Self-Published Literature

Are there any good self-published books besides Empress Theresa (a new classic that Mr Boutin has labored over for decades)?

Attached: empresstheresa.jpg (800x1200, 113K)

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Never seen that cover design before.

Must be 2nd Edition

I think he redrew it after all the criticism. Apparently someone said she had dead eyes, and you can see Boutin changed her eyes in the new cover.

Attached: empresstheresa-old.jpg (800x1217, 132K)

Fill me in on the meme what is this shit

Attached: 1544222195846.jpg (406x364, 118K)

As a connoisseur, I prefer my first-edition copy. I have gifted some newer copies to my nieces and nephews, however. I think it’s important for them to see that it’s possible to have such an exciting and dramatic story with a good heroine who does not swear or have sex. With luck, they will grow up knowing that if they follow Theresa’s example, they can win the approval of everyone from Prime Minister Tony Blair to China.

Yeah totally. I was lucky enough to get my 1st Ed signed when he was in Seattle.

>Doesn’t know about Empress Theresa
I bet you love swearing, alcohol and sex.

Here’s a suggestion.

Attached: EFDE08CD-6367-44CB-BA99-E75D44A3DF86.jpg (311x475, 38K)