You have five seconds to name ONE funny woman

>you have five seconds to name ONE funny woman

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Maria Bamford

my wife

beat me to it

just say you're gonna kill me

Hannah Gadsby

she only makes funny sounds haha

Roseanne Barr circa 1992. Fucking HILARIOUS.

Helen Slater for Supergirl and Ruthless People.

Who cares if a woman is funny?

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This chick I work with is pretty funny

Tina fey

Kathryn Kennedy is a riot
That 500ilb. fat "model" chick (Tessa somethin') is a hoot with her jokes about being healthy....
That Greta snow nigger is a laugh a minute too.....

she is also good in bed because i fucked her

Melissa McCarthy

yeah I fuckerd her before you and I thought she was below average but to each their own I guess


his wife

nah i wore her out and fucked her before she met you so sorry about that

*it was a hologram*

The mom from Arrested Development

I had a huge crush on Tina Fey during SNL and 30 Rock

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Joan Fucking Rivers. She was joking about Jews and ovens up until the day she died, god rest her soul

Red Scare podcast

The girl who plays Britta in community
Peggy/Kelly Bundy

chapo check