What is Yea Forums's opinion on Bukowski's style? Personally I enjoyed his straightforward prose and I don't have any regrets after reading his works. Would you rather have someone who beats around the bush but shows off his dictionary or a writer of his caliber, who cares little for his words as long as he gets things done?
What is Yea Forums's opinion on Bukowski's style...
Other urls found in this thread:
>comes home from a job he hates
>calls his wife a slut
>complains about the job he hates
>calls his wife a slut again
>drinks some more
>wanders around the bad neighborhood
>drinks some more
>calls his wife a slut
>drinks some more
truly a mind for the ages.
You don't have to like him as a person man, Oscar Wilde was a manwhore but his works have nothing to do with his private life. You've got to set the person apart from the artist.
Always felt like a more relatable Hemingway. Sort of reminds me of my boomer father.
But the problem with that is bukowskis work is shit too.
>but s-some of his poems
No all of it is shit.
>straightforward prose
He is and you shouldn't expect more than that, I personally like his philosophy on his interviews more than his writing
It seriously lacks beauty but other than that it is very effective at what he sets out to do.
Babby's first lit.
Once you've read post office, throw it away and begin your journey in literature.
Also, avoid his "poetry"
you'll find only haters of Bukowski here user.
not me though.
I appreciate his work as a decent window into what Los Angeles was like in the past.
If you have read his stuff, know a little about his life and arent completely stupid, you will be able to appreciate what he did.