Qt girl next to me is reading Paradise lost

>qt girl next to me is reading Paradise lost
what should I say Yea Forums?

Attached: 46D26AB7-54CB-4D11-BD89-3A0961B29785.jpg (1024x762, 144K)

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Whence and what art thou, execrable shape,

"Good book, you would look great reading it next to me in bed"

Only say it if you're extremely attractive though

Look at her deeply and think of two things. First, she is beautiful now and has been beautiful for her whole youth, and any pressure on her to distinguish herself and become an interesting soul is inversely proportionate to the overwhelmingly greater amount of praise and attention she gets on a daily basis simply for being attractive. Second, she will soon cease to be beautiful and become a desperate frump looking to exchange the full value of what she once had (but no longer does) for an equivalent value in excellence and status in a male partner.

You must understand that she is squandering her present value. Women are the prodigal son. She will coast on her youthful glamour, using it as an excuse never to develop a soul, and then only when it fades away (relatively soon) will she begin to panic and decide she deserves to marry Napoleon and continue being worshiped by him forever as if her looks never faded and her value was always integral to her.

All women are fast-depreciating assets, and spendthrifts during the brief time that those assets are still worth anything. Women do not undergo bildung in the years critical for their self-development. They wither up like an old, unpurchased fruit and then still expect people to buy them, completely misunderstanding that when people say they want to "buy some fruit" they mean "some tasty, firm, ripe fruit that is good to eat," not "a battered used-up fruit with strange cum all over it."

Look at this image. Imagine a young cute beautiful woman who is bubbly and fun because she is constantly riding a dopamine high of infinite male attention and she is full of joy and self-confidence. Then imagine she becomes old and crazy, sour and unwanted, but still retains her feeling of entitlement the praise she received while young. Look at her and understand your future if she deigns to sleep with you. Read the Milton, ignore the girl.

Attached: 1543132235905.jpg (751x533, 168K)

>start reading over her shoulder
>lean in closer
>take a deep breath in through the nose
>wait until she turns to look at you, totally creeped out
>whisper "its pronounced paradife loft"

Henceforth an individual solace dear;
Part of my soul I seek thee, and thee claim
My other half: with that thy gentle hand
Siezed mine, I yielded, and from that time see
How beauty is excelled by manly grace.

hey girl wanna fuck i have a big dicc

>h-heyy.. I asked an i-image board for help with how I shouldbtalk to you
>a what?
>you’re nice reading that book
>o-oh I-I mean that’s a nive book you’re reading. Paradise Lost heh heh..
>yea I like it
>d-did you enjoy the part where...

Even if you’re a studdering mess she’ll probably engage if she has half a wit to her. Most girls don’t though, so expect a bruised ego with only your poorly honed social skills to blame.


