Does he really post here? How can we be sure?
Does he really post here? How can we be sure?
Fuck you Bill. Nimoy was the guy.
Have you not noticed all the black cock tonight? All Bill.
If he’s on the board right now, I think it’ll be his last time browsing
ah blooh blooh
Sharpie in pooper or it doesn't count.
He confirmed it was him on the thread he made here on his twitter
>on the thread he made here on his twitter
VF tweeted him about Yea Forums he said not lately
Valley Forge a tripfag from /trek/
I think he found out what kind of people really post here and has avoided it since
Fuck him. Fuck you too. Fuck your mother. Go die somewhere.
someone tell him he's /ourjew/ though.
Bill pls come back
I tell people I post here but I really only lurk
He stopped posting here because he got annoyed at people pretending to be him
good. Bill, iffin you listenin' this here an anonymus chan. This ain't facebook.
At least have decency to tripfag iffin you want your anus licked.
>Damn it Jim, you've got to stop posting on Yea Forums! You're a captain, not an incel!
Nimoy was gay.
Shatner is /ourjew/
Sisko > Kirk
All day, erry day.
tripfags are scum
What does your heart tell you?
So too are celebrities. We are debating colloquialisms at this point.
Hello Anons
holy based...
Based and redpilled. Holy fuck
one of us confirmed
based william shatner
mr shatner if you're reading this I just finished the original series and loved every second
Easy test for Shatner: how do you pronounce the last name of this Panda Express franchisee? (Choose carefully.)
>those liver spots
Christ, aging is scary af.
He posted an AMA thread on here a year or two ago and confirmed it on his twitter
Up to a certain point, it's still less scary than not existing. Liver spots aren't nearly as bad as a prostate the size of a grapefruit.
so based he doxxed himself