Why are conservatives so afraid of her? and who will play her in the inevitable biopic?

why are conservatives so afraid of her? and who will play her in the inevitable biopic?

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>being tired of someone means you're afraid of them

hurrr ok

Reality has a liberal bias. Conservahicks can't do anything other than engage in whataboutism and deflections from the facts.

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Jodie Foster

more forced meme shit like they did with AOC
come back with something worthwhile and then it might be interesting

Imagine being btfo by a 16 year old girl. The absolute state of 'hicks

Remember David Hogg
Remember that chick who accused Kavanaugh then vanished, I forgot her name

How does she do it bros?

Eat the insects.

Climate change is real. We should all cut our cocks off. There is no other way to stop it.

I hope she sees this white knighting bro, she'll totally reward you by letting you watch

Its not about liberal or conservative and making such a pressing issue into a reactionary retardfest is how the planet will die

Reality also has a racist and a sexist bias. :^)

is there anything she can't do?

Why do these threads always jump to some claims about mandatory bug eating?
Is this the programming the big business noc went through?
>if you tax us you'll eat bugs

God I feel sorry for this poor freak. Paraded around and made to act like a monkey for the worlds media.

Facts don't care about your feelings, Ben.

We can't do that. That'd be literally emasculating society. My ancestors didn't steal land from brown people just so that their descendants could be emasculated by some grass eating vegan cucks. Gamers rise up!

Based asian supremacist.

I will never understand why climate change denial is even a thing, the fuck do you have to lose by agreeing it exists? What do you have to gain by denying it? Unless you're a corporation who actually does stand to lose capital, I don't know why the average joe would be so vehemently opposed.

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ok time to shut down all planes and trucks. the girl said its bad.

Win over the hearts and minds of the lesser educated

The right-wing stopped making policy-based arguments decades ago. They dropped all pretense of real ideology in favor of rank tribalism.
Unironically, if Trump copypasted the Green New Deal every single Trump supporter would suddenly get on board and praise the ground he walks on.

Climate change isn't real.
Depression isn't real.
Evolution isn't real.
Gun Control doesn't work.
All homosexuals are pedophiles.
Gender is biological.
Blacks commit the most crime.
OP is a faggot.

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Literally autism.

That's a rough looking 16 year old tbqh

She's probably doing all this because no boys find her attractive

Conservatives would eat poop if it meant liberals would have to smell it

They're golems. They literally cannot think outside of what their told.
All that matters is going to war with Iran right now to btfo the libtards for Trump or something.


The average joe isn't opposed. It's shills and useful idiots who get into hardcore denialism. Most people know at least the basics of what's going on but aren't electing leaders who are willing to do what's necessary.

Fuck this autistic (quite literally) ecobitch. She sucks dicks

Based. Chinese nwo imperialism defeated in one bill. Jobs coming back.

>the fuck do you have to lose by agreeing it exists
Literally money. Fuck off with your taxes, kike.

Because the average joe has to worry about important shit like putting food on the table.

as long as countries depends on trucks and shipping theres literally nothing that will ever be done. you're basically asking countries to shut down their whole economy.

That money will do you a lot of good when the planet becomes an inhospitable wasteland.

What taxes? The ones on jewish owned mega industries?
You're mentally ill. Literally everytime one of you npcs claims "jews" he does so to defend a position that literally only jewish billionaires benefit from.
seek help. Seriously.