She was a good writer, you're just too insecure to say it

She was a good writer, you're just too insecure to say it.

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what's with this stupid spam?

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Same goes for him. Admit it.

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is he actually

The only part of Rand's philosophy I follow for my own self-interest is not following Rand's philosophy at all. Bad writer.

Fountainhead wasn’t too bad, the rest is a mess.

i miss when rand used to be a banned topic on lit

>mfw ayd rand is pegging him in purgatory

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I dunno who this is, but I would totally fuck her.

You ever read about the weird sex shit she got into with her sycophants?
She straight up took some woman's husband, she was like "your husband needs to give me his cock and not you" and the wife just took it. Funny shit.

>ancap """philosopher""" exploiting her cultists
say it ain't so

How did so many people fall for her?

Like she doesn't seem particularly charismatic

She seems absolutely certain in her beliefs, and in her answers to life's problems. That's very attractive to someone who's a little lost and looking for guidance. Same principle with scientology and all other cults

Her characters insist upon themselves, all very boring in retrospect. Best part about her writing was when Eddie gets left behind and he dies in a desert trying to fix a train. Lol, he is stuck with some hillbilly conductor thinking about dangy while she is getting dicked by 3 uberchads.

>bad prose
>every character who represents her ideology is a 6'5 10 inch dick Chad who has an IQ of 200 and every character who opposes her ideology is a fat, dumb asshole who doesn't have any redeeming qualities
>that fucking speech in Atlas Shrugged
Rand is all message, no talent. I have no idea how she attracted such a massive fanbase. Even people who agree with her should be able to figure out that her writing is terrible.

Her prose was merely sufficient to the task, that's it. She's no Tolstoy. The joy in reading her is through the relevation that "this is the real nature of the world, isn't it". But that necessarily requires or at least is prone to producing grey, if potent, prose.
>I have no idea how she attracted such a massive fanbase
That'd be on account of her formulating the actually correct philosophy. Objectivism is something I call hard-irrefutable.

Care to quote a particularly good passage?

No. He is a selfindulgent chuzzwit who would not be read at all if he hadnt shot a few NPCs. If he'd spilled his bilge before the shooting on a Yea Forums Yea Forums critique thread he would have been called a lame doublefag triplenigger. Theres pseudlarptrolls in the critique thread being shot down right Now that are better than Twisted Tits.

The same repeated sentiment by user about an objectively badly written pamphlet that wouldnt have passed an adult's creative writing class being GREAT is either

-an outsider art fetishist/specialist
-a martyr worshipping incel trying to canonize one of their s(t)aint
-a twoll

Not user, but sure, credit for hard philosophy.

But that's credit as a thinker; Rand is a shit storyteller.

She is a failure on literally every level. You just don't want to admit it

why is Ayn Rand in purgatory if she was Jewish

Hell and heaven are European concept absent in Jewish mythology.

Sure, but the existence of purgatory implies the existence of hell and heaven, and in Christian mythology Jews go to hell.

Atlas Shrugged was objectively better than The Fountainhead

If you believe in Ayn Rand’s silly anti-communism communism philosophy then sure, agreed.

If you’re rating style, characters, and overall worth as a piece of literature The Fountainhead is much better.


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>“It is said that [Robin Hood] fought against the looting rulers and returned the loot to those who had been robbed, but that is not the meaning of the legend which has survived. He is remembered, not as a champion of property, but as a champion of need, not as a defender of the robbed, but as a provider of the poor. He is held to be the first man who assumed a halo of virtue by practicing charity with wealth which he did not own, by giving away goods which he had not produced, by making others pay for the luxury of his pity. He is the man who became the symbol of the idea that need, not achievement, is the source of rights, that we don’t have to produce, only to want, that the earned does not belong to us, but the unearned does. He became a justification for every mediocrity who, unable to make his own living, has demanded the power to dispose of the property of his betters, by proclaiming his willingness to devote his life to his inferiors at the price of robbing his superiors. It is this foulest of creatures — the double-parasite who lives on the sores of the poor and the blood of the rich — whom men have come to regard as a moral ideal. And this has brought us to a world where the more a man produces, the closer he comes to the loss of all his rights, until, if his ability is great enough, he becomes a rightless creature delivered as prey to any claimant — while in order to be placed above rights, above principles, above morality, placed where anything is permitted to him, even plunder and murder, all a man has to do is be in need. Do you wonder why the world is collapsing around us? That is what I am fighting… Until men learn that of all human symbols, Robin Hood is the most immoral and the most contemptible, there will be no justice on earth and no way for mankind to survive.”

Where against women and non-whites here cocksucker

this but unironically


Anti-communism is fine if you are anti-commie because you realize it’s either a tyranny of the individual (Stalinism) or a tyranny of equality (the dystopian ideal one that “hasn’t been disproven”), Rand would happily set up a tyranny to escape tyranny. She’s Plato’s Democratic man to a T

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Anti-communism is not inherently silly but Ayn Rand (and libertarianism in general) is. It's completely detached from the reality of politics.


Anthem was shit m8

Better than Huxley.

Rand is a queer but this is a good argument.

I wholeheartedly believe Rand was a closeted trans man

>not pro capitalism

>Rand would happily set up a tyranny to escape tyranny.
Bullshit. Her entire argument is to not accept power. In Atlas Shrugged, Galt refuses to rule.

>she only sounds assured of herself, there's nothing else of value!
That's not to say that her degree of certainty isn't commendable, but there's more to it than that. Honestly, people can only dismiss her based on her politics. Everything else from metaphysics to ethics, people either mischaracterize her or remain silent.

Considering this is an Ayn Rand thread, I'll ask here: is there any fiction, literature or otherwise, that promotes the same sort of rational egoism the same way she does?

Not true, people also dismiss Rand due to her lack of literary quality, on how bad her novels and prose are.

That's a strong argument for it because politics in general is terrible.

That's bullshit. Her literary quality is just a backhanded way to dismiss her philosophy as to not talk about her at all. You know it's true because of the overly generalized and empty 'oh she's just a bad writer' without any further points being made about what makes her bad. Generally, the only level of discussion happening with her novels are either ranking between The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged or casual dismissal.

I've yet to see any criticism of The Fountainhead beyond something a toddler could say.

I've seen frequent criticism here of her work on purely literary grounds, bad prose, weak plotting, characterisation etc. Her novels qua novels are casually dimmed because they are casually dismissable. It isn't some conspiracy of bad faith, people do genuinely find her novels poor

Yet I doubt you'll do any service by repeating such criticism.