Why do they have Stuckman so much?

Why do they have Stuckman so much?

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Why do op have grammar so much?

tell that to zod's snapped neck

Stuckchad cucked Mike and bangs Jessi every night outside his house


Jay is a faggot

Do you think he's crying again?


Because Stuckmann explains movies
The best things in life are left ambiguous

Cuckman tries very hard but he just doesn’t have “it”

>Cuckman tries very hard but he just doesn’t have “it”
That's exactly his problem, he tries way too hard, whereas Mike and Jay are naturally knowledgeable about film and have natural, conversational rapport with each other so they don't even have to try.

They are jealous.

his channel went to shit when he tried to be funny

jay thread

Well said.
Also part of the reason Josh is so loathed.

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He's the perfent ven diagram of a soiboy, neckbeard and normalfag.

it wasn't even that bad

Is Jay even confirmed gay irl?

He came out a couple of years ago.

Dude but its a HILARIOCITY review!!!

He was obsessed with one of the actresses they used to shoot with for a little while.

He is always very happy, yes

source and you better not say mr plinkett

well that fact just butters my biscuit

but he couldn't get it up

Jesus Christ

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What the fuck

His channel. He uploaded a video about being gay and deleted it again.

Stuckmann always has that stereotypical agape surprise face in his thumbnails, the same type kids channels always do. You know the audience he's gunning for


Even here you can see in his stuble that he could have a normal beard but choose to sport the "amish rapist" look for years anyway.

Was it autism?

I think Jay was just a dumb country hick and took him a long time to adapt to the city ways.

>dumb country hick
country people have far more survival skills and are much more self sufficient.
City people rely on daddy government.
Fuck your elitist urbanite attitude.
Country people are unambiguously better than parasite city scum.

What survival skills does Jay have other than being able to suck dick so well he gets a tip every time?

did something strike a nerve?

>t. triggered hick
go back to shucking corn, jimbob

Mike and Jessi are still together. Stop lying

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looks like old man jenkins got lost on his way to /pol/

That's a pretty solid skill.
If society collapses, he'll survive.

That's nice actually.
I always thought they made a good pair.

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Yeah Chris lets Mike suck his cum out of Jessi's holes

Because it really upsets Stuckman. And Stuckman behaves like a passive agressive bitch about it because he sees himself as an RLM type and not a s o y type.

why is every bf dumping jay?

I thought jay had a leash for minute, haha!


Stuckmann is an annoying superficial reviwer that let's underaged normies feel smug. He is lile a nextgen doug.


Does RLM know about Georg? Georg is in the U.S. right now and will be staying until the end of the year for work reasons.

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Why do you keep making threads about your gay movie club?

God damn puberty hit Jay like a truck, Mike was always good looking though

He's a fucking millionaire, bro

Mike: I can get it up for women Lauren

From what?

Who's that between Jay and Mike? And why is AIDSMoby holding his crotch?

That guy was Jays bf at the time.

>tfw Georg looks like young and thin AidsMoby now

That's rich evans out of his fat suit and make up

The dude saw RLM, asked for a photo. Apparently they were very nice.

Stuckmann filming himself watching The Fanatic completely with a massive fake onions laugh is ridiculously cringe

Mike doesnt know shit about film

They're always nice.
I got a photo with them at a convention once, and talked to them for a few minutes.
Very down to Earth, cool guys.

I met them at a con once when they used to go to them and they were very rude to me.

How so.

Tried to steal milky ways and kept saying huh

I want to blow fart noises in Jessi's fat tummy and listen to her giggle

Phone poster autocorrect

>knowledgeable about film

kek these guys owe george an apology

stuckmann pulls like triple their numbers no wonder rlm is fucking picking on him when he's one guy doing low effort and making it better than the 5 or 6 of them together doing half as good

They made a jab at him before but it was meant in good fun, then Chris literally posted a video of himself crying about it so now they've doubled down. The critic they actually hate is Dogfucker. See their A Quiet Place review.

>Very down to Earth, cool guys.
Tell that to Stuckman's hurt feelings

Former West Virginia resident here. You are absolutely full of shit
>survival skills
Theyre pretty good at accidentally shooting themselves in the leg or blowing up their house if thats what you mean
>daddy government
Literally all of them are getting government assistance, these fuckers have 5 kids by the time they're 30, and I wish I was kidding
>elitist urbanite
Yeah they are annoying I'll give you that, but its still choosing between piss and shit and id rather be able to drive a couple minutes to everything I need than 40 minutes to a walmart which is the only place nearby
>unambiguous better
All humans are equally trash
Also the red in redneck original refered to COMMUNISM. Your ancestors got bombed by government mercenaries in the 1920s to get you out of the mines and you repay them by voting Trump just because the Boomer generation literally lied to you about what the south was like before WW2

Mike is the only one who isn't, both in a literal sense and figurative

Bonus round: traditional Christian rural white girls are the most judgemental, annoying, and laziest females in the country. Bitches literally will only date men dumber than them to control them, and he has to work 12 hours a day so she doesn't have to see him either. Meanwhile they sit at home on their ass or become the worst nurses to ever plague the medical field. At least in the city you have options when it comes to getting laid instead of the same handful that have already fucked literally everyone you know, and will eventually settle down with some round skulled, no neck havin, cowboy boots wearin, skoal rubbin, truck revvin, mongoloid rather than you

There was a joke about west Virginians wanting to be civilized so they go go a dry cleaners to buy suits.
Pretty funny. Visiting Virginia soon.

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good for him, I miss her, she was the perfect 4th member

that is nothing, you should look up old photos of rich

he hates female nudity in movies, so I'd say so.

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why is this a .gif

normalfag gifs have to be as terrible and as pointless as possible.

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>Dude I enjoy the most grotesque and despicable movies imaginable but if there's a rape scene in there we're going to have a problem
>Dude I enjoy the most grotesque and despicable movies imaginable, I love watching every capeshit movie, but Ready Player One is sexist, misogynistic, and problematic as hell. Let Rich take care of this shit.
>Dude I enjoy the most grotesque and despicable movies imaginable, I love watching every capeshit movie, but a woman saying "I want to suck your cock" is too problematic and misogynistic.
>Dude I enjoy the most grotesque and despicable movies imaginable, but Harrison Ford's performance of Han Solo is sexist, misogynistic, and problematic as hell. Han solo literally RAPED Princess Leia in the OT. But even worse is his performance in the original Blade Runner, which I think is a bad movie, filled with sexist bullshit like the romance between Deckard and Rachael, which is predatory, and especially the scene when Deckard forced himself on her, and basically rapes her, while the movie pretends the scene is supposed to be "romantic. Ugh. So problematic
>Dude I enjoy the most grotesque and despicable movies imaginable, but a nip slip in a shitty 80s movie was so shocking to me I almost had a heart attack
>Dude I enjoy the most grotesque and despicable movies imaginable, but Sigourney Weaver was objectified in the first Alien film which is why I prefer Alien 3 as the best Alien film because how different, weird and unique it is!
>Dude I enjoy the most grotesque and despicable movies imaginable, but a scene in Pink Flamingos with female nudity makes me wanna throw up. But a tranny showing her cock is such a beautiful scene captured on film though
>Dude I hate rape scenes in movies, but when it's a female on male rape from my favorite director James Gunn it's perfectly okay

>My favorite character is Norman "All women are whores, kill all whores, no nudity, I love dressing up as a woman" Bates - JayBauman

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What are the chances Chris is only trying to break it big in Hollywood so Mike and Jay will have to pay attention to him and invite him on their show like Max Landis?

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Will Jay take up the offer?

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why would jay have sex with a woman

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Why is tv the only non-anime board that I see a bunch of tranny info

Which video is he referring to?

He's a closet case. Those kinds of relationships never hold.

a cute little fag

You can tell Jay isn't gay based on the fucking state of his dress sense.

>39 and still in denial

Nice try retard

Nice tits.

you got it

Do you think Jay still thinks about Gillian? He really blew his shot with her.

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>coping this hard

He couldn't get hard for her. It was really embarassing.

what's this image in reference to?

t. seething roastie

new video finally

Is he a top. Jay is only interested in tops.

It's one of his best videos so far I think.

the ghostbusters re:view

I was suscribed to his channel back then and got a notification about a new video. I watched it but an hour later when I wanted to watch it again the video was gone. I don't know how many people were able to watch it but considering the ongoing debate not that many.

he wears seasonal sweaters sweetie wake up

Cuckmann is everything they hate about the internet



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Did they give you the goofballs?

>misinterprets the ending to First Reformed than doubles down when called out

>thought that the house that jack built was a straight drama and all the humor was unintentional

>Thinks Citizen Kane invented plot structure when called out he moves the goal post

>Thinks death proof’s plot structure is unique despite it being identical to Psycho and it’s many clones

>Thinks love you daddy color scheme is to replicate older films and doesn’t understand that it’s a homage to woody Allen films

>Unironically thinks anyone who likes Welles or Kurosawa only likes them because they makes them look smart

>can’t comprehend that there is more than one type of editing style

>docks Happiness a point because he thinks that the pedophile didn’t suffer enough

> Reviews Ayka a film that he’s only seen 40 minutes of. Then complains that it won best actress at Cannes.

>Thinks Kevin Smith is trying to prove something with Tusk despite it just being a shitty podcast adaptation for the fans

>Doesn’t understand the purpose of repetition in film and docks a film for having two scenes that are similar

>is easily distracted by minor issues with a film which details him paying attentional all leading to him assuming or misinterpreting things

>doesn’t understand that the creatures in A quiet place weak points only are revealed through after bothered with a high pitch frequency

>Needs for everything to be explained and doesn’t understand the concept of magical realism

>Says they’ll never be another Matrix then clarifies that he means that studios wouldn’t take another risk on funding a large original project. Despite them doing that yearly. Jupiter ascending has almost three times the budget of The Matrix.

>misunderstood the satirical nature of Showgirls

>doesn’t get the fact that the Cloud is Sils Maria superhero scene is supposed to look as ridiculous as possible to highlight the juvenile nature of capeshit

Dog fucker is terrible

This. The Fanatic review makes it very clear, he tries so hard to sell the movie as something even worse.

Of what?

>gayboi is in denial
>one day gayboi wants to prove that he isn't a fag
>the only women he has access to and isn't related to him is his roommate
>gayboi is desperate and gets drunk
>female roommate is not having it and flees into the arms of gaybois straight friend
>20 years later gayboi is still in denial

Yes Mike’s tits are nice

I think Mike is trying to see how contrarian he can get while getting away with it. Their review of The Fanatic gave me no desire to see it at all. It sounds terrible.

he's pretty hateable

I skip any video he is in. He just enrages me, he is loathsome on such a basic reptilian level.

Mike is standing there with nipples protounding, very disrespectful.

it's a dominance thing

Going bald is beyond his ability to prevent ofc, but he really does need a beard, he is a charming and intelligent chap but he was not blessed with good looks.

Slingin' fetty

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Based Amber asking the real questions

I do not really see why people think comparing dose sizes means something, all drugs have different dose sizes, that alone tells you nothing about how dangerous or even powerful a given a drug is. Yes Fentanyl is effective at a much lower does than heroin, so what?

Jack and Josh have no sense of humor. But Jack at least is able to see a joke coming from a mile away and knows how not to get in the way. Josh lacks that kind of insight. When they did the juicy shaq meat joke Jack realized what was going on and played along. Josh didn't but instead tried to curb the joke.

Is there anyone out there that unironically follows dogfucker?

Both mike and jay are contrarians given the opportunity. Jay still won't watch Breaking Reddit to this day because Mike won't give Game of Plebs a chance. And Jay is still in denial that Game of Plebs is anything but normalfag garbage.

It's normal to hate homosexuals.


because sometimes people think they're getting heroin, not fentanyl

he is ok


If their dealer is selling uncut fenty as heroin, then yes he is going to kill a lot of people. The solution is to legalise all this shit so the government can regulate it and ensure a consistent level of purity, as long as criminals control this market people are going to die.

He is an extremely English Yorkshireman with the suspiciously German name "Georg Rockall-Schmidt" who lives and works in Mexico, no part of his backstory makes sense.

>Jay still won't watch Breaking Reddit to this day because Mike won't give Game of Plebs a chance.
Absolutely nothing about this sentence makes any sense or has any connection to reality.

>Mike won't give Game of Plebs a chance
fucking based

>Jay is still in denial that Game of Plebs is anything but normalfag garbage.
Jay has never even watched Game of Thrones.


Neither Mike nor Jay has watched The Sopranos.

>S-stop pointing out my autism, guys!



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>Suddenly more drug busts as potheads start growing warehouses full

>legalizing something will make it safer
alcohol and tobacco are legalized and fuck up a lot of people anyways, nothing is preventing retards from overdosing by using a lot of shit all at once, even if the individual dose size and purity are controlled

>alcohol and tobacco are legalized and fuck up a lot of people anyways
Sure, and they have big warning labels to tell you that. Regulated alcohol won't make you go blind like moonshine will, and regulated tobacco is mostly tobacco, not tobacco dust padded with asbestos or something. These things are inherently dangerous and obviously shouldn't be available to kids, but regulating it would certainly make it safer.

She added nothing of value to the discussions ever and everyone was really uncomfortable whenever she was on the panel.

>but regulating it would certainly make it safer.
Safer in itself, but more harmful overall, as a wider range of people will be willing to try something that is legal. I'll take some junkies fucking themselves up over opening the flood gates for a mainstream drug use, but maybe that's my bias of living in a country where smoking, alcoholism and drug use are rampant.

Making drugs illegal does nothing to stop people from using them. Evidence for this is that fact that they are illegal, and lots of people still use them. Making them legal just makes it safer, makes it easier for people with addiction to find help, and takes money away from criminal organizations

>Making drugs illegal does nothing to stop people from using them. Evidence for this is that fact that they are illegal, and lots of people still use them.
Evidence such as? Legal drugs are also the most popular ones, that's just logical and can be seen anywhere in the real world.

>Evidence such as
The fact that there are drug problems in places where those drugs are illegal

The data points the other way actually, making drugs legal REDUCES the appeal. Look at alcohol, most popular under prohibition, or look at how levels of drug use have dropped in Portugal after they legalised everything there.

>Evidence such as?
In 2001, Portugal decriminalized all drugs. The results speak for themselves.

You can fear monger your hypotheticals based on your assumptions of human behavior, but those assumptions actually arent true and aren't what we should be basing public fucking health policy on.

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They didnt just legalize drugs use though. The money they had spent on combating drugs was instead used to fund rehabs, needle exchange, information campaigns, etc.

Still revenue-positive, on top of the reduction in human misery, reduction of crime, and removal of revenue from the hands of criminal cartels.