Why does Yea Forums hate The Count of Monte Cristo so much?

Why does Yea Forums hate The Count of Monte Cristo so much?

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We don't. Its the objectively greatest work of fiction ever written

Some people around here don’t even read.
It’s always spoken of fondly.

Its not "literary" enough.

Nobody hates it OP, it's just banter. How new are you?

Shut up tranny tripfag nobody gives a fuck

I can't speak for Yea Forums, but I found the first 20% or so far more engaging than most of the rest. Dantès imprisonment and escape, plus the first few revenge plots, are solid adventure. But then you get bogged down in a morass of 19th century drawing rooms and footmen and young lovers talking to each other through a fence and that sort of thing.

I love it. It is is the single greatest book I have ever read in my life.
Nothing I have read before or since has given me the same feeling as that book when I finally finished it. It's been over 10 years since I read it so I know when I reread it again I will experience the same feeling again.

we don't
look the best books of all time Yea Forums chart

its too long