What are some good books on theology...

What are some good books on theology? I want to start understanding more about god and religious beliefs but i have no idea where to start.

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I'd say natural theology is a good place to start. Read Edward Fesers five proofs for the existence of god.

Reading theology is like reading TV guide to understand televisions. Any book on atheism will tell you all about god


There are none. Theology is just philosophy if you consider the perfection of the appeal to authority to be the most intellectually honest and objective mode of investigation and philosophical inquiry.

Aquinas is pretty much ALL theology. You can, of course, read other christian philosophers here and there, but everything starts and ends with Aquinas. However – this must be said – it's quite difficult. You must own very solid philosophical basis before delving into his body of work.

Pannenberg = protestants

Ivan Illich, Jean luc Marion, hans urs von balthasar = catholics

Edward Feser's "Aquinas" is the best starting point for someone new to Thomism, once you grasp that book, move from there

The Division of Nature by John Scottus Eriugena

Ed Feser is the man

Bonaventura da Bagnoregio, a.k.a. Bonaventure

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Theology is basically philosophy with a handicap, where one has to work within a retarded premise.
Don't read any.

Celtic Magic by D J Conway... Llewellyn Press

Start with Augustine's Confessions, then read his City of God.

Shouldn't you maybe start with the Bible?

>t. redditard

Don't listen to these Catholics

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>user reads Bible with no external sources
>ends up becoming a unitarian adoptionist


>City of God
This book is thick but well worth the effort. Don't read the garbage Kindle edition, they literally cut sections of the original book out.

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>"the human mind can understand truth only by thinking, as if clear from augustine" --Thomas Aquinas

how can christcuck """"""""""philosophers"""""""""" be so oblivious to how stupid they are?

>simple flowchart arguments which always clearly cite Bible/Aristotle/other authority as-needed, or presenting contrary idea as appropriate strawman
>stereo manual-tier instructions for being Catholic
>no maaan you just don't get it maaaaan Aristotle's saying that an acorn is always-already "becoming" the tree therefore god exists maaaaaaaaaan you don't know the special Greek meaning of "becoming" it totally changes everything maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan

Reality - Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange
Orthodox Spirituality - Dimitru Stanilaoe

Hegel's Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion and The Phenomenology of Spirit.

Richard Dawkins - The God Delusion

Are butterfly posters just mocking butterfly now or being legitimate?

I always recommend Introduction to Christianity, 2nd Edition by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger. If you’re intending to read Catholic theology. You could read a work with elements of theology too, like Against Heresies by St. Irenaeus or City of God by St. Augustine.

Does anyone happen to have that massive historical Christians reading list? Had it in an open tab the other day, but forgot to save it.

If you want something pretty comprehensive, Institutes Of The Christian Religion by John Calvin.

You can do your own theology. You can make up whatever you want to be true, and then go and try to find evidence which confirms your bias, just like every other moronic fag who ever tried to pursue theology. If you want real theology, I recommend Spinoza, his was the god of reason. The only Christian philosopher who had good ideas.

It’s funny how you literally butthurt in each christian thread on this board. But I understand you, God doesn’t respect hysterical attentionwhores.

This one ?

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God, what a fag!

That's it. Thanks.

theres no salvation through works. much like the man doing all sorts to get into the door but failing to do so.

> and then Scotus ruined everything!

Go away, James White.