t. didn't read enough Nietzsche
Why is he a meme?
So he wasn't nihilist or overcome it? stupid pic
He wasn't a nihilist and he overcame nihilism. Any other conclusion shows a lack of familiarity.
Holy shit.
Why does Western society find themselves in such a battle with nihilism? Why is it so difficult to uplift yourselves from your mire, and spiritually transcend like Easterners do? Specifically Hindus and Buddhists. As an Easterner, I genuinely don't understand why nihilism has been your story for so many centuries now, when you alone have placed yourselves in such a marsh, and can pull yourselves out from it just as easily.
>Why so concerned with nihilism, westerners?
How's the glass house, friend?
A lot of people see Nietzsche merely as a symbol of their rejection of their's parents Christianity, but they don't really take his ideas to heart. See all leftists who love Nietzsche's rejection and criticism of Christianity while at the same time writing moralist platitudes about caring for the poor and the weak.
Before reading Nietzsche, I followed nofap, ate healthily and didn't drink.
After reading I learned how to he life affirming.
Yeah, "buddhism is nihilism" is literally entirely a Western misconception (standing alongside the "buddhism is just about, like, calming the mind bro) resulting from Westerners filtering in other philosophies through their own cultural lens, instead of seeing them "in themself". Buddhism has absolutely no relation to nihilism, not now and not ever. You've only further reminded me of just how mired Western culture is in nihilism, that it is incapable of not projecting such an outlook onto those of other cultures it contacts.
It seems difficult to reject all worldly values and not end up in nihilistic territory. Is your claim that Buddhism has a response to nihilism or that it does not concern itself with nihilism?