What the FUCK was his problem?

What the FUCK was his problem?

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He was jealous of based chadron

he loved his size altering cock ring to help his inflated ego in the bedroom

>Spare the younglings at least

>N o

He was too much of a chad

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He took the ring as blood money for the death of his father and brother in the books.


Why was he depicted as a greedy kike?

People don't just voluntarily give up the One Ring, not even Frodo could do that shit.

Tom Bombadil did.

Tom Bombadil is some superpowered weirdo from the dawn of time who doesn't give a fuck about anything but singing songs about how awesome his waifu is.

tom bombadil is not canon

I can think of two possible reasons
1. Show the corruptive power of the ring establishing that it is impossible to willingly destory it
2. Put a burden on the shoulders of Aragorn who has to atone for the sins of his anchestors

He's in the book. He meets the Hobbits.

not canon

Sauron had corrupted the king of Numenor so badly that he decided to attack Valinor, the home of the gods, which caused Elu Iluvatar, the supreme god who had created everything to intervene and sink the island of Numenor. Also his brother and father died in the war against Sauron. He thought that he had earned it or something, I don't know man.

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Tolkien was writing fanfiction within his own book.
Not canon

Is this a cope?

no u're

Bilbo literally did, even if he was the only mortal to ever do so.

He wanted to use the rings invisibility powers so that he more easily enjoy his hobby of brap watching in the girls toilets.

Tom Bombadil is not human