Is she the new Maisie Williams?

Is she the new Maisie Williams?

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goblin face

No lmfao.


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She's too young and hasn't been in enough movies to warrent that yet

unironically she cleans up better than i imagined

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maisie at least has a good body

I wonder if she knows she was hired because she's ugly. I wonder if all ugly/weirdo/fatties know that when they get the part it's to cause revulsion.

How does that feel?

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She has a medical condition. Maisie is just ugly.

Is that one of those ashkenazim I keep hearing about.

No, Maisie was actually cute at one point

what condition?

All that matters to me is foot game. Show me her heels and then I'll decide.


Oppailolitis butterfacia

It’s been named “funny looking Stranger Things kid disease”

This, cute as a button first season; no one could know she would turn into a goblina. Bran was even worse though. He was gorgeous and I would pederast hard on S1 Bran. Jesus Christ the horror.

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goblino de las americas

No she can actually act

especially when the role is making fun of them. they see an ad for "ugly girl wanted for movie part" and they go "oh fuck yeah thats me"

gotta hurt

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she looks like she speaks muppet

I am going to slit your fucking throat you nonce.

I didn't mind her as Annie in the Broadway production, but when she appeared in hereditary it really CLONKCLONKCLONK clonked my bonkers

You're pretty gay if you wouldn't give this boy hugs and kisses

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maisie is cute