Tfw I finally outgrew belief in evolution

tfw I finally outgrew belief in evolution

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tfw finally outgrew belief in paragraphs

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What the fuck is wrong with you, take your damn floride.

tfw finally outgrew belief in the existence of finland

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oy vey goy this a very anti-semitic post
take your fluoride


>tfw ex-best friend is 24 and going through his needlessly abrasive phase
>tfw he's started arguing in favour of determinism with anyone who will listen
>tfw he's full of angst because he scraped through college and can't find a job
Hope he grows up soon

>tfw I outgrew my ability to read

I finally outgrew belief in reality. We're all gonna make it bros.

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I finally outgrew my belief in a progress of my own mind that is characterized by stages.

try outgrowing belief next, it's neat

tfw finally outgrew belief in collectivism

Retarded normies can eat a dick, I'm living by my own strength and for myself

finally sucked my own dick lads


Finally, a man of true intellect on Yea Forums

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Pics or it didn't happen

dude just tell him to will himself to a different belief with his spirit muscles

>thinks lamarckism is evolution

>tfw i finally grew into my /fitlit/ phase and can now overhead press gene wolfe

extremely based.

Evolution is real dingus, its Gods little game.

I don't pass judgment on people who subscribe to evolution. Each man is free to choose his own religious convictions. I just pray that they become aware of the truth before it's too late.

I am interested in what you believe, sincerely I do. Would you mind sharing with me?

I'm a Christian and a supporter of science. What would you like to know specifically? : )

Well i mean why i should be wary of believing in evolution?

Look at it this way: why would you choose a religion that promises you nothing but eternal death, when you can choose a religion that promises eternal life?

Pascals wager? Im not christian and I dont think that when I die there is eternal death. I think the idea of life being good and death being bad is an illusion. Where the idea of dualism is an illusion, which keeps us from seeing the Truth.

Very well, then. But you asked why one should reject religion; I was addressing that specifically.

>why would you choose a religion that promises you nothing but eternal death
Okay first of all, evolution is not a religion. No matter how dogmatic those who understand it can be.
Second of all, evolution makes no such claims.
This better be bait.


>tfw finally passed the "womens orgasm" phase

the notion of evolution isnt contested in the scriptures, the scriptures mention that unlike creatures can breed, and inherited traits. the contestation is the inception of creation. whether our origins are from slime in water or as the scriptures testify, being formed in the image of God.

however i am not supposed to use wisdom of words to preach the gospel, because its offering you something that has no precedent in the life of someone that doesnt know the Lord, and that is His grace.

i can only challenge you to read the new testament

why would you do that

Based and redpilled.

tfw finally outgrew my Yea Forums phase
now I can enjoy books and not be needlessly inflammatory

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>This kills the determinist

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Post body

>needlessly abrasive phase
Shit bros that's my teenage brother right now. How do I deal with him? I wanna be a good role model for him since my dad is iffy but he keeps fucking unnecessarily arguing and it gets on my nerves

>i can only challenge you to read the new testament
Don't fall for this trap. Read the Old Testament first. Shows you the true nature of their God before his Jesus makeover no appeal to a larger demographic.

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>no appeal
to appeal*

tfw finally outgrew believing

>mfw finally outgrew belief

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Fuck you, you may have posted it first but I had to attach an image so we probably thought of it at the same time

I can't tell if you are a religious idiot, or a leftist egalitarian who realized that evolution is quite "problematic".

t. loser NEET who doesn't contribute to society

honestly a good post. on one hand i'm a gnostic who doesn't quite think "the Father" and Christ were the same as YHWH of the OT, and that Christ was sent to save humanity from it, on the other hand Judeo-Christianity is just such an absolute tangle of impenetrability, none of us have any clue what it all actually means in the end. and i don't care to spend my time trying to interpret it either and "get to its bottom", i much prefer Buddhism and Hinduism and trying to liberate myself from the chains of Samsara. i also hate lines like in the Gospel of John, where it says "whoever doesn't believe in the Son will be condemned"...yeah, alright, thank you for giving me a reason to purposely not believe in your cult of coercion...I'll move straight to Buddhism now, and it's your fault alone.


This picture is sadly quite accurate.

how can you outgrow something when evolution doesn't exist?

checkmate atheists

tfw finally outgrown belief in the pancreas

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lol no one even responded to this stupid ass post


>tfw i finally know why the wild beasts have arisen and why they will be destroyed

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The Christian Traditionalist (in a Guenonian sense not Trad-Cath) Jean Borella has some good books about how Christian mysticism, Christian theosis and the gospels of Jesus contain and allow for the same sort of possibilities of liberation from samsara/estrangement as eastern/platonic doctrines; but that this is a fairly fringe view within Christianity is itself indicative of a major problem with how it developed intellectually in history and with how it is today.

tfw finally came to terms with not 'believing' but not 'not believing'."

Not a litterature thread. Leave and never turn back.

I believe you buddy :)

That's good because evolution can't be proven.

You are not reading the old testament well.

t. wagie getting angry at individualism because he's been conditioned to do so

Oh look, yet another off topic thread. Fuck OP and fuck everyone else for contributing.

just beat him up

Based and bluepilled

Annunaki made annunaki ape hybrids creating humans. Whites have more annunaki admixture (bloodtype o rh negative in most extreme cases) . Chinese were the perfect genetically engineered slaves. (Chinese mythology and sumerian tablets both show this).

>You are not reading the old testament already believing in it.

You can't "choose" what you believe Truth is.

I'm pressing chesterton for reps

>tfw I finally outgrew belief in evolution

Also when I got an infection they said to take antibiotics but I didn't trust them because they say that antibiotics don't work anymore and are a lie but I also don't believe in evolution

Read the Gospel of Thomas instead. Jesus is a total bro.

>to this stupid ass post
tfw your post is so right that people either ignore it or just call it stupid

So if evolution doesnt real, how do species originate?

tfw finally outgrew sense of self and now im interdimensional and watch other people masturbate instead of doing it myself

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ITT: retards

Jeez, this retarded bait thread I started is still around?