Tfw you realise communism is just hyper-capitalism

>tfw you realise communism is just hyper-capitalism

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Brainlet post

2/10 you made me reply

>that moment when you realize capitalism is garbage but still want closed borders

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*DUDE*, um, I just had, like, a realization. Like mind=blown. Dude. I have just realized. Like, whoa...

The thing we thought was different from the other thing, get this, wait

Its like the same thing but even more that thing.

Whaaaaattttt???? Right? Right?


I remember Mark Fisher had similar idea although he was a brainlet so nvmd

>tfw you realize trump is a stalinist who calls himself a capitalist and that we've been living in a communist regime for last 100 years.

historical communism failed at keeping pace with the developments of the integrated spectacle of modern capitalism, how is it hyper capital? my god

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you are a class A retard

Is it not true that all of this must be obtained to create a socialist state? Are more than half of those not already true in the USA. I'm not being a conspiratard here either. Look at the campaign Bernie just launched

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It's the natural continuation of neoliberal trends. All of them.


Yeah like liquidation of banks.

Capitalism and communism are outgrowths of mainline and radical Protestantism, respectively, but that does not mean that one is a hyper-version of the other.

This is actually more true than Yea Forums commies would like to admit. Capitalism is banditry, as is communism. Stalin was literally a bandit as well. In the same way that there are wars for finance, there would be wars for "liberation" much like what liberals have done for the last few decades in the name of democracy, and what the soviets did. Also, probably 95% of commies on the internet and irl support all the social and cultural issues pushed by liberals and other leftists. This is while blaming stuff like that on capitalism, lmao. They'll deny it, but it's true. So all the social stuff would be business as usual or would get worse under communism.

Communism would be absolutely garbage under the current crop of commies. Even worse than previous instantiations, if that is possible.

If you actually believe the United States of fucking America is or will be "socialist" then I don’t know what to fucking say.
You’re a goddamn loony, you‘re a goddamn cuck, I'd rather believe in the mud flood than what you are implying.

Why can't someone just the classical Marxism already, ffs

Cortez's policies have a lot of support. Also america will be socialist. The way the democracy or whatever the fuck you want to call it is leading it that way. The US will be a one party state soon if the GOP doesn't start shifting. Its really easy for the Democrats to make america socialist or keep winning because all they have to do in Incentivize immigration for people who will vote for them and make their policies appeal to the people they are importing.

Lol. America and Europe are heading towards an ethnostate if anything. Especially when data proves that IQ is hereditary and that immigrants are never going to integrate because of their low IQ. America will become America again, basically, a democratic welfare state for white people.

You're a retard. There’s no point arguing you because you’re so far up your own ass you completely deprived yourself of oxygen and are to be declared braindead.
The USA is not socialist, read a fucking book.
Oh wait you’re on Yea Forums you've never read a single page in your entire life.

>tfw you realize your iq came in 1st (percentile)

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decent kantbot arc

>tfw you realize capitalism is just human animals competing over resources and mates

I never said america was socialist. I said it seems its heading that with the increasing amount of support socialist candidates are getting
You also seem to dismiss me as a conspiratard when I'm just trying to make an analysis based on sufficient evidence.
>democratic welfare state for white people.
Sounds like shit then desu
Also see pic related. The immigrants don't need to assimilate they can live there as long as they want because the government has granted them permission to do so

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>within a regime of rules and precepts that have not always existed, hence the unique signifier “capitalism.”

Kill your-fucking-self.

>Sounds like shit then desu
>Also see pic related. The immigrants don't need to assimilate they can live there as long as they want because the government has granted them permission to do so
Lole. The current government gave them the permission, but not the next. It's obvious that they will reverse these laws and mass deport these people.

When did user fist realize half of their own numbers are attention whores?

that's any system or lack thereof