I'm going to prison for a few months, which is good because i'm forced to read. Any good books about that?
I'm going to prison for a few months, which is good because i'm forced to read. Any good books about that?
Culture of Critique
anything by Buddha. also, try Meditation
Anti-Tech Revolution
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Flee the country desu.
it's just a few months man
already read that
What did you do/allegedly do?
I read a LOTR all-in-one and Arabian Nights' Entertainment last time I went in.
Take something long, because there isn't shit to do.
Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Proust, Hegel, Marx, something like that. Keep in mind you probably need paperbacks though. They usually don't allow you to take hardcover books with you.
Hard mode:
Take some Marx and Lenin and start a prison riot
get caught :^)
hit/choke my ex, which i didn't do, and blackmail her, which i believe i also didn't, but start to believe maybe i kind of did. i didn't go to court, that probably played a part in my conviction. i'm fine with it, jail might be a nice experience and like i said i'm forced to read, which i haven't done for years now.
I thought prisons had libraries?
Is this bait?
i don't know, is it?
i'm curious about that, i'm actually not sure. that's why i came here to ask.
already got LOTR and some tolstoy ready, thx man
>i didn't go to court
is this a Yea Forums decision?
Discipline and Punish
Maybe something adventures and imaginative to give you a sense of freedom.
Prison libraries are notoriously understocked. When they are stocked, the prison gets to decide what books to put in. So you won't find writers from most Yea Forums philosophy threads, and any fiction will probably be thrillers or mysteries. At any rate you won't find a lot of the people in
t. donator to a prison library reform charity
>t. donator to a prison library reform charity
you're a good man. people should care more about people in prison. i would have become a probationer if i wouldn't have fucked up my life with drugs. you know, a nice one.
I wouldn't pass up this opportunity to join the Aryan Brotherhood and get some sweet runic tats.
Best book for you is probably Defiance, Savitri Devi's prison memoir.
Prison doesn't last for less than a year
not where i'm from
Codreanu and Gramsci prison notebooks
alpha as fuck
Are you in the US?
thx, i hope i can get those before i gotta go
If jail is approached properly it's not all that bad. You don't have to wash your own clothes, prepare your own food, or pay any bills. You have all the time in the world to read or play card games and chess with other people. I have some good memories from when I went to jail.
yeah, i'm really fine with going in for a rather short time. like a first hand documentary. and i haven't had a job for 2 months now anyways.
then I guess you really fancy getting your ass fucked, huh?
i know enough people who've been to prison to know prison is not what 90s movies want you to believe
also i'm not a fucking american or russian, our prisons are different
The rape thingy doesnt happen if you don't live in a shithole (like USAssrape)
>i didn't go to court,
fucken idiot
No, a true Yea Forumserati would never pass up an occasion to compare his experience with the great renditions of trial in the canonical realist novels.
No way I would last in jail. No way. I would immediately ask to get put in solitary. If they refuse I would take a swing at the first guard I see and continue to do so until I get put in solitary.
my nightmare desu
Obligatory Villon, Boetius and Chénier rec.
Also Charterhouse of Parma, though it will probably induce lots of
>tfw no pure jail administrator daughter who skittishly avoids eye contact to silently fall in love with
Crime and punishment.
Pic related.
Read Chekov's "The Bet" before going in.
you must be the spic in the pic
Fuck OFF kikes. Mein Kampf is the only prison book - written in the Justizvollzugsanstalt Landsberg.
The food they'll have you eating, being on guard all day, and the pointless routine will rob you of any chance of useful concentration. Hell, and if it don't, the constant banter on the cell block and shit lighting sure will.
No one goes to prison for a few months
In America you do get bills from prison
The Holy Bible!
Don't let them cage you like an animal - kill any officers or authority figures who try to place you under arrest.
If you didn't go to court - they can't LEGALLY lock you away - you must first be tried in a court of law for you to do jail time
german prisons aren't like shawshank
germany, not us