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Sorry george
I'll apologize if you release HD versions of the non-special editions
Prequels > OT > Disney Wars
The prequels were better than Dune
I'm gunna do it, i'm going to say the n word!
dark empire was George lucas favorite part of the EU
I'm sorry that you're the American Hideo Kojima.
Hack fraud. Let's say for the sake of argument that he made the prequels bad on purpose or fans just "didn't get it". That still doesn't excuse the trash he was involved with later.
>Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
>Red Tails
>Strange Magic
Been saying this for years, but reverse. It's the same thing really
>ruins own franchise
>sells it to kikes
>still makes billions
>blames wypipo
Thanks, George
I'd also include Vince Gilligan in that category
Both the prequels and sequels suck ass, George
That's retarded, Vince has a way better track record than George.
>Prequels suck
>Sequels suck
"It's like poetry, it rhymes"
>this thread again
It's all so tiresome
Very well.
I apologize for not giving your ex-wife enough credit, Lucas. Enjoy her four billion dollars.
Never doubted you for a second georgie
I'm sorry the white slavers got your beautiful children George
Truly a master of storytelling.