only way
Marxism-lenism>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>democratic """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""socialism"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
Being a far leftist is pretty contradictory to being a Nietzschean, if that's what you are. But so is identifying with these left / right labels at all, both of which on their extreme sides eventually become anti-life. Both far leftism and far rightism end in solipsism.
A proper Nietzschean will harness whatever energy needs to be harnessed in any given moment in order to continue fighting, absorbing, and growing, and recognizes the importance of both the individual self and the surrounding world, and how both construct life. A perpetual state of limbo is where the true Nietzschean exists, for that is how one is life-affirming in all circumstances, even (and ESPECIALLY) towards self-destruction, because self-destruction is part of self-creation. For, according to Nietzsche,
>To impose upon becoming the character of being—that is the supreme will to power. Twofold falsification, on the part of the senses and of the spirit, to preserve a world of that which is, which abides, which is equivalent, etc.
>All idealism is mendacity in the face of what is necessary
The link between these two quotes? Both becoming and being are idealism, but to really master them both, one must apply both simultaneously, thus suppressing both, and preserving the world that is — the world which cannot be spoken of.
Thanks for reading this piece of my insanity.
>left wing nietzschean
>left wing
lol i can tell thats from some sam hyde powerpoint.. just recognize his style
It does. Without the corrupting influence of capitalism and in small scale.
Also democratic
One could say DS doesn’t work, but it’s because it’s statist. So DS=ML
It’s certainly not rightwing.
Ask me how. I dare you
>I am a socialist
>as absurd as a right-wing Marxist (what would either even entail?)
Christopher Lasch is as close to Marxist Conservative you can get.
>I suck the dicks of corporatist billionaires
I am a corporatist billionaire
Based. She sounds too good for you.
Curious to know if there has ever been a working democratic society?
>socialst soigoy brainlet is btfo by his gf who is much better read and understands the futility of politics in 2019
Don't get me wrong. Democracy is great at the lowest level of government: the polis. But it was never meant to extend over hundreds of millions. The ONLY reason democracy still exists is corporate power.
Start looking for a new gf, ya big mook. This one is too smart for you.
Tell her, "That's just, like, your interpretation man."
>girls like philosophy
>men who read philosophy are dating them and im not
more reasons to hate myself
are you the next julius caesar? obviously not. a lot of people can only swallow nietzsche's blackpills by sugar coating them with delusions of grandeur. a left-wing nietzschean realizes he isnt god and has respect for the power all other people have.
You both sound like insufferable teens.
you sound like an end of history boomer liberal
>I pointed out Foucault
Are you saying Foucault was a leftist?
This. Nietzsche would be a hardcore leftist if he were alive today. He was too smart to be right wing scum.
>Stirner and Goldman
no wonder you're such a meme
>history boomer liberal
epic burn LOL
democracy is WEAK, gulag NOW :P
Are you that same user who made a similar topic weeks ago and said he liked Camus?
>She seems pretty uninterested in how to fix things
Based. She has defeated neurosis. She's too god for you.
>nooooo the state should own everything, that will surely work!
Foucault wasn't an egalitarian. His point was that a neurotic pursue of power was ultimately self-restraining. He didn't believe we could reach an utopian society. He was wise enough to realize the naivety of it.
>He recommends a cowardly spitting faggot.
Tripfags are always scum
socialism bad, CIA coup good xDD
Dude, she’s right
your gf is right go suck her dick
>no true Scotsman
Yeah but like Marxism has OBVS never been properly implemented! If I was in charge of the gulags I know I’d do the right thing!
give us her number cuck you don't deserve her